《The Best Romance - Book Reviews》Next Girl by SueLou66


romance / chicklit

badboy / romance / love / chicklit / happilyeverafter

Summer breezed into McGrath's pub like a breath of fresh air. Despite the miserable day and the tepid rain dampening the streets of Harrisburg, she lit up the bar with her bright smile the moment she entered.

Rain is on the prowl for a warm body to take to his bed. He spots Summer and immediately approaches her. She has no clue what his plans are for her, and he is determined to bring those plans to fruition.

"Next Girl,"

I bet you probably met him at a bar

Let him walk you to your car

I bet he said he never falls this hard

Yeah, I remember that part

He knows how to say all the right things

Knows how to gеt you outta that dress

Knows how to make you think you're thе best thing

But I know what happens next, girl

Meet Summer. Summer's a thirty something year old radiologist who's never had a proper boyfriend. Her longest relationship? Six weeks. I know, right? Why? She's waiting for 'the one', of course. Whilst she's waiting for Mr Right to turn up, Summer loves nothing better than to hang out at her local bar, McGrath's. Sometimes on her own. Sometimes with a colleague. Or sometimes with one of the Mr Wrongs her best friend Kelsey constantly sets her up with.

Meet Rain. A travelling salesman. With the gift of the gab, this scallywag has a girl in every town. No, I take that back. He has several girls in every town. His problem? He can't commit. Can't? Won't? I think he's just never met anyone he's prepared to give up his bed-hopping ways for. Rain is your typical slutty male player, adding notches to his bed post at every available opportunity. Womaniser? Sweet talker? Ladies' man? Yup. That's him right there. He's handsome and then some. He's also extremely popular with the opposite sex. He knows it and he's making the most of it.


Summer and Rain meet in McGrath's. Where else. She's been stood up on a blind date and he's looking for his next hook up. Sparks fly. They hit it off. One thing leads to another.

Is Summer just going to be another notch? Just another booty call? Just another friend with benefits?

Is she just going to be the Next Girl?

Neither of them have been in a relationship before. Neither have been in love before. Do they want no strings, or do they want something more?

Rain can't change his colourful past, but he can change his future.

Will he? For Summer? Is she 'the one'?

Does Rain's philandering past mean he has some bunny boilers lurking around?

Ah! Now that would be telling. You'll need to read the story to find out. Along with some sexy stuff there's some nail-biting drama going down that has you perched on the edge of your seat.

I love romance stories, and this one does not disappoint. It's got a lot packed into a novella-sized portion. Perfect if you want something to read on the go.

Me? As usual. I binged it from start to finish.

Where do Summer and Rain end up? In the happily ever after, of course.

: Thank you for such a beautiful story Sue. It's every girl's dream to be the one to change the proverbial bad boy.

SueLou66 has several novellas which are all definitely worth a read. Go binge! Go!

Perfect title. Fabulous storyline. Very well written. Add it to your reading list! You won't be disappointed.

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