《The Chapstick Girl》Love Isn't A Crime


Amber's pov:

"Damien...no!!!!" I fight him off, bringing my foot up and kicking him away.

"Give me a bite~...!!!" He whines, grabbing my leg with his hands, pulling me closer to him so that he was able to reach the cupcake in my hand.

"No!!! Julie gave it to me... Get your own!!!" I laugh, attempting to hold the cupcake farther away.

This doesn't stop him as he puts his leg on top

of mine, holding me down so that he was able to push himself up the best he could and reach the cupcake.

"Hah!!!" He cheers, successfully grabbing the cupcake from my hand since I wasn't able to move away with his leg on top of mine.

Rudely, he takes a big bite of it, basically eating one half of it, if not more.

"Hey!!!" I pout, crossing my arms over my chest like a child, watching him chew, what couldn't be saved, what was already in his mouth.

He holds the cupcake towards me, but when I reach out to grab it, he pulls it away quickly.

"Nuh-Uh~... open your mouth." I was hesitant for a second, but with with his puppy eyes staring at me pleadingly and the cute pout on his lips, I knew I couldn't say no.

He breaks off the half that was left of the cupcake into a smaller piece before putting it in my mouth, basically feeding me the cupcake.

His sweet actions cause a small blush on my cheeks as I look down, chewing the delicious cupcake.

He does this three more times until it was gone.

I almost forgot that there were other people around us until we were interrupted by a clearing of a throat.

We look over to see Zander, who was sitting on the couch across from where we were sitting, with a daring smirk was on his lips.

A playful but almost dangerous glint shown through his eyes as they were fixed upon us.

"Hello you two... sorry to disrupt this..." he says, pointing a finger back and forth between Damien and I.

"No, no! You're fine, we were just talking." I give him a small, but warming smile.

"Talking...?" He asks, but his words were filled with doubt.

Talking consists of feeding someone a cupcake...



"Yeah... uh... how have you been?" Damien asks, trying to avoid the subject as he scratches the back of his head, removing his leg that was on top of mine.

You know...

Cause we were so close when we were talking...

Zander shrugs his shoulders, leaning back on the couch, "Same old, same old. College is way more boring than my highschool years, that's all I've got to say."

"Those were the good days, school definitely isn't the same without you guys." Damien says.

Zander nods, "Yeah, but at least you guys have each other. I feel like I lived my whole senior year awaiting graduating and getting out of that hell hole. But now I regret wanting to graduate so badly because I had so much more fun back in high school, and I had you guys."

"I guess it's times like these that are valuable since it's hard for all of us to be able to see each other all at once." Damien says.

Pfffft. Says the one who said he was bored and wanted to play games on my phone...

"You're right, and we even got two more friends to add to our little group. By the way, how long have you too known each other?" He asks curiously, his eyes flicking back and forth between us, in which I realized, we were sitting awfully close to one another.


"Do you remember that fight with Tessa I told you about? She was actually the one who saved us from being kicked off the team."

Zander's eyes widen as he looks at me. "Are you serious?! She's the one who was able to convince coach to keep you guys on the team?!! Wow, I'm impressed."

I look down at my hands, a light blush on my cheeks from the sudden praise, "Really, it was nothing. I just wanted to help."

"Well you're 'wanting to help' really did help us a lot. So thank you... but I'm so sorry."

"Wait, why are you sorry?" I look up at him with a confused stare.

"Because you had to save these two SHITHEADS from the situation they got themselves into in the FIRST PLACE!!!" He says, sending a glare towards Damien who only holds up his hands in defense.

"Hey!! It wasn't our fault!!! Tessa's the one who started it!" He argues.

"But in incidents like that, even I know that you've just gotta ignore it, especially if coach expresses how much he wasn't afraid to kick people off the team, even if it was his two best players."

"I know... she was just hurting Ally and trying to get with, well uhm, her ex boyfriend now. I think it was in the heat of the moment where we forgot and just wanted to help our friend."

Zander nods his head, locking his hands together, "I understand you guys, and I'm not upset at you for defending our friend. Ashton and I had a long phone call that night talking about whether we should ignore it since you guys made it out okay or beat the living shit out of you two for doing something extremely risky..."

From my seat, I could hear Damien's nervous intake of breath. It got quiet for a few seconds before a wild grin broke out on Zander's face.

"Sadly, Ashton kinda spilled the beans to Julie and option two was no longer... an option. So we are going to let it slide."

Damien lets out a sigh of relief, causing a small giggle to escape my lips.

"I just hope Tessa doesn't decide to do something like that anymore. Maybe I could ignore it, but I think it's a little bit of a different story for Luke. She mentioned somethings from last year that just really set him off."

"Julie did mention that to me also which makes me a little nervous for him. God... I literally can't stand her. I feel so sorry for you guys that she got held back and you have to deal with her on your own."

Damien shrugs, "It's been okay up until that, we all try to ignore her the best we can."

"You know, this basically sums up my conclusion that Tessa is the spitting IMAGE of the devil herself and if I could I would YEET her ass across the Pacific Ocean. But sadly, there are times where you just gotta take the higher road, even if it sucks a-..."

"No swearing." His words were suddenly interrupted by Ashton, who walks towards us in the living room, taking a seat on the couch.

"Excuse you, swearing is basically my religion biatch."

"Is getting beaten by a spatula also part of your religion? Because you know Julie's gonna pull it out if she hears you swearing in her oh so sacred household." Ashton pouts, crossing his arms over his chest.


Zander smirks, "Oh Ashy Pashy, What must hard life you have been given to retrieve such harsh treatment of only saying words coming from a child proof dictionary. Come here baby~..." Zander sings, attempting to grab Ashton, but he quickly swats his hands away, a glare clearly evident on his face.

"You know what?!! I CAN swear whenever I want!!! I'm a grown man," Ashton looks behind him, checking his surrounds before turning back towards Zander and whispering, "asshole."

"Mhhhm what was that? All I heard was your manliness slipping away as soon as you started that sentence." Zander smirks, enjoying the glare that Ashton was giving him.

"Are you kidding? Manliness is my middle name."

"Huh, before or after lovestruck puppy?"

"Before-... I MEAN NO!!! I'm not."



"Oh my gosh JULIE are you okay?!!!"

"WHAT??!!" Ashton quickly jumps up, turning around expecting to see a possibly injured Julie, but he was faced with an empty room, everyone else's laughter and loud talking being heard from the kitchen.

He takes a deep breath before returning back to his seat, but not before acknowledging Zander's smirk at his reaction.

"Shut up." He says before Zander even had the chance to comment.

"Awww it's okay Ashy Pashy, love isn't a crime, it's a ship.... To which I am sailing. So hold onto your reservations lover boy because this captain isn't taking any refunds."

Ashton only rolls his eyes, "Don't you have anything other to do than be the unwanted third person in my relationship?"

Zander smirks, "Pffffft. Please, every couple needs a number one fan and I'm simply just marking my territory as that."

"Against what competition." Ashton mutters under his breath.

"Hey! You should be grateful that I'm here. If yours and Julie's kids ever want story time between the two of you when you were younger, they can come to ME."

"Great, that's exactly what I wanted." Ashton says, his words dripping with sarcasm, but his tone doesn't get rid of the obvious grin on Zander's face.

"Ahhh, I can't wait to name your children."

"Wait what?! No-..."


Only a few glances were given between the four of us before we were full on SPRINTING to the kitchen.

When we arrived, the sudden scene in front of me caused my jaw to drop instantly, my eyes widened at what I was looking at.

Jake was standing by the window, the jar of cookies in his hand with a frightened look on his face.

His eyes carefully watched Julie, who had the biggest freakin spatula I have ever seen raised in the air.

"Julie, sweetie... baby, please, put the spatula down. We don't want a repeat of last time... right? Let's not use... physical force. Why don't we come to an agreement...hmmm? Give it to me." Ashton says, slowly walking towards Julie, attempting to take the spatula from her hand, but she only clutches it tighter in her grip.

"Not until Jake lets go of the jar of cookies in his hand."

Ashton turns toward Jake, who only clutched the jar tighter to his chest, "Jake... give me the jar. You know from last time that she will actually use it. And you even complained about being whacked by it for a couple days, you remember." He tries to reason, but Jake only shakes his head.

Gianna stands up from where she was sitting, walking towards Jake, "Jakey, give me the cookies. We hid those from you because you always eat them ALL. Let Julie and everyone else enjoy them for once." Gianna compromises, attempting to grab the cookies, but he turns his body away from her, not even giving in to his own girlfriend.


"What was that?"

"No!! Just because you're my girlfriend it doesn't mean you can sweet talk me from eating these cookies. Not a chance! You don't have that power on me!!!" He says quite confidently, but his confidence completely drops from the look on Gianna's face.

I couldn't see it because she was facing away from everyone and towards Jake.

But gosh... I could just imagine.

"Ohh... shits about to get realllll." Zander grins.

Faster than I can blink, Gianna is speed walking towards Julie, "Give me this," she takes the spatula from Julie's hold...


"COME HERE PRETTY BOYYYYYY" Gianna yells out in fury, full on CHARGING at him with the spatula in hand.

"AHHHHH!!!! HELP ME!!!" Jake screams, attempting to run away, but it was no use, because in a matter of SECONDS, Jake was hit on the...

Let's say left backside bottom...

And quickly pinned to the ground by Gianna, who rips the jar of cookies from his hand.

All of us watched the scene in horror, none of us having the guts to step in and save Jake from the wrath of Gianna.

"Who has power over you now... HUH?!!" She lets out a triumphant grin at his given up face.

"Ow-... okay, okay!!! You win... I'm sorry. I love you?" He says, holding his...

Left backside bottom...

In pain.

"Awww Jakey I love you too." She says to him, squatting down next to where he was laying on the ground, probably scarred for the rest of his life, and pecks his cheek.

Jake's cheeks turn the lightest shade of pink, causing Gianna to chuckle...

While we all still watched...

In horror...

Until it was broken my Zander, "Jake you might want to cover up."

Upon hearing his words, Jake quickly sits up looking down at himself with worry, but the feeling was quickly vanished when he sees that nothing was out of the ordinary.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean put some pants on since Gianna's wearing all of it in the relationship." He smirks, causing a laugh to escape from everyone else.

"Hah! You just got roasted." Luke attempts to make fun of him, but he is quickly shut down by the look that Zander gives him.

"I wouldn't be too full of yourself, you aren't too far behind." He says to Luke.

Zander then turns towards Ashton, who already had a knowing look on his face.

"Yes I am aware... leave me alone." He says, side hugging Julie while planting a small kiss on her shoulder.

I turn towards Damien who was right next to me and reach up towards his ear and whisper, "Do these types of things normally happen at your guy's hangouts?"

A small smile tugs on his lips as he turns towards me, "Yeah, but the more you witness it the more normal it gets."

I give him a small smile, "You're lucky to have a group of friends like this."

"No... we're lucky."

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