《Rain Bow Veins By Bokuroo》Chapter 3


The fooling around didn't stop until Koutarou's parents came back, much to the distress of the other kids and parents in the room. There were a lot of pillows and cushions flying around between the two boys, until one of the nurses came and confiscated all of them. Their little pillow fight distracted Koutarou at least, which seemed to ease his parents a bit. Koutarou's mood was a lot better than before, even if they scolded him for not being able to behave.

Tetsurou had to leave soon since there was school next day. They hugged goodbye and the black haired boy promised him to come visit him tomorrow right after practice ended. His parents stayed a little longer, but eventually had to leave as well.

Koutarou was doing fine until then, since having company was successfully distracting him from everything that had happened in the past hours. But now that he was alone, the distressing thoughts and the slight uncomfortableness forming in his guts were coming back. Not to mention that the effects of the pain killers were slowly drifting off as well which made his arm start to hurt again.

Koutarou pressed his face against his pillow and sighed heavily.

He slightly dazed off, until he felt at tug at his pajama sleeve and someone rolling it upwards. He jerked awake completely and looked around in panic. As soon as he saw the big syringe in the hands of the nurse in front of him, he snapped his arm away from her.

"It's okay. We only need a little blood from you" the nurse explained. "It won't hurt, I promise."

She smiled, but Koutarou didn't let himself being fooled by that. Like hell he was going to let himself punctuated with that thing.

"Umm..." he hummed innocently while sitting up. "I'm feeling a little bit dizzy. Can I have a glass of water before that?"

The nurse sighed but agreed. The moment she turned her back on him though, Koutarou had climbed off the bed in an instant and fled into the darkness of the hospital corridor.

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