《GOOZLLA》Mega Kaiju VS Anguirus, Mikoto and King Caesar


Last Time On Academy City Kaiju.................

The right head notice a power station right next to them. He slam his jaws onto the power station. Godzilla jerked his head to what the right head is doing.

Ghidorah begin absorbing all the electricity in the city into his body. As he does his entire neck begin to glow as he absorbs all the energy from the power station.

Once he had enough, he released it all in the form of lightning from the tips of his wings.

It not only manage to damage Godzilla, it also took out all the flying aircraft in one move. The Gotengo was hit by this attack but was still flying but all weapons systems were shorted out and will take a while to get them back online.

Godzilla was stepping back from this attack. He stopped when he slammed his left hand into the side of the building. His body was smoking from that attack. He glared at Ghidorah.

All the injuries and wounds that Godzilla put on Ghidorah have begun to heal up. What the strangest thing is, Ghidorah is laughing.

"Did you really think those ones we called were our best back up?" Asked the left head. Godzilla got curious at what Ghidorah just said.

"No. We were saving the best for last." said The right head. This causes Godzilla to get a little bit angry that Ghidorah was hiding a powerful ally all this time and he is just now telling him about it.

"And you are in luck. Because he has just ARRIVED!" Yelled the middle head. Just as Ghidorah finished his sentence, something HUGE jumped out of the water and landed right behind Godzilla.

It had multiple body armor spikes on its back with its color red. It has ten blue eyes. it has two huge long tusks. It has four legs. It has two long arms that have three fingers. It has glowing blue like veins on its body. It also has two tails with blue glowing spikes at the end. Mega Kaiju.

Ghidorah has took out the military fighter jets in one attack. Ghidorah revealed that he was saving one last ally for the battle. His ultimate trump card. All of Godzilla friends are tired from their own battle. Who is going to stop this new space kaiju from killing Godzilla?


With Mikoto..............

Both her and Touma were seeing this new space kaiju come ashore. Mikoto herself was shocked that their was something that huge was coming to aid Ghidorah.

With Mega Kaiju marching his way closer to Godzilla, Mikoto acted on instinct. She launched about a billion of electricity at Mega Kaiju. Not enough to damage him, but just enough to make him flinch.


"Um.. Mikoto, was that a good idea?" asked Touma.

"I had to do something! I can't let something like that aid Ghidorah to help him kill Godzilla. In my eyes, Ghidorah has no honor in fair fights." Said Mikoto.


With Mega Kaiju................

Just as he was getting close to Godzilla, something strike him on his left side causing him to flinch and stop moving.

'What was that?' Thought Mega Kaiju.

He turned his head towards where Mikoto and Touma are. Mega Kaiju could sense the power that Mikoto has and realized that she is too dangerous. He then begin to change his objective to kill those two humans.

'I know I am suppose to help Ghidorah kill Godzilla, but I need to take care of any threats to Ghidorah plan to wipe out all life on this planet.' Thought Mega Kaiju as he stomps his way over to the two humans.

Suddenly, something jumped over Mikoto and Touma. It as Zilla as he latched himself onto Mega Kaiju face and begin to bite on his head.

"" Yelled Mega Kaiju as he was having a hard time to see. And as a result, he can't tell where he is walking.

"" Said Zilla as he bites off one of Mega Kaiju tusks.

Having enough of this, he stabbed Zilla with one of his tails into his left side. Zilla roared in pain as this made him let go of Mega Kaiju face. Using is tail, he launched Zilla into a building , which collapsed. Only Zilla head was visible out of the pieces of the now destroy building. He is still alive but wounded. But still alive.

"" Yelled an angry Mega Kaiju.

Gamera and Rodan came flying in at Mega Kaiju blind side. But however, Mega Kaiju sensed this and he swiped his two tails at them, causing them to be sent flying into the ground a few miles away.

"" Said Mega Kaiju as he continue walking towards the humans.

Mothra dive bombs towards towards Mega Kaiju and stabs him in one of his eyes on the right side. Mega Kaiju roared out in pain. He then grabbed her by his left hand and slammed her into the ground. Mothra roars out in pain. Still having a hold on her, he then launched her on top of a building. Mothra look tired and a little bit wounded from that attack as she needed to rest for a while to get back her strength.

"" Mega Kaiju taunt her.

Kong then jumps into the air and and lands on Mega Kaijus back. He then punches Mega Kaijus back until blue blood leaked out of the skin. Having enough of these pests making him bleed, he wrapped his tail around Kong and launched him away from him.


"" Mocked Mega Kaiju.

Now within two miles of distance between the humans who are too scared to move because of who easily he overpowered Godzilla friends. His left hand begin to glow blue as he slammed his hand into the ground.

A pulse of energy begin traveling through the ground and towards the humans. Touma and Mikoto hugged each other as they awaited their soon to be fate. Just before it could kill those two, something fast came in and got the humans out of danger.

This kaiju has the humans was holding onto them by holding them in his paws. He looks like a Ankylosaurus with yellow spikes on his back. He has a spike tail like club on the end of his tail. He has spikes coming out of the back of his head. His skin is a lighter shade of gray. He has a pointed horn on his long snout. Anguirus


"" Yelled Mega Kaiju as was shocked of who just saved those humans. The building beside him being to collapsed as something jumped right through it. this being grabbed onto Mega Kaiju and tossed him a few feet away from him. Mega Kaiju roared as he notice who did that do him.

The new creature body was a mix between a dog and a loin. He has huge ears. His skin was in a red brick or a rock and it was super hard. King Caesar.

King Caesar being to fight him and martial art moves like you won't see from a kaiju. Every time Mega Kaijus tries to punch him, King Caesar would simple slide to the left and give him a spinning jump kick which knocked him to the ground.

Mega Kaiju roared in anger as he tried to tail slap him but King Caesar blocked it easily with his leg. Acting quickly, he grabbed both of his tails and swing him and around and around making the monster dizzy.

King Caesar then slammed Mega Kaiju into the ground. Mega Kaiju landed on his back. When he felt the impact, he coughed out a gallon of blue blood.

"" Yelled King Caesar as he went back to attack Mega Kaiju as he got back up on his feet.

Anguirus gently placed the humans onto the ground. He knows that he can't speak human so he will have to try to make the human with the chestnut hair to understand what he is saying.

He tried to make a signs with his hand to make the human flick him at Mega Kaiju. But it is not working.

"I am sorry but I can't understand what you are saying!" Yelled Mikoto. This made Anguirus sad as he failed to make this human understand he is he asking her to do.

"I think he is trying for you to use him as part of your Railgun attack." Said Touma. Anguirus quickly nodded his head at what Touma just said.

"Are you sure you take the pain?" asked Mikoto. Anguirus pounded his chest in a way of saying that he can take it. Anguirus curled himself into a ball as he getting ready for this. Mikoto got behind Anguirus as she being to be surrounded by blue electricity.

King Caesar quickly looked towards where Anguirus and notice that it is almost time. Noticing the bite off tusks that was on the ground, thanks to Zilla, he quickly picked it up and jabbed it into one of Mega Kaiju feet.

Mega Kaiju roared out in pain. King Caesar then picked up three long metal poles and stabbed them right through each remaining foot for Mega Kaiju. This was going to keep him in place.

With the time now right, she reeled her right hand back. With a might yell, she lamed her hand into Anguirus curled up form and he was launched at super fast speed.

Mega Kaiju was too busy trying to get the things in his foots out. By the time he raised up his head, it was too late.

"" Is all he said before Anguirus crashed into him. A massive explosion not only sent Anguirus back but it also covered up the monster. Both King Caesar and Anguirus jumped in front of the humans to protect them from the shockwaves from this massive explosion. When the dust settled, it looked like Mega Kaiju was dead as he was laying on his stomach.

Suddenly, his right hand twitched. He then used both of his hands to help get him off the ground. He suddenly roared as loud as he can at his foes.

He then suddenly collapsed to the ground hard. The glow in his eyes disappeared. It was then revealed that we are seeing his last moments. Why? Because the lower half of his body is separated from him. Mikoto Railgun attack completely ended him.

Both Anguirus and King Caesar looked towards the humans and tried to give them a thumps up. Mikoto and Touma response to that was a smile.

At last, the final ally of Ghidorah is no more. But no one can rest easy. Godzilla is nearly tired and will soon run on fumes. All the wounds that Godzilla gave Ghidorah are all healed up. The fate of the world is resting now on Godzilla shoulders.


To Be Continued............

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