
Last Time On Academy City Kaiju..............

Godzilla begin to charge up his Atomic Breath. Ghidorah roared out in pain as Godzilla bite down harder onto Ghidorah neck. As he was charging up his signature attack, Ghidorah skin begin to glow blue.

"NO! NO! I CAN'T DIE HERE! I HAVE UNIVERSE TO CONQUER! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" Ghidorah roared out as his fate was coming.

Godzilla fired his Atomic Breath straight into the air, killing Ghidorah in the process. He closed his mouth and turned off his Atomic Breath. He shakes out any pieces of building derby off his skin. He burped out a little lighting from mouth. He then turned his head towards Mikoto and Touma.

It has been done. The nightmare that was once cast its shadow on this planet is no more. The war is finally over. The Golden Demise Ghidorah is no more. The people in the Gotengo were cheering out in happiness.

Suddenly there was large thumping sound that was was coming towards Godzilla. Godzilla turned his heard around to see a kaiju that looks a combination of a wholly mammoth and a sloth. It has moss like plants on its tusks. Behemoth.

Godzilla continue to look around to see a giant armored cephalopod, with black coloration, and six very long, bony, and lightly haired legs, each with two joints and ending with a claw with small spikes growing out of the first joints. It also has a plated mantle with ten tendrils and a pair of black eyes. Scylla

He then saw a new Female MUTO approaching him. This time it has one row of fins going down her back.

He then saw a walking mountain like Kaiju that has tusks underneath its mouth. It hast two forelimbs and two hind limbs. Methuselah.

Soon all the other Kaijus that were allies of Godzilla that were already in Academy City begin to circle around him. And not only that, all the kaijus that were under the control of Ghidorah have also appeared in Academy City.

Godzilla glared at one of the Kaijus that were under the control of Ghidorah. Soon this kaiju bowed down to Godzilla in their own ways. Soon everyone followed. Each Kaiju begin to bow down to Godzilla in their own ways.

Mikoto and Touma watched this as they smiled at what is happening right now. They are accepting Godzilla as their alpha again.

"Long live the king." Said Mikoto as she continue to smile at this amazing scene.


The world will now have to get used to all the kaijus that are awakened after so long. They will have to learn to coexist with them, like they used to back in the old days. As the sun begin to rise up signaling a new day and possible a new era for everyone, Godzilla stood on top of a massive debris of a building and he roared proudly into the air.

Godzilla continue to roar as he reclaimed his alpha and now is the new King Of The Monsters!


With Danny.......

Danny was sitting on a bench that was looking over the blue ocean. He was smiling after feeling happy about something.

It has been two weeks since the Kaiju war has ended. By Godzilla orders, he commanded all the kaijus to not destroy any humans or their cities. He also commanded them to also to coexist with the humans like they once did very long ago. SO far, the humans have also learn to try to coexist with them as well and it is working!

Kong has returned to Skull Island where he will protect his home. Zilla has returned to New York City where he feels he needs to protect his home. Gamera has gone to live somewhere in the deepest parts of the Pacific ocean to find a place to rest and call home for the while.

Both Miana and Maina have been taken back home to Infant Island, where they will continue watching Mothra new egg until Mothra is resurrected again. Rodan, has found a new home. He is now living inside the volcano Mount Fiji. Anguirus and King Caesar have both returned to their natural homes, away from human cities.

"How do you feel?" asked Mikoto as she just sit right down next to him.

"I feel fine thank you. You know, its peaceful on our planet right now. Godzilla once told me that even though that Ghidorah was once sealed in that block of ice, he knew that monster shadow will always be on the planet. But now that Ghidorah is finally gone, the planet and the cosmos can finally have a moment of peace." Said Danny.

"What are you going to do now? You and Godzilla have destroyed the greatest evil this planet has ever known. I am guess that you adventure to stop evil kaiju from destroying the planet is coming to a sudden stop?" asked Mikoto.

Danny just shocked his head no to that. "No. Their will always be someone dangerous in the cosmos that will want to destroy life. I feel like me and Godzilla adventure is just beginning." Said Danny.


"So may I ask where is Godzilla new home going to be? His old home is gone that we had to in order to revive the two of you." Mikoto pointed out.

"Simple. Here in Academy City. Their is a giant cave tunnel that connects to a large cave underneath the city. So, when Godzilla and I need to take a recharge, I will just go there." Said Danny.

"Oh I see. You know, when I felt like you were killed by Ghidorah, it made me feel like I lost a best friend." Said Mikoto. Danny patted on her head. "I am sorry for making you worry. Trust me it will take a lot more to take me down." Said Danny.

"So how is your relationship with that boyfriend of yours. What was his name? Touma?" This caused Mikoto to blush like mad.

"I...I... I am not his girlfriend!" denied Mikoto with a red face and a angry face too. "We... We are just friends!"

"Ha Ha Ha. Relax I was just teasing you." Said the laughing Danny.

Danny continue to laugh after he need that. Mikoto continue to be angry before she starts to laugh too. The two of them still were laughing as they were were needing this after all the trouble that has was placed onto the world.

Danny finally calmed down and look back at Academy City. "So... how long until they fix all the damage that was caused in this city?" asked a nervous Danny as he saw EVERY construction vehicle in the city to repair every building and street in Academy City.

"About a month or two. You really did go all out in that fight." Said a also nervous Mikoto.

"So wanna race to a restaurant. I heard they got some yummy food. And I am hungry." Said Danny.

"Race you there!" Said Mikoto as she suddenly got a head start by using her Esper powers to launch her from a metal street light. "Hey! no fair. You just your esper powers to give you a head start! That's cheating!" Said a laughing Danny as he was chasing after the Level 5 Electromaster. The two of them raced right bast a new statue that was placed in the city.

It was a statue that was very detailed of Godzilla. They made of statue of him roaring into the air with other kaijus bowing down to him. On a metal tablet right infront of the statue has some words.

It says " To the greatest Kaiju the world has ever know. Godzilla: The King Of Monsters!". The world now in a new era. a era where Kaijus and Humans will coexist with each other. Their are still so many adventures in the cosmos that are waiting to happen. When will they start is the true question.


The End.

Or is it?


Bonus Scene:

A group of explores where traveling in a ancient cave.

"Hey. I just woke up this morning to get a call from a friend of mine. He said a Kaiju made a forest grow back some trees that were cut down before." Said a male explore.

"Yeah. The world is changing. I just hope we old school folk can keep up." Said a another male explore.

"Yeah. I just want to live in peace and quiet. So why are in this creepy cave?" asked a female explorer.

"Their might be something interesting to find. Maybe a old relic from the past." Said the first male explore.

"HEY GUYS!" Yelled the male team leader of this explore team. "You have got to see this!" shouted the guy.

They quickly ran towards him to see three giant craved painted into the high ceiling in the cave. "Wow!" said everyone.

One of the cave paintings showed Godzilla facing against a dragon with a missing left arm and bird like wings that are made of dragon scales. It look like it had a pincer like appendage on the end of its tail. It has circle like eyes that it was painted red.

The second one that describe two boys. one of them looks like Danny, but the explores don't know who that is, and a spiky haired boy with a scarf around his neck, facing against a long spiked hair man with only one arm shown and has markings on his face and arms.

And the last painting was the strangest one of all. It was above the two paintings and it was the size of a bus. It look like fairy wings symbol.


Next Book Coming Soon:

Academy City Kaiju: Fairy Tail And Godzilla Vs Alvarez Empire!

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