《The Chapstick Girl》Snuggles


Amber's pov:

Something was in the air.

It wasn't anything particular... like an object or a smell.

But I felt it, I just couldn't put my finger on it.

*blaring noise going off*

"F*CK YES!!!!!"

"What in the-..." Damien was cut of by an excited Ashton running into the living room and hurdling over the coach towards the tv remote.

"Jeez, someone's been a bit impatient for their snuggles." Zander snickers, making his way into the living room, followed by everyone else.

"Ashy, when I said that we could start the movie in an hour or so, I didn't think you would actually set a timer on your phone to start the movie, if you wanted to so badly, we could have just-..."

"No, no! Like I said we didn't NEED movie night, I just thought that our night would run more smoothly if we started the movie at this exact time."

Luke glances at the clock, "At exactly 10:43?"

"Yeah!!! You know 10:44 is just really pushing it, I didn't want anyone to fall asleep during the movie... you're welcome."

"Thanks?" Luke says confused, looking at Ella who shrugs her shoulders before dragging Luke to the couch.

"Well I do gotta say, I kinda did miss our movie nights!!" Jake exclaims, joining in on Ashton's excited state.


Even though he didn't want to admit it...

I think we all knew.

"Babe, you always complain about the movies we pick." Gianna rolls her eyes as Jake stomps his foot at her remark.

"That's because you girls ALWAYS pick the movie!!! If I have to sit through one more awfully, cheesy romantic movie I'm going to throw myself out of the window."

"Not my window."

"FINE Ashton's window."

"I think the F-... bleep not." Ashton laughs nervously, taking a peek at Julie before continuing to scroll through the movies.

"Well that's just your opinion, I don't hear any of the other boys complaining." Gianna says matter of factly.

Jake looks at the boys, signaling for help, but none of them speak out against the choice of movie.

"What...? Come on... Zander. You're outspoken, why aren't you saying anything?"

"Sorry to break it to you, but cheesy romantic movies are what I f*ckin live for." Zander says, jumping over the couch and taking a seat next to Liam.

"Boo you whore... Luke?"

"Sorry," he holds his hands up in defense, "if my girl wants to watch a cheesy romantic movie then we are watching a cheesy romantic movie."

"Are you serious-..."

"THAT'S MY BOY!!!" Zander says, pretending to wipe a few tears from his eyes before reaching over to fist bump a proud looking Luke.


"Damien?" Jake then asks, looking at Damien pleadingly.

I look over at Damien to see a small smirk tugging on his lips, "I've actually never minded."

After a dramatic gasp from Jake, he crosses his arms with a pout, "Not fair!! And I can't even ask Ashton because he is too whipped to answer truthfully."

"Am not!!!"

"Oh really, then what is your opinion on having to sit through another cheesy romantic movie?"

It was hard to miss Ashton obvious glance at Julie before he answers, "I don't mind them."


"Okay!!!" Julie claps her hands together, trying to keep the peace, or save herself from hearing Jake say a bad word, "I do have to agree with Jake that we always do end up watching cheesy romantic movies, so tonight we can try something else."

Everyone agrees to her words with either a "yes" or a head nod, causing Jake to jump up and down excitedly before impatiently pushing Gianna to the couch just to practically jump on top of her.

"Are you comfortable?" Damien suddenly asks from beside me on the couch.

"Yeah, why?"

He shrugs his shoulders, a light blush on his cheeks as he looks away from me, avoiding eye contact, "I- I just wanted to m- make sure since this is how we are watching the m- movie." He stutters cutely, looking back at me with his wide doe eyes.

I give him soft smile, "Oh thank you, but I'm okay."

He gives me a smile in return, "Okay, tell me if you need anything though, I won't mind."

I nod my head, childishly giving him a thumbs up, "I will!"

"Hurry, hurry!!! It doesn't take that long to search on the tv!!! You should know your alphabetical letters by now!!" We look over to see Jake complaining while Ashton was indeed taking his time putting the letters into the search bar.

"No need to be so desperate for the movie Jake." Ashton says, not even giving a glance at the ticked off Jake behind him.

"EXCUSE YOU! YOU WERE THE ONE WHO EVEN WANTED-..." A hand over his mouth from Gianna prevents him from continuing.

"Can we just peacefully watch the movie without any bickering?" Gianna asks.

"Hhhhm, that's a little rich coming from," with a single head snap from Gianna towards Luke's direction, Luke was quick to jump onto Ella's lap, holding her close, "Ella! Don't say things like that! It's rude... heh" Luke quickly tries to put the blame on Ella, who only rolls his eyes at his behavior.

"The longer I'm with you the more I can feel my sanity slipping away."


"You know you love it." Luke wiggles his eyebrows at a flustered Ella.

"You're heavy." She looks away from him while she pushes him off her lap.

"What, the muscle too much for you baby?"

"Or the fat..." Gianna snorts, earning a high five from Jake.


"Movie time!!!" Ashton shouts, hitting play on the movie before jumping on the couch next to Julie, wrapping his arms around her and snuggling his head into her neck.

The room goes completely quiet as everyone focuses intently on the movie.

Not going to lie, I think it's the quietest it's been ever since I met this friend group...

Not that I'm complaining though.


Halfway through the movie, I couldn't help but begin to feel a little chilly, causing me to begin to shiver lightly.

I look over at Damien to see if he seemed cold, but he was completely fine as he continued to watch the movie.

Should I tell him that I'm cold?

No I shouldn't bother him, he seems pretty drawn to the movie.

But he did say to tell him if I needed anything...

But still...

I couldn't help but go back and forth on whether or not I should tell him or not.

I know, it's childish, really, but my overthinking, paranoid brain just likes to turn everything into an issue.

Like come on, I'm seriously debating whether or not I should tell Damien if I'm cold or not.

But because of my internal argument, I didn't realize that at some point Damien had looked over and probably seen me shivering because the next thing I know he is wrapping us both in a big, fuzzy blanket.

He looks over at me with a noticeable frown on his face, "You were shivering."

"Was I?" I laugh nervously at the fact that I was tucked under a blanket...

With Damien.

"Yes, you should have told me you were cold!" He whispers, squinting his eyes at me.

I give him an innocent smile, "I just didn't want to bother you while you were watching the movie."

He scrunches his nose, "I think you know me pretty well by now, do you really think that would have bothered me?"

I shake my head, "No but-..."

"Shhhhhhhh." We look up to see Jake shushing us before he was smacked in the head brutally by Gianna...

And Zander...

"Don't shush them!!!" Zander looks at Jake before turning towards us with an innocent smile, "continue you two." He says, eyeing the blanket that we were sharing.

There was a moment of silence between Damien and I before he leans downs and whispers, "Look."

I look up at him to see that he was facing somewhere else in the room, so I follow his gaze to where Zander and Liam were sitting.

I look at them, confused as to what Damien wanted me to see, but I soon understood when Zander leaned down toward Liam's ear, whispering something causing Liam to blush bright red.

"There has to be something going on between those two." Damien snickers.

I had to bite back my smile as I watched Liam twiddle his thumbs, something he would do when he was feeling shy.

Which was DEFINITELY a rare sight to see, considering the fact that Liam almost never gets shy.

"I have to agree with you, Liam is blushing so much right now from whatever Zander is saying to him, and I've never seen him act that way before..."

"And I've never seen Zander flirt with someone so easily before. Usually he gets nervous when it comes to flirting with other guys, but from what I'm seeing, he definitely got his eyes set on Liam." Damien whispers back.

Watching them for a few more seconds, I take my gaze away from them, looking back at the movie feeling a little lost from missing some of the previous scenes.

But that didn't bother me because I soon start to feel a wave of tiredness go through me from the sudden warm and coziness I was feeling from the blanket.

Before I could stop it, a small yawn escapes from my lips, catching the attention of Damien, who looks over at me.

"Tired?" He asks.

I nod my head, blinking my eyes rapidly to stop myself from dozing off.

"Here," Damien says, wrapping an arm around me to place my head on his shoulder, "you can sleep on my shoulder, I don't mind."

If it wasn't for the blanket covering half my face, anyone could have seen the rising blush on my cheeks.

"Are you-....sure." Feeling drowsy, saying those words felt like a lot of effort as I continued to try and fight myself from closing my eyes.

"Yes, please get some rest, I could tell that you were a little bit tired when I got here. When it's time to go I will wake you up and take you home so you don't have to worry about getting a ride."

Feeling content with his words, I let out a sound that was somewhere between "yes" and "mhhhm."

And slowly, I let myself fall into a peaceful slumber with the sound of both the movie and my fast beating heart.

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