《The Chapstick Girl》Liam


Liam's pov:

My eyes were bulging out of their sockets after I witnessed Jake being single handily taken down by a ruthless Gianna.



I guess I'm going to have to start watching what I say around these girls...

They don't take shit from anyone.


Even their own boyfriends.

It honestly made me think about all the crap ton of shit that I put Amber through.

Considering all the times that Amber had to save me from getting in trouble from my loud mouth and stupid actions...

I kinda feel bad for having her put up with me for so many years.

I don't know how she did it.

But hey! What else could you possibly expect coming from a gay bestfriend?

Something NORMAL?!!


Never heard of her.

Someone's gotta keep things SPICY.

"Okay so now that everyone has been here for a while, do we want-..."

"To start eating? Yes-..." Jake's words were quickly cut off by a slap in the back of the head from Ashton.

"I wasn't done talking doofus." Ashton glares at Jake, who shrugs off his imitating stare.

"That look doesn't do anything to me anymore, I've seen much," he glances at Gianna quickly then turns back towards Ashton before whispering, "much worse."

"I heard that-..."

"But I love her very, VERY much." Jake rushes out quickly, skipping towards Gianna and pecking her temple a few times.

"Smooth." Luke says under his breath, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Excuse you, your judgement is unnecessary."

"I'm sure."

"Neither is your sarcasm." Jake glares, swinging an arm around Gianna.

"What sarcasm?"



"What you're saying!!!"


"Right now!!!"






"BECAUSE-..." Jake was interrupted by a slap in the chest from Gianna.

Poor Jake.

Always getting abused.

"Stop bickering like five year olds."

"He started it!"

"My point exactly." Gianna says, motioning for Ashton to continue what he was saying before Jake...

Decided to be himself.

"As I was saying," Ashton starts, sending a glare towards Jake, "do we want to talk for a little bit longer or start the movie now before we start getting tired?"

"What he is trying to say is, can he cuddle his girlfriend now or does he have to wait any longer." Zander says, earning a round of laughs from everyone.

Except of course, a pouty Ashton.

"I'm not that desperate..."

"Oh really?"


"So you won't mind if we push the movie until later right?"

There was a moment of silence from Ashton, as it was clear he wasn't too fond of having to wait to cuddle Julie.

It was pretty obvious.

"Psssssh. Yeah, of course! We don't even need a movie night if it comes down to it."

"Oh? So you are saying no-..."

"BUT I THINK WE SHOULD have a movie... you know, just because."

"Just because-..."

"Just because," he looks around before spotting Amber and I, "We need to give Liam and Amber the full experience. And since we always end with a movie, it would only be fair."


I look over at Julie who only rolls her eyes at his lame excuse, but nonetheless takes his hand, "Whatever you say Ashy, so everyone in agreement for movie later?"

Everyone nods their heads, even the sulky Ashton, who we all knew would rather cuddle Julie while using the excuse of the movie.

And just like that, everyone was back to chatting before the whole... cookie jar incident went down.

I've got to say, it happened pretty fast.

One second everything was normal and I was having a conversation with Ashton about boxing, and the next, hell broke loose.

This friend group is definitely something...

But in a good way.

It's weird to think that everyone in this group is so different from one another, and yet they stick together so naturally.

But I guess that's kinda what Amber and mine's friendship is like.

We are complete opposites, and yet we've been best friend since preschool.

Let me put it to you this way, Amber has always been more of a social butterfly. She talks to a lot of people outside our friendship, even earning herself a small nickname called "Chapstick Girl"

Seriously, the girl can't go a day without chapstick.

But I definitely believe that if something happened to me one day, if I had to move away or couldn't see Amber anymore, should would have plenty of friends to go to because she just gets along with everyone.

I on the other hand, have a bit of a different story

Although I come off loud and energetic, when it comes down to meeting new people...

It's kinda hard for me.

Ever since Freshman year really, I had it pretty rough.

I used to get pushed around and bullied a lot because of my sexuality...

Because I was different.

I thought that coming out would have made things a lot easier for me...

I could finally be myself without having to hide behind a facade...

But god was I wrong.

Although not everyone was bad...

I had Amber and quite a few others who stuck up for me, but the damage from others was already done.

I have to admit, all those experiences made me a lot stronger of a person and who I am today...

But it doesn't mean I don't get insecure easily.

I was so nervous to meet this friend group because the only person who I ever really put all my trust into was Amber.

I was scared of opening up, but after I met Julie, Ella, Ally, Gianna, Luke, and Damien for the first time, I felt comfortable to be myself.

They made me feel comfortable to be myself.

It feels really weird to be apart of a group...

But it's nice.


"Liam are you serious!!!" Julie and Ella laugh as I nod my head.

"I swear that's what happened!"

"Gosh, I'm surprised you're alive after confronting Tessa in front of the whole cafeteria. You're really telling me you were just a freshman?!" Ella asks.

"Yeah, but the best part was the look on her face. She's so used to being the one who brings others down, but when other people confront her, she looks like she's about to shit herself."


Julie laughs, "I could just imagine. I know last year she definitely got a kick out of trying to bring me down. After she found out I was dating Ashton she went ballistic! But I always had the boys and Gianna to back me up, so she never really was a problem."

"I'm surprised she didn't try to like, poison you in your sleep or something. I'm pretty sure the whole school knew about her obsession with Ashton."

"Oh the whole school district probably knew, and I wouldn't even be surprised if the thought of poisoning me crossed her mind."

"Doesn't Ashton's dad and her dad work together or something?" Ella asks.

"Yeah, I went to a dinner once with them and-... let's just say it was not my cup of tea."

They continue to talk about that, but I quickly fade out of the conversation.

Taking a glance around the kitchen, I couldn't help but feel like something was missing.

Or someone.


Make that two.

Excusing myself from the conversation, I walk towards the entrance of the kitchen and take a peak around the corner to the living room to see what I expected...

Damien and Amber.

DEFINITELY flirting.

Moment of silence...


F*cking CUTE as HELL.

I knew from the beginning that they would someday meet each other and hit it off.


And damn does it feel good to be right.

They were talking about something that I couldn't quite here, but I could just imagine...

"Yes Damien... I've actually loved you for years."

"Really? I feel the EXACT same way about you."

"Ahhh I should have known Liam was right. He's always right."

"He was right, he really is the best."

"He is."

"We should make out now."

"We should."


That's definitely how the conversation is going and there is no way that you can prove me wrong.

"Whatcha looking at?" A sudden voice startles me as I turn around quickly to see Zander watching me with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh... n-nothing." I stutter, suddenly starting to feel a little nervous all of a sudden.

What is wrong with me?

"Are you sure? Cause it looks like you were doing a little bit of spying," he puts his hands in his pockets while leaning closer to my face, "were you?" He asks, a hint of his minty breath fanning over my face.

"I-I... u-uhm no..?" I feel my heart start to beat faster as Zander smirks, sensing my nervousness at his sudden closeness.

Is it hot in here?

Why do I feel like this?

"You aren't a very good liar Liam." Zander says quietly, almost in a whisper, but because he was so close I was able to hear it loud and clear.

"I'm not... lying." Although I felt proud of myself for not stuttering while talking to him, I knew that my words meant nothing because he already knew.

"You know, it's okay to admit that you were spying. But now, I'm more curious as to why you're lying about it..."

Even though he was saying once thing, I don't think we are talking about me watching Damien and Amber anymore.

"I-...I said I wasn't lying." I scratch the back of my head while trying to think of a quick way to control my wacko emotions.

"Tsk... there it is again, another lie. How many more are you going to tell?" A sly grin forms on Zander's face as he bites his lip, hiding how much he enjoyed messing with me.

But f*ck did I like it.


A lot.

Taking a deep breath, I continue to look into his intense stare for a few more seconds before giving up, "Okay, you're right... I'm not a good liar."

Zander lets out a deep chuckle before moving back away from my face, but still close enough so that I could still smell his cologne from where I was standing.

It smelt good.

"See, was that so hard?" Zander teases, again nibbling on his bottom lip with his teeth.

Damn that's hot.

"Yes-... I mean no!" I quickly shake my head, mixing up my words as if I just got back from having way to many drinks.

Does drinking cause your heart to beat rapidly, stomach start to swarm, and words begin to jumble?

Because if so, I have reason to believe that Julie has spiked my drink.

"You wanna know something Liam?" Zander asks, instantly making me curious, but again, a little nervous.

Why am I so nervous?

Deep breathes Liam.

Don't overthink.


Taking a step closer, he slowly leans towards my ear, "You've grasped my interest, and I'm surely not letting you go."

Yes! Especially His Nerd Next Door! Julie is the first character I ever created and she was easy to write about because she is based off me. I'm really, really, REALLY awkward and it is hard for me to make conversations with people and not stress about the littlest of things.

Ashton and Julie cause they are my first couple and they just have a special place in my heart.

I like to day dream a lot. It's so fun to make romance stories in my head, so why no write them down and make something out of them!!!

Oh 100000000000000% Especially with His Nerd Next Door, I wrote it sooo long ago and I feel like I need to improve it a lot.

I don't know if people will believe me if I say this or not but it takes 3-4 hours to write a chapter. When I write, I tend to stop and think a lot. I write a conversation, then delete it, write another one, then delete it. I think it's because I'm just a perfectionist and I want the chapter to be perfect.

I wanted to make something out of my daydreaming.

Julie. I think that's self explanatory.

Depends on my mood. Usually between red, blue, and purple.


I love chocolate covered strawberries!!! Yum!!

Not until the end of His Nerd Next Door, I don't know, I kinda got this feeling that I really should.

HAHHHH. Non existent.




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