《Never let you down ✅》Part 13


Virat was still registering what had happened in couple of minutes. Someone was choking him to death and threatened him because he took the blame.

Rohit saw him lost in thoughts. He nudged him to get his attention but noticed that Virat flinched on that. Rohit asked him : "What happened to u outside Vi? You gasping for breath and now nauseous"

Virat thought not to share until he was sure. He just said : "Nothing .. I guess I am just feeling sick a bit"

Rohit was not convinced so he asked again : "U sure Vi ?" Virat nodded at him and said : "I think I will rest for sometime.. Can u just turn off the lights?"

Rohit answered : "Okay u rest .. I will wake u up at dinner" saying this he left the room.

Rohit came downstairs. Mahi saw him and asked: "Where is Cheeku?" .. Rohit answered : "He is resting" .. "Is he okay?" Mahi asked and Rohit said : "Yes" not wanting to worry Mahi as he himself was not sure yet.

After sometime Yuvi and Sonu arrived with the dinner. Dada,Jammy bhai and Sach pa were staying at Dada's house after visiting office. Mahi went to wake Virat up.

All 5 of them had dinner. Virat was happy as everything was his favourite. After dinner Rohit suggested that they go for a walk. Yuvi and Sonu denied as they already had went outside. Mahi also could not come because he needed to talk to Ziva.

As the farmhouse was little far from the city and in outskirts. There were less people and very less shops around. So Virat agreed .. he came wearing a hoodie in which no one will recognise.

So Rohit and Virat went for a walk. Virat thought to go because he needed some change. As they were walking Rohit suggested that they go for ice cream. Virat also agreed as they had no practice and it will give a change of mood.


Rohit went inside the shop as Virat received a call. Virat on the call : "Hello ! hello who is this !!"

Virat : ""

Person on the call : "What do u think of yourself.. that u will just spoil our plans .. if we cannot defame MS then we will destroy u .. u will beg for peace .. remember that" saying this the person hanged up the call.

Virat : "" He was wondering that who was threatening him. Or may be they are just fake threats.

Rohit came outside and handed over the ice cream to him. As he Rohit saw Virat stressed he asked : "Kiska call tha?" .. Virat just answered: "Nothing important.. koi company ka tha random" ..

As they were walking and engaged in conversations a speeding bike came and hit Virat.

Rohit was two steps ahead so he was okay.

Rohit rushed to him and helped Virat to get up. Rohit : "Are u okay Vi?"

Virat was clutching his hand to his chest. He just replied with a groan of pain. Rohit stopped a auto and took him to the hospital. Rohit was consoling him as it was so painful : "Just hold on Vi .. We are just about to reach"

They reached and got treated. Virat got a sling on his hand. Thankfully it was not fractured. Rohit went to complete the formalities and took the medicines the doctor prescribed. Rohit and Virat left the hospital. As they left the person who was on the bike shook hands with doctor.

Person : "Here is your money .. Did u give the medicines"

Doctor : "Yes I have prescribed the medicines .. they will cause him anxiety and slowly it will affect his health .. mostly it will affect him mentally"

Person : "Great work .. we want him to suffer slowly because he has destroyed our well formed plan .. he thinks he is very smart .. its time to show him"

Doctor: "Thanks for the money .."


Person : "Leave the place today only"

Doctor nodded and left.

Person : "Let the downfall of Virat Kohli begin"


Rohit and Virat arrived to find Mahi pacing around the hall worriedly. Yuvi and Sonu were also worried. They rushed to them and got worried as they saw Virat's hand in a sling.Mahi : "How did this happen Cheeku ? Is it paining ?" .. Virat answered : "Not much". They helped Virat to his room.

Yuvi concerned : "Rohit yeh sab hua kaise?"

Rohit narrated how they were walking on the side and the bike hit Virat. "I could not see the bike or note his number. As I rushed to Vi immediately." said Rohit stressed.

Mahi asked : "What did the doctor say ? Is it fractured ? referring to Virat's hand.

Rohit : "No bhai it's not fractured .. just he has to keep it for 4-5 days. He gave injection to reduce the pain and prescribe the medicines to him"

Virat was just silently listening to the conversation. He was feeling so out of it. He was already feeling dizzy because of the injection. Mahi was sitting beside him. Virat just slept off on his shoulder. Mahi made him lay down properly. Mahi, Yuvi and Sonu left the room as Dada requested them to join a call.

Rohit sat near Virat and noticed a mark on his neck. His neck was red and somehow little swelled. He was just thinking what happened today and tried to connect the dots.

Rohit's POV : "How did Vi get this mark on his neck ? Afternoon mai toh nahi tha. When he was in the garden .. if he was sick then he would only feel nauseous not gasping for breath. And then the phone call now .. he was looking so stressed and confused after that .. what's wrong here?"


Meanwhile on the call :

Dada : "What's wrong ? Why are u three looking so stressed?"

Yuvi explained them what happened. Jammy bhai : "Is he okay now?" .. Mahi answered : "He is sleeping now."

Dada : "Okay so listen .. We found out the documents which are against Virat that are forged. With help of Krish as Rohit spoke to him .. we found that the docs were fake"

Mahi,Yuvi and Sonu were really happy to hear that.

Jammy bhai : "Before u get too excited.. we still need to find the people behind this .. because only documents will not be enough .."

Sonu saw Mahi's face upset so he told. "But at least we have some progress .. we should be feel positive about that" he squeezed Mahi's hand.

Yuvi : "Sonu sahi keh raha hai .. We will find the people as quickly as we can"

Sach pa : "We will be coming there tomorrow .. baaki ki baatein kal karte hai .. Chalo bye .. take care of yourselves and Cheeku"

Saying this they wrapped up the call and went to Cheeku's room. Rohit was sitting beside him and Virat was sleeping peacefully. Rohit was totally engrossed in thoughts so he didn't notice them.

Yuvi : "Rohit .. u also lay down properly. Mahi let us know we anything requires. Me and Sonu will be in adjacent room" saying this Yuvi and Sonu left.

Mahi saw Rohit lost and stressed so he asked : "Ro kya baat hai .. jabse aya hai tu kafi stressed lag raha hai .. don't worry Rohit .. Cheeku will be okay"

Rohit decided to keep his thoughts to himself as he was not sure about anything right now.

Rohit just said : "Bhai it's just Virat ko aise dekh kar acha nahi lag raha .. yeh sab kab thik hoga" ..

Mahi :"We will try to solve this all asap. Sleep now .. We have to work tomorrow on all this .. Long day tomorrow"

They both slept beside Virat. Virat didn't wake up in the night by nightmares because the medicines and injection were given to him .. it caused to be dizzy and sleepy.


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