《Never let you down ✅》Part 18


Virat was shifted in the room but he was still unconscious under the effect of medicines. Mahi and Rohit were by his side waiting for him to wake up.

Yuvi - Rohit when u and Cheeku came here for his hand then who was the doctor who treated him

Asked Yuvi determined to find out about who gave the wrong medicines.

Sonu - Yes the prescription which is having the doctor name, I asked the staff they are saying that there is no doctor of such name in this hospital.

Rohit - I don't know exactly. Actually I have something to tell you all.

Said Rohit hesitantly not knowing how they will react

Mahi - What happened Ro ?

Rohit takes a deep breath and tells everything about how Virat got choked and how he recived the call regarding threatening.

Mahi - itna kuch ho Gaya and Cheeku didn't tell me

Said Mahi feeling guilty for all of it

Rohit - Bhai I tried finding out but everything was at dead end and when we found out who was framing him then everything fell into place and it stopped.

Said Rohit not wanting them to worry and feel the guilt

Yuvi - Thank god Cheeku didn't take any other dosage of the medicines

Said Yuvi not wanting to imagine what would have happened

Rohit - Everything will be fine na Bhai

Asked Rohit with tears in his eyes seeing his best friend in this state

Mahi - Yes bacha everything will be fine. You know na Cheeku is a fighter

Said Mahi side hugging him and assured himself too

Yuvi's phone rang for the fifth time in a row which he was disconnecting.

Sonu - Kiska call aa raha hai Yuvi why are you dodging it

Yuvi - it's Shikh and Jaddu. They must have seen the news. Mahi and Ro forgot their phones at home so they are calling me.


Mahi was about to say something but he stopped hearing Virat's voice. "Ro" called Virat weakly

Rohit and Mahi rushed to his side. Yuvi went to call the doctor.

Rohit - Vi mai yahi hu. Thik h na tu ?

Said Rohit so worried about him

Mahi - Cheeku how are u feeling bacha ?

Asked Mahi lovingly to Virat

Virat - Everything seems so blur bhai and whole body is aching

Mahi softly said - Don't worry Cheeku everything is gonna be fine

Doctor arrive there and checked Virat. He asked - "How are u feeling ? Any headache ?"

Virat answered weakly as he gripped Mahi's hand. "No headache is not there but my body is aching"

Doctor - That will be for 2 days max because of the medicines . What do you remember last ?

Everyone was waiting for Virat to answer it. As they wanted to make sure that the medicines didn't affect him worse.

Virat tried to remember. He answered - Last thing I guess we were watching news and then I passed out I guess

Doctor looked at Rohit and Mahi for confirmation. They agreed that it is correct. They were happy that nothing happened to Virat's memories. Rohit stayed with Virat.

Doctor came out with Mahi and others.

Doctor - it's good he remembers last thing. But still u have to observe if anything changes. You can take him home by tomorrow. The medicines which I prescribed that will only be given. Complete bed rest as his body is adapting the change in medicine and he is extremely weak and No stress.

Yuvi - Thank you Doctor

Mahi - Sonu do one thing .. send someone to bring our phones and clothes may b .. I and Rohit will be staying the night here

said Mahi leaving no room for argument


Sonu went and then Dada and others arrived there.

Dada - What happened? Is Cheeku okay ?

Jammy bhai - What did the doctor say ?

Sach pa - Is something serious ?

Asked all three worriedly leaving no room for answering.

Yuvi - Hey Bhagwan .. ek ek karke pucho

Said Yuvi dramatically

Mahi - Shutup Yuvi .. Dada,Bhai and Sach pa Cheeku thik hai Abhi .. He just woke up.

Said Mahi sensibly

Yuvi - Meri toh koi Kadar hi nahi hai

Listening to this Mahi just rolled his eyes and they all went in the room.

Rohit was holding Virat's hand talking to him. Virat was just listening to him silently as he was feeling weak.

Rohit - u have been proved innocent that was the news we were watching.

Said Rohit happily

Virat asks weakly - Really ?

Mahi - Yes Cheeku .. No more problems now.

Said Mahi caressing his head lightly

Virat saw Dada and called him. Mahi gave him space.

Dada - How r u feeling Cheeku ? He got closest to Virat as Virat was nearly whispering answers

Virat - better. Dada nothing is gonna link to Mahi bhai's name na even after my name is cleared

He asked this very slowly that Dada literally took 2-3 second to understand

Dada - No it will not link anything to both of you okay don't worry

Said Dada smilingly patting his head .. Virat dozed off after listening that

Mahi - What was he saying ?

Everyone was curious to know

Dada - He was asking me even if he is proven innocent. Nothing should get linked to your name Mahi.

Mahi - In this state also he has time to think all this .. unbelievable this kid is .. How does he get to care so much about me?

Said Mahi feeling so warm that Cheeku always thinks of him first.

Rohit chuckled hearing that and told - Bhai u are seriously asking this .. we could do anything for u let alone take the blame

Mahi - And here is another one

Yuvi - Okay Mahi u and Rohit go and have something till then we will wait with Virat because u both are staying the night

They both went to the cafe while others stayed with Virat.


Short chapter.. could not think much

DM me if u have any ideas to continue this book

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See u till then

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