《GOOZLLA》The Dragon King


Just as the dust clears, Gigan was about to swipe his remaining arm at Mikoto. She closed her eyes. When she didn't feel anything she slowly opened here eyes to see that Mothra is standing above her and protecting her.

She is using a stinger that was hidden in her abdomen to block Gigan twin chainsaw hand. A Hidden Stinger to be more accurate. Sparks were flying everywhere as these two attack met each other.

Mothra then used a attack that Gigan wasn't expecting. She used her energy to make her wings glow very bright. The God Rays attack.

This attack causes Gigan to make it difficult for him to see. While he was distracted, Mothra swiped at the joints for his remaining arm. When Mothra wings stop glowing, Gigan couldn't believe what just happened. Both of Gigan arms are now gone.

"NO! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!" Roared Gigan as he was trying to believe that he was not going to die again.

"Oh you better believe it Gigan. " Said Mothra before she made her attack onto Gigan.

Mothra then stabbed one of her front limbs at Gigan visor, making him completely blind. She then swiped at Gigan neck, making his head fall off from the main body. Mothra then stepped out of the way for Mikoto to be the one to end this.

Mikoto collected enough iron sand to form it into the shape of a sword. She then slash horizontally and cut the Gigan head in two. Making it even impossible for Gigan to come back from the dead again. Once that was done, she let the Iron sand fall to the ground as she turn off her Esper ability.

"Whew." Mikoto says before she fell to her knees in exhaustion. "Glad that's over." Said a tire Mikoto.

Mothra walked over to Mikoto and nudged her head against Mikoto. "Hehe. I am fine Mothra." She smiled to the divine moth as she gave Mothra a rub on her head. Mothra made a small screeched that she was glad that Mikoto is okay.

Gigan is good for dead this time. Another one of Ghidorah allies is toast. But the danger is not over yet. The remaining evil kaijus are still at large and won't go down without a fight. And whats worse, there is two more late allies of Ghidorah coming. Lets hope Godzilla friends will be able to handle these two after these take care of the other bad Kaijus.


Over The Sea.........

Over the sea that is about 15 miles from where the fight is, the seas are getting dangerous to be in.

Something or someone huge flied at super fast speed over the choppy waters and was heading towards the fight. As lightning strike in the back ground, all you quickly see was its red skin and giant red bat wings.



"Where are you girls?" asked Mikoto as she runing through the streets of Academy City. She is talking to her friends on her phone.

"We are back on the Gotengo. Miss. Sakura used her powers to teleport us back in the ship. Where are you?" asked Uiharu over the phone.

"I am trying to run as fast as I can in the streets of Academy City. I will try to find a place to let you know where I am. Can't stay in one place too long." Said Mikoto as she turned around to the left of the street she was running on.

"Okay. Stay safe." Said Uiharu as she hanged up. Mikoto put her phone back into her pocket. She then stop to take minute to catch her breath.

"Okay. I just need to find a place to let them know where I am. Think Mikoto think." Mikoto said as she trying to think a place to go to.

Just before she could, a new roar echo through the air as this new roared sent down a chill down her spine.

A sudden thud was heard from behind her. Mikoto slowly turned around with nervous sweat on her face.

What was behind her was not friendly. It had three white toes with two spikes just above its toes. It has three white spikes on its knees. It has huge red bat wings and two smaller wings on its sides. it has a orange horn on its head. It has large frills on the side of its head. It has three claw hands. It has two orange glowing eyes. It also has a long tail with a pincer like appendage at the end. Destroyah.

"" Said Destroyah. From Mikoto point of view all she heard was a roar. A terrifying roar at that.

Like any person when they see something, they do the very first thing they could think of. Run!

Mikoto ran than faster then she could before. In other words, she was running so fast, that she doesn't know where she was going.

She kept running until she bump into someone. She and that person begin to roll like a bowling ball through the streets until the crashed into a clothes store.

"Ow!" Said Mikoto as she underneath the person she bumped into.

"Sorry." said a all too familiar male voice. Mikoto opened her eye to see that it was Touma that she bumped into.

"Touma?" said Mikoto as she was able to get out from underneath him. "What are you doing here? Should you have been evacuated like everyone else?" she asked him as she helped him to stand up.

"Yeah. Funny story. I sorta got lost during the entire evacuation thing. Now I am running for me life from these giant creatures. What are you doing here any way?" asked Touma. They both walked out of the store that crashed into.


"I was running away from a new creature that looked like it wanted to kill me." Said Mikoto.

"What creature?" Asked Touma. Just the second he said that, Destroyah just landed near the two humans.

"Him." Mikoto points to the creature as it was staring at them, with a look of wanting to destroy all life.

"" Said Destroyah.

"Rotten luck." Said Touma.

"" Yelled Destroyah.

The horn on Destroyah head begin to glow. He then swing his head down as a released a energy attack in the form of a sword slash at the two humans.

Touma and Mikoto jumped out of the way as the attack it the store they were originally in. The store split into two. After about 10 seconds later, it exploded it. This was Destroyah Variable Slicer.

"That was too close." Said Mikoto. She then notice that Destroyah was about to do it again. This time, not giving them any room to breath.

As soon as the monster released the attack onto them, Touma step forward and let his right hand touch the attack. The sound of shattering glass was heard the moment it made into contact with Touma right hand.

'What the... This human was able to cancel out my attack?' Thought Destroyah.

"Okay. I guess that worked." Said Touma as he looked at his right hand, seeing that it is okay.

"Idiot! What would you have done if i didn't work?!" Shouted Mikoto.

"Um... think of plan B?" said a nervous Touma.

'If it that human did indeed cancel out my attack, then I need to get rid of his arm!' Thought Destroyah as he moved his tail to attack the two humans.

Mikoto saw this and quickly grabbed Touma out of there before the pincer like appendage kill them.

"Don't stand around looking like a idiot Touma. That thing is trying to kill us." Said Mikoto as she helped him dodge another attack. This time a stomp from Destroyah massive feet.

This was left them opened to be hit by a tail swipe. The tail wrapped around Touma and launched him into the air. While Touma was in the air, this left him defenseless to Destroyah attack.

Destroyah then used his Variable Slicer to completely sliced off Touma arm, from where it starts at the shoulders. Blood begin to leak out of his shoulder where his right arm used to be.

Touma the fell the ground. Before he could crash into the ground, Mikoto caught him in her arms. She then heard the monster infront of them laughing like a maniac.

"" The monster continued to laugh.

'While I am worried about the situation at the moment, I am more wondering if that thing inside where is Right arm used to be will react to this.' Thought Mikoto as she stated at the now not bleeding arm stumped where the right arm used to be.

A glowing eye appeared inside of the stumped. It suddenly came out in the form a dragon head with very very long neck. The Dragon King!

Destroyah saw this and was about to fire another attack from his horn by the dragon head latch his jaws onto the horn and ribbed off his horn.

Soon, 7 more heads, each has a different body appearance, came out Touma right arm stump and came straight at the soon to be dead kaiju.

Each head grabbed a piece of Destroyah flesh and begin to tear it off. Every time Destroyah tries to run away, the heads just headbutts him to make him stay still.

'How... how can this be?' Thought Destroyah as he felt his legs were teared off from his body.

'How can a human hold this monster inside of him?' Thought Destroyah as his arms are now gone.

'I am the all mighty Kaiju of death. It can't end like this for me! No!' Thought Destroyah.

"" Yelled out Destroyah as that was his final words before he was completely teared off.

By the time the Dragon King was done, there was nothing left of him. Just small pieces of Destroyah flesh and bones were on the streets of Academy City.

Once this foe was gone, all the heads of the Dragon King, went back inside Touma and his right arm was completely healed and was back.

"You okay?"asked Mikoto as she looked at Touma for concern.

"I am okay. Still not use for my right hand being chopped or sliced off." Said Touma as he flexed his right hand.

"Good. Whats say lets get out of here and find some place to call for help or some place to take shelter? " Asked Mikoto. Touma quickly nodded. Those two then quickly ran out of there, just encase a Skullcrawler decides to pop out of nowhere.

The Kaiju of death, Destroyah, was defeated and killed by the thing that lives inside Touma right arm. Mikoto was able to see it again, this time got to see it right beside Touma. Ghidorah will notice again that he is losing allies quickly than his three heads can count. How much longer until Godzilla friends take care of the others?


To Be Continued............

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