《GOOZLLA》Gamera and Zilla Vs Super Gyaos and Megalon


Last Time On Academy City Kaiju........

Suddenly, Ramarak came back to life as he bite on Kong left arm. Kong quickly covered up his right hand so the humans will be okay. Both Ramarak and Kong fell to the ground because of what Ramarak attack just did.

Getting a good look at Ramarak, he notice that the slash he created on Ramarak neck is not there anymore.

Smelling the humans that are Kong right hand, Ramarak went to attack where they are. Kong grabbed him by his left hand and was trying to keep him away form his friends.

Ramarak opened up his mouth as he launched his extendable tongue to be wrapped around Kong right hand. Kong tried to keep his hand away from Ramarak mouth.

With one powerful tug, Ramarak had Kong right hand in his mouth. Ramarak tried to chop on his foe arm so he can sallow up the humans.

Kong wasn't going to let that happen. With all his strength he pulled his arm free from Ramarak mouth as he also pulled out his tongue as well. As well as any organs the tongue was connected to.

He let go of his foe as he flopped onto the ground, completely dead this time. Kong finally got his revenge on the monster that took his parents.

"Try coming back to life like that!" Roared Kong. With his left hand, he pound on his chest as he roared into the air that he has defeat Ramarak.

Getting onto his knees he slowly opened up his right hand to see that the two humans are okay. They opened up their eyes to see that they are okay.

Kong gently placed them back on the ground. Once they were on the ground, Kong let out a tired breath. Kong then leaned his back up against some debris as he was tired.

"Thank you big guy. Just rest while you can." Said Mikoto. Kong just smiled at her.

Kong can take it easy now. After years of waiting for this, Kong has finally took care of the creature that was responsible for his parents deaths. Another one of Ghidorah allies bites the dust.


With Zilla..........

He was digging underneath Academy City, looking for his foe. He his nose just caught a small trace of where he is.


"" Zilla then work into over time to dig as fast as he could. Megalon turn around to see Zilla appearing just right behind him.

"" Asked Megalon.

"You can't escape me. I am a pro when it comes to digging." Said Zilla. Before Megalon could respond, Zilla grabbed him by his jaws and launched him out of the ground.

At the same time, Gamera was still fighting his foe in the air. He was able to grab Super Gyaos and throw him to the ground. When the two evil kaijus collided, the hit their heads against each other, causing a massive head pain.

Zilla came out of the ground just as Gamera just landed on the ground. They turned their heads to their foes to see that they are.... arguing?

"" Yelled Megalon.

"" Argued back Super Gyaos.

As they continue to argue at each other, Gamera and Zilla can't help but sweat drop at this embarrassing scene.

"" Said Zilla.

"" Said Gamera.

They shake their heads to get them focused again.

"" asked Gamera as he tucked himself into his shell.

"" Zilla grabs onto Zilla as he begin to spin around and around until he he throw hims really hard.

Gamera begin to spin his shell as he was still in the air. He then crashed into the two evil kaijus as it sends them into the ground. Just the were about to get up, Gamera comes back at them like a boomerang.

This causes them to fall down again. Just when the got back up, Zilla was right infront of them. This causes them to freak out. Zilla first response to that was a smile to the two monsters, making them sweat nervously. His second response was a tail swipe at them at full force. They were sent flying into a bile of building debris.

Super Gyaos and Megalon came out of the pile they were in and were furious.

"" Yelled Super Gyaos.

"" Roared Megalon.

"" Said Zilla. Gamera nodded at what Zilla said.

"" Super Gyaos released a yellow beam from his mouth directly at the ground, right at a oil tank on a truck, which causes to blow up, creating a huge explosion.


"" Megalon released a yellow lightning from his horn at another truck that made a huger explosion. The two explosions completely covered up the good kaiju.

The two evil kaijus laughed to the hearts content. Thinking they have won this fight but they were dead wrong.

"" asked Gamera from inside of the giant wall of fire. This causes the two monsters to flinch in fear as they slowly turned around.

The explosion was absorbed by Gamera as he was completely healed from any wounds from that attack. Zilla was able to come out of the explosions, with no injuries.

"" Gamera released a huge fire ball at the two evil kaijus.

Zilla released his signature attack along side Gamera. The two attack continued to get closer at the two terrifying kaijus who were too scared to move or dodge. When it connected, they exploded into millions of pieces.

Once the dust settled, both Super Gyaos and Megalon were gone forever. and thus, takes care the last of Ghidorah allies.

Gamera and Zilla laid on the ground. They were tired as they put a lot of energy into that attack as well as made a long distance to Academy City in the first place.

"" asked Zilla.

"" Asked Gamera.

"" Said Zilla.

Both Zilla and Gamera begin to laugh a little as they somehow find their situation at the moment funny. After a nightmare that is happening on the planet, they need a good laugh.


With Godzilla...........

Godzilla and Ghidorah were still fighting each other with each side equal as strong as the other. Godzilla swiped his claws at Ghidorah chest area that leaves behind three huge slashes. Ghidorah ignores the pain. Suddenly, all three heads of Ghidorah widen their eyes as the took as few steps back. They looked around to see that all his allies that he has called for back up are gone.

"" He said as he grabbed one of the heads of Ghidorah and slam it up against a building. While he is focusing on one of the heads, he didn't pay attention to the right head.

The right head notice a power station right next to them. He slam his jaws onto the power station. Godzilla jerked his head to what the right head is doing.

Ghidorah begin absorbing all the electricity in the city into his body. As he does his entire neck begin to glow as he absorbs all the energy from the power station.

Once he had enough, he released it all in the form of lightning from the tips of his wings.

It not only manage to damage Godzilla, it also took out all the flying aircraft in one move. The Gotengo was hit by this attack but was still flying but all weapons systems were shorted out and will take a while to get them back online.

Godzilla was stepping back from this attack. He stopped when he slammed his left hand into the side of the building. His body was smoking from that attack. He glared at Ghidorah.

All the injuries and wounds that Godzilla put on Ghidorah have begun to heal up. What the strangest thing is, Ghidorah is laughing.

"" Asked the left head. Godzilla got curious at what Ghidorah just said.

"No. We were saving the best for last." said The right head. This causes Godzilla to get a little bit angry that Ghidorah was hiding a powerful ally all this time and he is just now telling him about it.

"" Yelled the middle head. Just as Ghidorah finished his sentence, something HUGE jumped out of the water and landed right behind Godzilla.

It had multiple body armor spikes on its back with its color red. It has ten blue eyes. it has two huge long tusks. It has four legs. It has two long arms that have three fingers. It has glowing blue like veins on its body. It also has two tails with blue glowing spikes at the end. Mega Kaiju.

Ghidorah has took out the military fighter jets in one attack. Ghidorah revealed that he was saving one last ally for the battle. His ultimate trump card. All of Godzilla friends are tired from their own battle. Who is going to stop this new space kaiju from killing Godzilla?


To Be Continued........

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