《The Best Romance - Book Reviews》His Camelia by shaerzam


His Camelia

suspense, romance, mystery, thriller, love, drama, action, murder, horror, fiction, featured, adventure, crime, fantasy, betrayal, billionaire, humor, secrets, youngadult

His Camelia is a beautifully written work of fiction. Stefan and Camelia meet years prior to the start of the story at Camelia's tenth birthday. Receiving flowers and a card from Stefan over the course of ten years for her birthday, Camelia has no choice but to fall in love with the Navy S.E.A.L. Stefan Steel.

There are twists and unexpected turns as the story unfolds. Cases of mistaken identity leading to heartache takes the reader on a rollercoaster ride of emotional highs and lows.

With Camelia's life in danger, her parents hire a bodyguard, none other than the Stefan Camelia had loved for many years. Being famous, Stefan and Camelia's parents believe it best Stefan alter his appearance to stay out of the press's eye and provide the best protection. So, when Camelia meets her bodyguard Kent, she assumes he is simply a handsome, military man hired to protect her and does not realize he is the man she had been harboring feelings for a decade.

Having both the hero and heroine's side of the story as you read through the passages helps you connect on a deeper level with both of them. The supporting characters are not only well developed but important to the storyline. Both the romantic and platonic relationships are realistic and you sympathize with the heroine as she develops feelings for Kent while still experiencing the continual pull toward Stefan and the guilt that comes along with falling in love with two people.

Shaerzam's descriptions enhance the story perfectly without going over-the-top and boring the reader. They help you feel like you're another member of the St. James family and walking beside them through the drama that unfolds.


Camelia and Stefan have realistic, off-the-charts chemistry and you can't help but cheer them on in their relationship. Your heartaches when Camelia and Stefan's hearts ache. You get butterflies when Camelia gets butterflies. You just feel for the characters the way you crave to feel when reading a romance.

Making this possible is the well-constructed pacing of the plot with believable romantic tension between the hero and heroine. When you combine the looming danger that hovers over Camelia through the story it's something that's guaranteed to blow you away.

The finale is wonderfully written with a twist you'll never see coming containing a villain that's brilliantly diabolical.

It is a story that will stay with you weeks after you've finished the final chapter.

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