《The Chapstick Girl》Confess


Amber's pov:

Walking out of my last class of the day, I find myself letting out a sigh of relief.

I couldn't wait any longer to barricade myself in my room and slip myself under the warm covers of my bed.

Homework? Not important. Sleeping until school the next day? Yes please.

If I could wake up and forget about this awful day and the emotional stress that it gave me, I will in fact be skipping to the bus stop tomorrow morning for the first time in forever.

Throwback to when I actually liked going to school...

*cough* disgusting *cough*

Now I can't even recall a time that I didn't sleep through at least five of my seven morning alarms.

It's a shame... really. I feel bad for what my future husband will have to put up with each morning. He better be a morning person.

Hearing someone calling my name from behind me, I look over my shoulder to see Liam making his way towards me.

I know it's only been about two hours since I last saw him, but gosh did I feel glad to see my best friend again.

"Liam." I say under my breath, pulling him into a hug when he gets close enough for me to reach.

We get a couple stares since we were still in the middle of the hallway, but just once, I want to be that person.

"Are you okay, you know, after all that went down?" He asks, pulling away from our hug after a couple of seconds have passed.

I look up at his worried eyes, giving him a small smile to let him know not to worry, "I'm okay, I just feel bad for Damien, Julie, and well all of them actually. They have such a strong friendship with one another and I hope that all of this won't change that."

I tell him truthfully because lately, I've been feeling like I've been hiding things from him. Which I know for some friendships it is completely normal, but for ours, not so much.

We've always told each other everything.

I mean, maybe a little bit too much on his part with his very... let's say fantasies...

About men of course.


But there has been a lot that has recently happened that I haven't told him about.

Like the almost kiss between Damien and I.

Actually, make that two almost kisses.

"Hey don't worry about that, they have been friends for a while now, and all friends fight." He says, placing his arm around my shoulder walking me to my locker.

"Speaking of friends fighting... I just wanted to apologize if it seemed like I was keeping the whole Damien's sister thing from you, it just didn't feel like my secret to share-..."

"You don't have to apologize, I wouldn't be mad at you for something like that. In fact, I completely agree with the reason for not telling me. Damien is free to tell whoever he wants about his sister, even if that person is a two-faced, snobby little peace of sh-..."


"Liam Matthew Davis I would appreciate it if you could watch your language on school grounds." Our history teacher walks by, eyeing him with a small glare.

"Sorry Ms.G, won't happen again." Liam says before muttering under his breath, "b*tch."

I wack the side of his stomach with my hand, causing a small groan to leave his mouth.

"You meanie." He whines, holding the spot where I 'hit' him dramatically.

"Aren't you a boxer? I thought you could take hits? Or did I hurt your ego..."

I giggle, opening my locker as he flips me the middle finger. He waits as I put away all the books that I won't need for homework.

School backpacks have already given me back problems, I would not like a broken spine to be next.

"Anyways what were we talking about again? Oh yeah! Let's see... peace of sh-..."

I cover his mouth with my hand before he could finish, "Although I can't necessarily disagree with what you were about to say because I am upset with her myself, I would like to mention that Damien actually didn't even tell Annabelle in the first place."

"Wait... come again?" He asks, slightly tilting his head to the side with a look of confusion on his face.

"Damien didn't tell her, she found out on her own. For some reason, she was in the hospital and saw it herself." I say, causing a frown to take place on his face.

"So you mean to say that all she said was not only rude, but wasn't even true?! Woman or not, if I was Damien I would have drop kicked her ass on the spot!"

Like always, Liam's words always find a way to make me laugh, "I don't doubt it, but I still feel bad for Damien. I hate that he was put in such a difficult position with Luke because of miscommunication. I just hope that Annabelle gets what she deserves after this, I never what to see her again." I complain, to which he nods his head.

"I mean... I can make that happen-..."

"Liam! You can't say that, especially since we are still in school-..."

"It's called," he snaps his fingers in my face dramatically, "freedom of speech."

"You drive me crazy."

"Love you too." He pokes my forehead.

"By the way, don't you have practice today?" I ask, seeing that he didn't have a practice bag with him.

"Your dad canceled it this morning and for the next two days as well, I was meaning to ask you what that was all about." I only look back at him with the same questioning look.

"Really? He didn't tell me anything this morning and there is nothing that I know of that would have caused him to cancel it."

I glance up at the clock, my eyes widening instantly, "oh crap, the bus-..."

"Shush, you say that as if your licensed to drive amazing best friend isn't here." He says, waving his keys in front of my face. If it was anyone else, I would feel bad, but with Liam, I know for a fact that he would have dragged me off of the bus by my foot if I tried to get out of him taking me home.



Like he has done before.

"Can I drive-..."

"Absolutely not."

"Why not?!" I whine, giving him my best puppy eyes, but it doesn't work as he pushes me.

"Because you suck at driving."

"I do not!!!"

In reality he couldn't be more right...

"Is that so? The last time I let you drive you almost hit my mailbox, you stopped on a green light, and you made a turn onto a one way, in the WRONG DIRECTION!"

"And yet you are still alive, I think that's a win in my book." I cheekily reply, to which he rolls his eyes.

"I don't know how you got your license."

"Luck was on my side that day, that's all I can say."

"But clearly not on mine, I would in fact like to live to see my graduation."

"We got another year and a half left, you should cross your fingers and hope for the best."

"I will, thank you very much."

After we get to his car, he takes me to my house, not forgetting to blast the radio on full volume as we sing our hearts out as if we could actually sing.

But hey, if two negatives equal a positive, then guess what that makes two horrendous singers...

When we pull up to my house, I find myself not wanting to get out, mainly because in the back of my mind, I knew that there was something that I couldn't keep to myself any longer.

Say it Amber, you might get brutally murdered after you say it, but at least your will have a clear conscience after death.

"I have to tell you something."

"There is something I need to tell you."

We both find ourselves saying at the same time. My eyes widen along with his as we both stare at each for a couple of seconds before bursting into a fit of laughter.

"W-wait mines a-actually important though." He says between laughs, holding his stomach.

"H-hey! Mine is too!" I say, wiping the tears that escaped my eyes from the sudden fit of laughter.

"Okay, how about this..." he takes a couple deep breathes to calm his laughter before looking back at me with a semi-serious expression.


"We say what we need to confess at the same time so it's easier to tell the other person."

"That sounds good... but you might freak out from mine." I say cautiously, knowing him like the back of my hand, I will not be leaving this car without him demanding every single detail.

"And you might freak out from mine... so we are even." He says.

His response kind of scares me because he is typically always straightforward with everything that is happening in his life.

"So on the count of three, we are going to shout it out, you ready?" I nod my head at his words, feeling the nerves starting to kick in.

I don't think I will be able to get out of this car alive. This may actually be the end of me.


Lord, prepare my entrance, I'll be there soon.


Dad, I love you, thanks for always being there for me, I'm sorry I had to leave this way.


"I almost had my first kiss."

"I almost had my first kiss."



"I know."

"Wait what!!! You already knew Damien and I almost-..."

He laughs at me, shaking his head, "he kinda spilled the beans after the bleacher kiss. That's why we got yelled at and had to do push-ups. But since you brought it up... WHERE is the Ambien Journal I FORGOT TO WRITE IT DOWN." He starts to lift up the center console and dig around it for the journal, but I was too much in a state of shock to realize.

"Well... technically we actually almost kiss twice..."



"Wait hold on...YOU almost kissed someone too? WHO?! Do I know him?!! How long has this been going on for?!" I ask, it took awhile to hit me, but now that it has, I couldn't help but stare at him in shock.

I didn't even know that he had been interested in someone lately, in fact I have been so caught up in my "love" life, I didn't consider the chance that maybe there is a Mr. someone in HIS life.

That's it... I'm a terrible best friend.

"Give me a second-... holy sh*t Amber you are going to give me cardiac arrest or somethin. I can't believe this is happening. I have waited years for this ship to sail and I'm not even the slightest bit prepared."

"Wait, I want to know about-..."

"Shhhh," he places his finger over my mouth, "we can talk about me in a second, you on the other hand got details to spill and an explanation to share. You better start now because I can already feel a scream forming at the back of my throat and it will not be the slightest bit pretty."

And for the next few minutes or so, I find myself telling him all about the two times that we almost kissed. The first being in the bleachers and the second being in his car.

When I finally finished, I sit back in my seat, wanting to here about his almost first kiss.

"I guess I should tell you who it was almost with first..." he says, anxiously biting his lips.

"Hey don't be nervous with me now, I want to know the man who has turned my best friend into a blushing mess."

He tries to hide his red face with his hands, which is almost weird to see because usually I am the one who is trying to cover up a blush when the topic is about Damien.

"I almost kissed Zander."

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