《Infinity || Dan Smith》Fifteen.


"That was awesome." Charlie laughs while she dries her hair with a paddle pink towel. Although they're only in their third day of principle photography, they've had to have a afternoon of underwater safety lessons.

"Did you see the fire on the surface of the water?" Dan says feeling the adrenaline rush through his entire vein system.

"When you started to pull me to the surface I thought we was both going to die!" Charlie shouts over her hairdryer. Everyone has more or less gone home straight away, since no makeup was needed, although the wardrobe department are drying off the clothes.

Charlie and Dan are the only cast members who are still on set. It's only because they take a shower afterwards, just to get the smell of chorine off of them. And for Charlie to wash her locks.

"Sorry about that..." his voice trails off. While Charlie continues to dry her hair, Dan sits on the edge of the trailers sofa. He doesn't do anything in particular, he just watches Charlie in her vanities reflection.

"Don't be. I honestly can't wait to record it tomorrow..." Dan nods his head in agreement. Aubrey showed Dan and Charlie what they look like underwater, she then had the illustrator come up with a storyboard on how she visualises the dark scene.

The scene they're filming come quite late into the film. Both Lily and Liam go away on a romantic holiday to Iceland. Unlike the cliché, they're actually both aware of the sides that they're on, but they still somehow want to make their relationship work. Things seem to go well until they find themselves running for their lives, in basically nothing their night clothes, on top of a frozen lake. The ice wears thin, and Lily falls through it. She gets knocked unconscious and Liam dives in and grabs her. Only to realise that the 'bad guys' have flame throwers, and they're submerging the only way out with fire so they can't get through.


Since this scene is heavily focused on their faces, they couldn't hire stunt people. So that's why this afternoon Dan and Charlie was practicing, with lifeguards in diver outfits behind the camera.

Dan looks away every time Charlie catches him looking at her. Both of them hate to admit that they 'like' each other. Charlie thinks Dan still is in grieving, and Dan thinks Charlie won't like him back.

Both of them couldn't be more wrong.

Dan's phone then vibrates as he looks down to see a message. He's surprised that his old bandmate would even turn up on such a randomly odd request.

"Who's that?!" Charlie shouts over the hairdryer.

"My mate Kyle!" - Dan shouts - "He knows how to win free shit without paying!" Hopefully the arcade place haven't fixed the machines many problems. Dan thinks to himself. I don't want to look like a knob.

Normally he wouldn't mind if he looked like a knob, but he's only doing this to impress a girl.

"Oh..." Charlie sounds almost disappointed while she flicks the hairdryer off, although only half of her hair is dry...mainly the front parts.

"Is that okay?" Dan asks sounded confused by her confusion.

"Yes. Sorry..." - her voice trails off with a shy smile, he can't help not smiling - "I was expecting it to be just us." Dan cracks a smile and nods his head.

"I wanted it to be that way too, but I completely forgot what to do. My mate...is pretty shady." It's true. Though Kyle comes across as child like to his fans, he knows his way around avoiding coming into contact with the law. He learned multiple things during his university years...it could be said that he was the complete opposite of Dan and his friends.


"Which one is it? Will?" Dan cracks a smile. Charlie only knows of that one member because of her friend, Dan finds it nice that she hasn't gone home and Googled Bastille for the sake of it.

"Nah" - he shakes his head with a shy smile - "Kyle Simmons, he was the keyboardist..." Charlie makes a comical 'oh' sound.

Charlie then brushes her hair again. While she determines which way she wants her hair parted, Dan then thinks of something else to say. He wants to praise her acting, but he doesn't want to come across as weird or random. Instead of saying anything motivating, a helpless smile appears on his soft lips.

"Lana Del Rey is going to the Brixton Academy...I managed to get two tickets. Do you want one?" Charlie immediately nods her head.

Just like Florence, Charlie doesn't know who Lana Del Rey is. But nevertheless she wants to go. It's pretty much safe to say that Charlie has an extreme interest in what Dan likes, so far his music taste has been amazing.

"What genre is she?" Dan tells Charlie all about music, and Charlie tells Dan all about Illusion and Lady Luck. Some how they're both still interested and wrapped up in each other's words.

"She's a bit of everything. Probably alternative pop...she likes big choruses." Charlie has no idea what 'big choruses' are but she nods her head and act like she does. She knows how passionate Dan still feels for music...

Charlie desperately wants to hear Dan sing live...but she knows it'll never probably happen.

"She sounds spellbinding." Dan nods his head with a smile.

"Trust me you'll have a shrine for her. I did briefly, but I had to clear it away. My ex...found it weird." Charlie nods her head. She's excited to hear this Lana Del Rey.

"Anyway, you ready yet?" Dan laughs with his arms tightly crossed over his pink jumper. He has a white shirt on underneath since he left his coat at home.

So far Dan's pink jumper and light blue jeans is her favourite look of his, but she won't tell him that.

"Yeah, I think I am." She says crossing her arms. She wears a tight white sleeved top which is tucked into a short pink skirt. Both of them are colour coordinated.

"Kyle's outside with the cab." Dan nods his head to the trailers door.

"Awesome." Charlie enthusiastically says while Dan holds the door open for her like a gentleman.

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