《Never let you down ✅》Part 24


The doctor arrived and checked Virat who was sleeping after being exhausted. He gave him injection to reduce the pain. Rohit closed his eyes for not able to see that. Virat always used to wince on the name of injection but today seeing him unresponsive and not throwing tantrums just made Rohit very upset.

Mahi asked seeing the injection - "What's wrong doctor?"

Doctor : "Again the stress is making him weak. The medicines are taking time to adapt on the body. I cannot give higher dosage because it can make him dizzy .. already the previous medicines have affected him very badly. Please ensure that he is completely resting."

Sonu escorted the doctor outside and went to bring the medications. Bhuvi was making arrangements for dinner as Mahi and Rohit didn't leave Virat's side. Yuvi arrived and directly stormed into Virat's room.

Yuvi asked worriedly - "Is he okay?"

Dada and Co. arrived and they also went into the room saw Virat sleeping. Mahi explained what doctor said. Rohit was just looking at Virat waiting for him to wake up and talk to him. He didn't care about anything else now.

Dada asked - "What was the need to take Cheeku there when you both were going to do something like this ? You should have given a thought atleast .. Mahi I didn't expect this from you"

Mahi and Yuvi said being guilty - "sorry dada"

Jammy bhai - "Its fine now .. atleast they are in custody now. Let's help Cheeku so that he get well soon okay"

Sach pa - "Yes Jammy is right .. Mahi,Rohit you stay here .. we are outside" saying this they left the room. Now only Mahi and Rohit were with Virat and others were in the hall.

Mahi saw Rohit looking at Virat with moist eyes thinking something. He asked softly - "What are you thinking Ro?"


Rohit said with tears in his eyes - "Nothing bhai it is just hurting to see Virat like this"

(Rohit was actually thinking about the words of Rishi when he was choking Vi .. he was just wondering if Virat remembers it or not .. Because he knew Mahi bhai and Yuvi pa did not listen it.But if rohit said that then Mahi bhai would feel more guilty already Dada had scolded him)

Virat slowly opened his eyes and tried to get up. Rohit and Mahi helped him to sit with support of bed.

Mahi asked his softly - "How are u feeling Cheeku ?"

Virat answered in a very low and hoarse voice - "Better" .. When Virat got more aware he remembers what all happened few hours back. Rohit was watching how Virat's expression were changing from tiredness to sadness.

Rohit kept his hand on his hand and blinked in assurance.

Mahi was watching this exchange and decided to give them some space. He himself was confused if he had missed something because Rohit was also very worried. He left the room silently.

As Mahi left the room .. Virat hugged Rohit and cried badly. He didn't want to worry Mahi Ofcourse because already Mahi was going through guilt phase.

Rohit rubbed his back to calm him down. He understood what Virat was feeling. Rohit just said softly - "Calm down Vi doctor has said no stress .. don't worry everything is fine now"

Virat broke the hug and nodded. After some time He said in a low voice - "Ro why the whole body is aching so much and my neck too"

Rohit -"it's the weakness and medicines effect .. it will be fine if u rest properly .. do u need something to eat .. May b coffee or something"

Virat said - "Coffee sounds good"



Meanwhile in the hall-

Mahi came outside and sat beside Dada keeping his head on his shoulder. He completely forgot that Dada scolded him some time back.

Dada asked softly patting his head- "What happened Mahi"

Mahi asked like a child - "When will everything be normal Dada? When will my Cheeku free of this miseries .. it's hurting to see him like this"

Dada said softly - "Mahi don't worry everything will be fine soon. See the mess has solved and now only we have to take care of Cheeku"

Jammy bhai asked - "Why u came outside ?"

Mahi said - "Cheeku woke up and don't know why he was not saying anything infront of me .. so I left to give them some space"

Mahi again asked like a child - "Dada Why Cheeku is not sharing his pain with me ? He always trying to hide it whenever I ask him"

Dada said - "He doesn't want to trouble u Mahi but u can ask him na .. he will surely listen to u"

They saw Rohit coming out of the room .. everyone asked him about Virat which he assured that he is fine and resting.

Mahi asked worriedly - "Why u left him alone ?"

Rohit said - "Bhai I asked if he wants something to eat .. so he agreed to coffee. So I was going to make it"

Bhuvi said - Rohit u go sit with him .. I will prepare for him and everyone. I have also made dinner arrangements. Don't worry u go.

Rohit nodded and left for the room. Rohit asked Virat - "Everyone is outside .. do u wanna meet them?"

Virat replied slowly- "I am too tired Ro to even talk .. please can I meet afterwards"

After sometime Bhuvi knocked the door and gave Rohit the coffee for both of them.

Rohit gave Virat the coffee. He asked Virat as he saw him lost - "What are u thinking Vi ?"

Virat just nodded in no indicating nothing .. Virat himself didn't knew what was he thinking .. everything was messed up in his brain. And on top of the that the words said by Rishi were repeating in his mind. He just cannot forget that .. will that be true .. will everyone leave him .. will Mahi bhai leave him ..


Another chapter in a day

I will be wrapping this up in 2-3 chapters

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