《GOOZLLA》Long Live The King!


Last Time On Academy City Kaiju............

"This game of yours has gone one long enough. I don't know how you got those powers." Said the left head.

"You could have just slipped away and I wouldn't have to chase after you." Said the right head.

"But instead you decide to interrupt my plan to drain Godzilla of his energy." Yelled the middle head. Mikoto was sweating nervously.

"RIGHT NOW I AM GOING TO KILL YOU UNTIL YOU ARE NOTHING BUT ASHES!!!" Yelled all three heads as they fired their Gravity Beams at Mikoto.

Just as they got close, Touma came out of nowhere and had his right hand touch the Gravity Beams. When they come into contact with his right hand, the sound of shattering glass was heard and the gravity beams were gone.

"Touma!? I thought I told you to leave this to me!" said Mikoto.

"Sorry. But I just couldn't stay back and let my friend get killed by that monster." Said Touma. Mikoto just smiled for his needs to help people


Just before Mikoto and Touma could do anything, they notice that their was a orange and red light coming from behind Ghidorah.

Both Touma and Mikoto smirked of who that might be. A all too familiar growl was heard from behind Ghidorah back. Ghidorah middle head notice this as he had a look of realizing something. His middle head begin to sniff the air as he growled who he knows that scent belongs to.

A tail figure was stomping his way towards Ghidorah. Every steps he takes, every times he moves body, everything around him begin to melt and being to be caught on fire.

It was revealed to be Godzilla! He has tons orange and red cracks on his entire body. This was his new temporary form. Burning Godzilla!

Godzilla is back up on his feet. He has used the energy from Mothra to not only give him back his strength but to also give him this temporary form. Mikoto plan of distracting Ghidorah was a success. Now all that is left if for Godzilla to put down this monster once and for all and put an end to this nightmare as well.



With Godzilla.................

When Godzilla finished roared, he glared at his ancient enemy Ghidorah. Ghidorah middle head turn around when he heard the roar.

Noticing what is about to happen, Touma and Mikoto quickly got out of there. There was no where they could hide on the surface. So they quickly found a manhole cover, a entrance to the sewers. Not giving time to regret their choice, they jumped down there and covered back up the entrance.

When Ghidorah notice it was Godzilla back up on his feet, he turned his body around to face him. All three heads begin to flare their horns at him while roared and snapping their jaws at Godzilla.

"" Yelled all the three heads of Ghidorah.

"" Said Godzilla.

This made Ghidorah just laugh. Ghidorah was thinking that Godzilla was bluffing and that he was getting too full of himself.

"" Laughed Ghidorah.

"" Said all three heads of Ghidorah.

"" Said Godzilla.

Godzilla eyes begin to glow orange. His body begin to hunch over. The humming sound was heard as he was charging out this attack. His dorsal fins begin to glow orange. As each dorsal fin glows, electricity begins to surround it.

Ashe was done charging. He released a giant fiery dome that has Mothra wing patterns in it as it continue to expand. His Nuclear Pulse

Ghidorah moved his wings infront of him to protect him from this attack. When the dome hit him, he had experience something he never felt something before in his life. Pain.

When the dome touched his wings, his wings begin to burn away. Ghidorah roared out in pain as his wings were burning. His wings were turning to nothing but ashes.

Without his wings to support him while he is standing on the ground, Ghidorah fell to on his back. Ghidorah could only watch as he saw his wings disappear forever.

"" This cause all three heads to look back at Godzilla. Each head begin to glare at Godzilla.

"" Said Godzilla.

From Ghidorah eyes, he saw something that is shaking to his core. All the alien live on countless planets he took before coming to earth, as well as a ghost like image of Mothra who is floating above Godzilla, are standing right behind Godzilla. Each being that Ghidorah took, have their hands stretch out towards Godzilla as they were somehow giving Godzilla the strength to kill Ghidorah from the afterlife.

Furious by this, Ghidorah unleashed his Gravity Beams at Godzilla, hoping to push him back. But for some reason, Godzilla is not getting pushed back. Instead, he continue to get closer to Ghidorah. Once got close enough, he released another Nuclear pulse that burned away the left head and the right head all together.


The middle head was that was left. He roared at Godzilla in anger and fear. Godzilla roared back at him as he placed his left foot on top of Ghidorah chest. He then slam his foot down, causing it to go right through his chest as Ghidorah energy was leaking out. Godzilla released another Nuclear Pulse, bigger than before.

The people in the Gotengo had to cover their eyes from this blinding light. When the light died down, all the building caught in that burning dome were completely destroyed as it pieces of the once undamaged buildings were everywhere on the ground.

Touma and Mikoto slowly got themselves out of the sewers when it was safe. They looked around of the damage that was caused. They didn't see a single sign of Godzilla or Ghidorah.

"You don't think..." Said Mikoto. As she was worried of Godzilla and Danny fate.

Suddenly the debris infront of them begin to fall apart as ten familiar set of horns appeared out of the ground. Ghidorah is still alive! Ghidorah middle head glared at the humans that were infront of him. Some parts of his golden scales were now pitch black as that Nuclear Pulse damaged him.

"Oh man!" Said Touma.

"Whats it going to take to kill this guy?" Asked Mikoto.

The debris behind Ghidorah begin to break apart as it a figure emerge from it with a familiar set of dorsal fins popped out of it. Godzilla had what was left of Ghidorah middle head and neck in his mouth. Ghidorah roared out before Godzilla swing his head from left to right as he did this to slam Ghidorah against the ground.

Godzilla begin to charge up his Atomic Breath. Ghidorah roared out in pain as Godzilla bite down harder onto Ghidorah neck. As he was charging up his signature attack, Ghidorah skin begin to glow blue.

"NO! NO! I CAN'T DIE HERE! I HAVE UNIVERSE TO CONQUER! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" Ghidorah roared out as his fate was coming.

Godzilla fired his Atomic Breath straight into the air, killing Ghidorah in the process. He closed his mouth and turned off his Atomic Breath. He shakes out any pieces of building derby off his skin. He burped out a little lighting from mouth. He then turned his head towards Mikoto and Touma.

It has been done. The nightmare that was once cast its shadow on this planet is no more. The war is finally over. The Golden Demise Ghidorah is no more. The people in the Gotengo were cheering out in happiness.

Suddenly there was large thumping sound that was was coming towards Godzilla. Godzilla turned his heard around to see a kaiju that looks a combination of a wholly mammoth and a sloth. It has moss like plants on its tusks. Behemoth.

Godzilla continue to look around to see a giant armored cephalopod, with black coloration, and six very long, bony, and lightly haired legs, each with two joints and ending with a claw with small spikes growing out of the first joints. It also has a plated mantle with ten tendrils and a pair of black eyes. Scylla

He then saw a new Female MUTO approaching him. This time it has one row of fins going down her back.

He then saw a walking mountain like Kaiju that has tusks underneath its mouth. It hast two forelimbs and two hind limbs. Methuselah.

Soon all the other Kaijus that were allies of Godzilla that were already in Academy City begin to circle around him. And not only that, all the kaijus that were under the control of Ghidorah have also appeared in Academy City.

Godzilla glared at one of the Kaijus that were under the control of Ghidorah. Soon this kaiju bowed down to Godzilla in their own ways. Soon everyone followed. Each Kaiju begin to bow down to Godzilla in their own ways.

Mikoto and Touma watched this as they smiled at what is happening right now. They are accepting Godzilla as their alpha again.

"Long live the king." Said Mikoto as she continue to smile at this amazing scene.

The world will now have to get used to all the kaijus that are awakened after so long. They will have to learn to coexist with them, like they used to back in the old days. As the sun begin to rise up signaling a new day and possible a new era for everyone, Godzilla stood on top of a massive debris of a building and he roared proudly into the air.

Godzilla continue to roar as he reclaimed his alpha and now is the new King Of The Monsters!


To Be continued.......

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