《The Chapstick Girl》Tension


Damien's pov:

Gathering my stuff together, I walk out of the locker room to be meant with the worried eyes of Amber.

She's cute.

"Hey are you guys okay? I saw how my dad made you three do all those pushups." She says, coming over and taking my practice bag off my shoulder and putting it on her own, noticing how tired I looked.

After the whole...

You know...

Liam freaking out about the kiss and Coach making us do sixty pushups...

He thought that by us goofing around, we were slacking off so he made practice a bit more difficult... to say the least.

And let's just say that the rest of our teammates weren't too happy about that.

It wasn't hard to miss the dirty looks given our way every time coach would give us something harder to do.

But I know I shouldn't be upset by it because I probably would feel the same way if it was one of them who made practice harder on an easy day.

"We're okay, and you don't have too-..." I try to take my bag back from her, feeling bad for her having to hold such a heavy thing, but she shakes her head while pushing my hands away.

"I got it, no worries. I don't want you falling over on me now." She grins, adjusting the strap of the bag to make it a little bit more comfortable.

"If you insist... but if it gets to much then let me know, okay?" I ask, earning a playful salute in return.

"Yes Damien, Damien sir." She giggles before playfully ruffling my hair, causing me to whine in return.

"Heyyyyy, I just showered and fixed up my hair." I pout while trying my best to smooth it back down, causing a few more giggles to escape her mouth.

Cute giggles... STOP IT DAMIEN.

"By the way, what was Liam shouting about anyways, I couldn't quite hear-..."

"NOTHIN-... I mean... Uh. I actually can't remember. You know how-... uhm Liam gets. He just... yells out crazy stuff without ANY meaning behind it..." I laugh nervously.

She looks at me with a look of confusion, "Are you sure? Because it looked to me as if he was freaking out over some kind of news-..."

"What!!! No... what would there even be any news about?! I mean.. did you hear anything happen? Because I CERTAINLY DID NOT-..."

"Okay, okay!" She laughs, patting my shoulder in attempt to stop me from sputtering nonsense.

Which in the end just caused an embarrassed blush to form on my cheeks.

I look away from her and back at the mats in attempt to hide my red cheeks, but I doubt that she didn't notice because in no time I hear a small chuckle escape from her lips.

The lips that I almost kissed...


Act normal.

Act normal.

Act normal!!!!!

"So are we ready to head out?" I ask quietly, looking back at her while trying to ignore the previous topic of discussion.

"I'm ready to go." She says, grabbing her backpack and putting it on.

I couldn't help but wince, the fact that my heavy practice back was still on her shoulder and considering that we are juniors and are taking more difficult classes, there is no way that her backpack could be light.

"Are you sure you are okay with taking my bag? I feel better now." I ask in another attempt to take my bag back, but I am left with the same answer as before.


And knowing that I wouldn't be able to win, I sigh in defeat, grabbing my own backpack and putting it on.

Amber waves goodbye to her dad before grabbing my wrist and quickly pulling me out of the practice room.

"I didn't realize you were that hungry." I joke while slightly nudging her shoulder with my free hand.

She laughs, "It's not that, I just wanted to get out of there before Liam had the chance to see us. Love him to death, but I was getting some weird interrogation vibes from him when we would make eye contact during practice. It actually started happening a little after he started screaming about who knows what. Strange right?" She looks at me as I try not to look like a deer caught in headlights.

Oh shoot... I didn't even think about that.

Amber and Liam are BEST FRIENDS.

There is no possible way that Liam will not attempt to talk to Amber about the, what would have been, a kiss.

And if that happens, Amber will figure out that he must have been told by me...

THEN SHE WOULD KNOW that the kiss was on my mind TO THE POINT where I had to tell Luke and Liam to get it off my chest!!!!!!!!!

Oh crap!!!!!!

I can't let Liam talk to Amber before I have the chance to talk to him MYSELF!!!

"Okay I think we can slow down now-..." Amber begins to say before she was interrupted by a shout.

"Hey!! Damien, Amber, where you going?!!" We both turn around to see the devil himself at the end of the hallway.

We both freeze as we glance at one another, basically giving each other a 'busted' look.

"Should we..." Amber whispers to me with a nervous smile on her face as she waves at Liam.

"RUN." In less than a second, I am now the one grabbing Amber's wrist and hightailing us out of there.

I don't even know if he attempted to try and chase after us or not, but all I know is that once we reached my car from sprinting from one side of the school campus to the other, he was no where to be seen.

I open the trunk where we throw all of our bags in before we quickly get in and head off.

"He's going to kill us, you know that right?" Amber says, looking out the window for any sign of him before looking back at me with a guilty expression.

"I have no doubt that he will. But on the bright side, we can eat now." I give her a cheeky grin, causing her to roll her eyes, but I could tell she was trying to hide a smile.

And of course us being us...

It's always hard to decide where to eat when it comes to me and her because both of us want the other to choose where to go.

It wasn't until we both decided to yell out our top three at the same time did we figure out where to go since we both mentioned it.

That being Chick-fil-A.


"You are literally five years old."

"I am not!!"

"I thought ordering the kids meal at McDonald's was a one time kinda thing, but I guess not." Amber squints her eyes at me from across the table as I give her innocent eyes.

"There is nothing wrong with wanting my six piece chicken nuggets with my fruit cup, small drink and toy."

"And what are you, a 17 year old teenage boy, gonna do with a toy meant for a preschooler." She asks, raising her eyebrow at me.


I shrug my shoulders while eating another one of my chicken nuggets, "You're just jealous."

"Hmm... really?"

"Yep." I give her a cheeky grin before stealing one of her waffle fries, making a cute whine escape from her lips.

"That's mine!!" She argues, but she was too late to stop me from shoving her waffle fry in my mouth.

"Sharing is caring." I mumble out with a mouth full of fry, causing her face to scrunch up with disgust.

"Did you learn such wise words in your preschool class today Damien?" She sticks out her tongue at me causing me to do the same.

For the rest of the time there, we joke around like we usually do before heading back in my car.

"Again, I don't what to pressure you in having to see my sister, if you don't-..."

"Hey come on now, you know me better than that. Like I've said countless times before, I love, love, LOVE your sister, and I can't wait to see her again." She says with a wide small on her face.

I feel my heart clench from her words as an even wider smile than hers appears on my face, to the point where it even hurt.

I don't know how, but day by day she just continues to amaze me even more.

I don't know how that is even possible, I would be lying if I said the way she makes me feel doesn't shock me to the slightest bit.

In fact, it terrifies me how quickly it takes for her to have me wrapped around her finger, because I know that I would do anything for her.


"You are-..."

"A better word than amazing? I believe you have mentioned it before." She playfully winks at me before fastening her seatbelt.

"I-... Y-Yes." I stutter, putting the back of my hand on my cheek to make sure my face wasn't warming up while her attention wasn't on me.

Gathering my senses, I take a deep breath before putting my car in reverse and exciting the parking lot.

From Chick-fil-A, it was only a five minute drive to the hospital, and for the first minute or so, it was spent in a comfortable silence.

But that was broken by Amber's quiet voice, "I, oh wow, how do I say this." Amber whispers under her breath, but it catches my attention as I take a quick glance at her to see her looking down at her hands.

"You can tell me anything Amber, I'm always here to listen." I reassure her, catching on to the nervousness in her voice.

Have I mentioned she's cute?

"O-okay. Well, it is actually more so a question... about today."

"About today?" Thoughts race through my mind as the first thing I can think of is the...


"Yeah..." she draws out, looking back at me.

"W-Well like I said you can tell me anything." I stutter, but on the inside, I was just praying that she wouldn't mention the almost kiss.

Because I don't think I'm ready to talk about that yet, especially since I don't know where my feelings exactly are yet...

But I know that I definitely DO feel something different when I'm around her...

I just... haven't had the time to sit down and think about my them yet. I think I'm more so confused on what I'm feeling.

"I just wanted to ask about...what happened at lunch."


I can't even describe how relieved I feel, even though I know this definitely isn't the end of the topic, I already know that by now Luke has already spilled everything to Ella, who probably already told Ally and may be on their way to tell Julie and depending on Gianna's sanity in that moment, may tell her too.

But nevertheless, I'm going to have to talk about it sooner or later.

But thinking back to the current conversation, I couldn't help but furrow my eyebrows in confusion at Amber's words.

"At lunch?" I ask, trying to remember what even happened today.

Heck what even is today... is it still Monday?

I quickly try to remember today's events at lunch, but to be honest I don't even remember.

Was it today or last week that I stole her cookie? I mean I knew she was going to hunt me down at some point but a calm discussion isn't how I thought it would go down.

"I don't want this to come off rude or anything, or like I am bothered by this person, because I am not at all..." she draws out.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, "okay...?"

"Well, I-... I'm just going to go ahead and say what's on my mind," she takes a deep breath, "does Annabelle... does she have something against me? I mean, I know you already told me how you guys met and stuff like that, and I get that she seems like a nice person...but at lunch, she seemed angry at me... I don't know, it may just have been me-..." she says, looking at me nervously.

"What? Annabelle doesn't have anything against you! Amber you are like the sweetest person on the planet, no one could have anything against you, and as far as I know, that includes Annabelle." I say, trying my best to make her feel better because looking at her expression, it seems like that this is something that really is bothering her.

And I would be completely lying if I said it didn't worry me...

A lot.

"Thank you... but she just, I don't even know how to put it into words honestly."

"No you're okay, I completely understand and I'm really glad that you told me if she was rubbing you the wrong way. I've just gotten to know her today so I truthfully can't tell you any reason why she might have acted like that, but all I can think of is maybe she has trouble with meeting new people?"

She stays quiet for a couple seconds, taking sometime to think before responding, "You're right, I probably should have considered that more instead of jumping to conclusions. It may just be hard for her to meet new people, and if that's the case than I would feel terrible. I-...I usually don't think like that, I don't know what is wrong with me..." she says the last part before covering her face with her hands quickly while leaning forward, hunched over in her seat.

I don't know what came over me, but my first instinct was to pull over, unbuckle my seatbelt, and reach over and uncover her hands from her face to make sure that she was okay.

After that, I tilt her chin up as I watch her eyes nervously gaze back at me, causing her to subconsciously bite her lip.

And just like that, I begin to feel the same feelings as before, the sudden urge to lean in...

And kiss her.

My face was already close to hers, her body pressed up against mine, as I caged her body in with the seat.

Neither of us could deny this tension between us...

It was just a matter of figuring out what to do with it.

We were both frozen, just staring into each other's eyes as we waited for the other to make the move.

And maybe it would have happened...

If it wasn't for the loud knock at my window.

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