《Lost Fantasy-Life After Reincarnation (Arc 1)》Chapter 3


A gentle breeze blew outside of the Ainzloft manor, bringing with it, the chill of the first winter winds, signaling the start of winter. The windows in Aldin's study was shut tight to prevent the cold air from entering. In addition, a small, crackling fire was lit in the fire place, providing a gentle and soothing warm into the room.

In this room, behind the work desk and on Aldin's chair, Loganel sat. Because the chair was intended to be used by an adult, Loganel's legs dangled. A glass orb was placed on the desk in front of him.

"Magic," Aldin began as he paced around in front of the desk, "is basically the world's energy that are altered by the corresponding magic elements within our body. This element, we call it mana," Aldin said as he picked out a book on his big bookshelf and set it on the desk and in front of Loganel. "This book records the history of magic," Loganel's father said, "read this if you are interested in learning about the origins of magic."

Aldin then glanced over at his wife, who was sitting with her back straight and in an elegant manner on the cushioned sofa by the fire place before he continued. He cleared his throat. "Today, what we shall be doing is testing your magic attributes, or in other words, talent in the different elements. There are four basic elements of magic: fire, earth, and water. However, the more advanced elements, such as ice, thunder, light, and dark are difficult to master and often requires natural talent to master such arts."

Loganel raised his hands.

"Yes?" Aldin gave him permission to speak.

"What element do you have talent in, father?" Loganel asked out of curiosity.

"If I recall correctly, it should be fire, ice, and wind," Aldin answered, looking into the air as he tried to remember the day that he had his magic attributes tested. "And by the way, your mother's talents were wind and fire, the more basic elements."

"Aldin," Maria suddenly smiled in a threatening way, which immediately led to Aldin cowering in fear.

"B-but those elements are pretty powerful," he immediately added, "especially if it is your mother. Your mother is extremely powerful."

"That's right." Maria's facial expression then went back to normal, and Aldin sighed in relief as he thanked the Gods for being spared from Maria's wrath.

"Back to what we were saying," Aldin cleared his throat and tried to look authoritative once again, "magic talents usually are passed down from parent to child. That's why you should be able to inherit at least one of our areas of specialties." He then walked over to the desk, gesturing for Loganel to lean in close to the glass orb. "In order to test to see what magic talents you have, put your hand on this orb," he said.


"Like this?" Loganel asked as he placed his palm on the glass orb and gradually rested his fingers on the orb.

"Yes," Aldin confirmed. "Now, just imagine that an energy within you is being transferred to this orb."

Loganel then closed his eyes and imagined that there were what appears to be streams running in his body. The streams all originated from his heart, and branched out in his body. He then tried to focus it into his hand that was on the orb. Once he could visualize the energy gathering in his hand, he gradually released it from his palms, imagining a dam that has been opened.

"This is..." Loganel heard a surprised voice coming from his father.

"What's wrong?" Loganel asked in a worried voice as he opened his eyes. "What's this?"

Before Loganel, in the glass orb, there was what appears to be chaos. A burning fire, constantly being drenched by drops of water and lightning. Underneath that fire within the orb was what appears to be soil and vegetation. A strong wind appeared to be blowing, and with the wind came snowflakes. Finally, at the very top of this chaos was a darkness, and within that darkness was a sliver of light.

"What is this?" Maria asked, staring at the orb in shock. "Have you ever seen anything like this?"

"No," Aldin shook his head. The face of shock suddenly turned into a big, excited smile. "You're a prodigy!" he shouted. "He has special talent in all the elements!"

"All of them!?" Maria exclaimed in shock. She stood up and walked to the desk to stand by her husband.

"Yes," Aldin exclaimed. "All of them. Loganel is a prodigy!"

Maria's facial expression then burst into a series of happy emotions. She looked at her husband, hands trembling. "He's super talented!"

"Yeah!" Aldin replied enthusiastically.

"What should we do?" Maria asked, "should we hire the best tutor there is?"

"There won't be a better tutor in the kingdom than me," Aldin said in excitement. "I am a former imperial mage after all."

"Then you have to teach him and help him reach his full potential."

"I will," Aldin promised. "But you have to make sure that he learns swordsmanship. That way, he might one day be the strongest and most powerful mage that ever existed!"


From that day on, Loganel's life changed. As a person who has suddenly woken up in a foreign world in a child's body to someone who discovered that he has talent to be the greatest of all time, he was...in shock really. He didn't believe it at first but judging from the reaction that Loganel's parents had, he was convinced that it was something special. Therefore, ever since, his parents had become even more enthusiastic about his education, and in response to their expectations, Loganel worked extremely hard.


Everyday, early in the morning, he woke up and accompanied Maria to the courtyard, where she coached him on the art of swordsmanship. After that lesson had concluded, he was assigned to a long run for his conditioning. When he had finished his run, it was breakfast time. However, due to the intensity of his lessons, it left him with little time to consume his first meal of the day.

In the afternoon came Aldin's lectures. Even though it wasn't as physically intense as Maria's training was, Logan was already tired from the morning's exercises and had a strong urge to fall asleep. However, he used his willpower to stay awake through Aldin's lectures and demonstrations.

Under Aldin's guidance, Loganel learned about the concept of magic, and how to use different spells. Apparently, similar to the sword skills that Maria had taught him, by repeatedly using a skill or spell, he will be able to gain proficiency on it, which would then allow him to master the technique and move on to the more advanced ones.

Just like that, Loganel spent the first two years of his life. He was able to endure a schedule of demanding physical and mental training. This would in turn help him later on in his life when he shall enroll in the Academy.


The chirping of the cicadas was prominent as the earth was heated by the sun's rays. It was hot outside. However, the residents of the Ainzloft territory stayed cool by staying in the umbrage and playing in the river. For them, after the morning's work of tending to the fields, it was relaxation time. Due to the heat, it wasn't ideal to keep working during the time around noon. Therefore, many resorted to relaxation and cooling off in the shade. The Ainzloft household on the other hand, stayed indoors within their manor.

"In a week's time Loganel will be off to the Academy," Aldin sighed as he took a sip from the cup of iced tea. He was currently sitting on a couch in one the family room within the manor, with a few servants behind him.

"Yeah," Maria, who sat on a couch adjacent to Aldin said. "I can't believe it is time for him to leave..."

The door to the family room then opened, revealing Loganel, fresh from a bath after his run. His body has changed quite a bit in the two years. He has gotten taller, and his body has become more sturdy as well.

"Hello," he said, walking over and sitting down on the couch that was unoccupied.

"We were just talking about you," Aldin said, eyeing his son in a way that expresses his reluctance to let him go. He was still too young in Aldin's eyes. In addition, even though he has recovered quite well from that mysterious sickness two years ago that had caused his son to lose his memories, Aldin was still unsure on whether or not it would be safe for his son to leave.

"It'll be fine," Maria leaned over to her husband and whispered to him after seeing his facial expression, "Laurina and Redgilus are in Astalan already. Besides, Juliana will be going with him."

"I know," Aldin answered. "But still...Even he'll be gone." At that moment some tears started to form in his eyes as he recalled all those memories that he had with his children. He recalled his excitement when he found out that Maria had given birth to twins, and how he had cared for them. Then, he remembered how happy he was when Maria had given birth to Loganel. Even though it was a long time ago, Aldin could still recall the first time his children had walked. In addition, he could still remember as clear as day the times they spent together on lazy afternoons.

"Yeah," Maria eyed Loganel with a nostalgic look as she also recalled her memories with her three children. From their birth, she was with them. They had been an important part to her life. But now, the only one that still remained under their care will be leaving soon. This thought just nags at her heart.

"It's not like I won't be coming back during break," Loganel said with the maturity that he retained when he had awoken in this world. "I'll be back. I promise."

"Who said that we were sad about you leaving," Aldin exclaimed as he wiped his tears with a napkin the servant behind him had handed him. "There's just some sand that got blown into my eyes."

"Still so bad at lying," Maria chuckled amidst her tears.

"Shut up," Aldin barked back, "I'm just trying to get some sand out of my eyes."

"There's no sand in here," Loganel said, looking around the clean room. "If you keep saying such things, the servants will get mad. You can't just go and ignore their labor."

"Shut up," Aldin said, "give me some leeway in my excuses alright."

Loganel then went mute as he looked at them. He was also reluctant to leave. In fact, he would rather stay home with them. Even though he had awoken in this world as a complete stranger, Aldin and Maria were actual parents to him. Maybe it was because they still believe him to be their son, but...Loganel believes that it doesn't matter anymore. He is there son and he is Loganel. It doesn't matter who he was before this, all that matters is that he is their son.

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