《GOOZLLA》Mothra And Mikoto VS Gigan


Last Time on Academy City Kaiju.....

"I realized something when you were fighting with Rodan. You are moving your wings at fast pace that increases your speed. However, if one of your wings were hurt or has a major hole in it, you can't fly at that speed any more, can you?" Said Mikoto as she figured out a flaw in Megaguirus speed.

Megaguirus was growling like crazy as this human was able to not just injure her but also made her lost some of her speed. 'This human will rue the day she made a fool out of me!' Though Megaguirus.

Megaguirus response to this was an attack. Using some of the energy that she got from Rodan, she created a huge fireball that she launched at the base of the building that Mikoto was on. When it collided with the building, it create a explosion that created a chain reaction that made the building to collapsed.

Mikoto ran to the edge of the building and jumped off. She was hoping that if she could make it to another building, she would be okay. But that monster expected this and was about to eat Mikoto whole.

Suddenly, Rodan zoomed right by Megaguirus and catched Mikoto by using his beak to catch her by her shirt. He then moved his head back which caused Mikoto to landed right between his horns. Mikoto handed on to on of his horns as Rodan made a U-Turn and begin to charge right at his foe.

Just right before he could, Megaguirus was hoping to stab him again with her stinger to drain more of his energy. But Rodan was not going to fall for that again. In slow motion, Rodan grabbed the stinger with his beak and ribbed it off of her tail. This cause the dragonfly like kaiju to roar out in pain.

Megaguirus then created another fireball, much bigger than before and launched it at Rodan. Rodan flapped his wings super hard to send this attack right back at the one who created it.

Megaguirus could have easily dodge it but something as grabbed her. She turned her head to the left to see that she is caught in a giant human hand made of iron sand. Mikoto used her esper powers to collect much iron sand as she could to hold this monster in place.


For the first time in a while, Megaguirus felt fear. Once this attack made contact with her, it created a huge explosion that got rid of her for good.

Rodan slowly landed onto the ground and lowered his head so Mikoto could step off of him. Mikoto smiled at him as she was thankful for him for saving her from almost getting eaten. Rodan smiled back at Mikoto as he was thankful for that Mikoto was able to help him with this fight.

One of the evil Kaijus is no more. But it is not a time to rest just yet. All the remaining allies that Ghidorah has summoned has not yet been defeated yet. Godzilla is still giving it his all in his fight with his ancient rival Ghidorah. How much longer until which side wins?


With Mikoto........

After helping Rodan with the Kaiju he was facing, Mikoto begin to run through the streets of Academy City to find the group she got separated from.

Just as she turn around a corner of a building, she came face to face with one of the small Skullcrawlers. It was just standing right there, like it was waiting for her. Just before the Skullcrawler could eat her, Kong appeared behind the Skullcrawler and stomped his foot on the skull on the kaiju and killed it in one attack.

Kong roared as begin to move. Kong is continuing to find more Skullcrawlers or the Big one. Mikoto was breathing hard from that experience that was almost her last. Once she calmed down, she was about to continue her search until something stopped her. She heard Mothra screech like she was in trouble.

Mikoto turned around to see in the air that she was battling Gigan and she looked like she need some help. With little time to think, she ran towards Mothra to help her.


With Mothra............

"" Shouted Gigan as he released a bunch of red laser beams from his red visor.

Mothra was able to dodge each laser beam and was was in the clear. Or she thought. Gigan suddenly appeared infront of her and hit her with his tail to knock her to the ground.

"" Said Mothra as she turned her head to Gigan who just landed on the ground.


"" Said Gigan.

"" Said Gigan.

Mothra then leap into he air as she flapped her wings to make her self hover. "" She said before she charged at Gigan and used her front limbs to swipe at Gigan and leaving some scratches on his metal body.

"" He yelled before he tail swiped at her again, causing her to be sent into a building. She was stuck and can't get out in time. Gigan glided over to her and had his left chainsaws turned on.

Before Gigan could swipe at Mothra, blue lightning strike him into his red fins causing him to flinch.

"You just made a big mistake you sorry excused over grown chicken!" yelled a too familiar voice. Gigan turned around to see that is was Mikoto Misaka that was responsible for that attack.

"THAT'S MY FRIEND YOUR MESSING WITH!!" She yelled as he used her Esper powers to gather a bunch of iron sand to create a Iron Sand Whip in her right hand.

'' Thought Gigan.

"" Said Mothra.

"" As Gigan laughed, Mothra narrowed her eyes at this evil Kaiju. She begin to try to free herself from the building she was stuck too.

Mikoto used her Iron Sand Whip to swipe at Gigan left arm. When this attack connected, it destroyed a small chunk of his armor. What was underneath it was advanced wires and circuits. This causes Gigan to roar out in panic.

"You little...." Gigan didn't get to finish his speech as Mikoto did another attack with her Iron Sand Whip at the same spot, causing it this time to make it detached from the main body.

Gigan is not organic, if he was he would be roaring out in pain. Right now? He is roaring out in anger. He released a bunch of his laser beams around Mikoto. It causes her to loss focused and her Iron Sand Whip was gone.

Just as the dust clears, Gigan was about to swipe his remaining arm at Mikoto. She closed her eyes. When she didn't feel anything she slowly opened here eyes to see that Mothra is standing above her and protecting her.

She is using a stinger that was hidden in her abdomen to block Gigan twin chainsaw hand. A Hidden Stinger to be more accurate. Sparks were flying everywhere as these two attack met each other.

Mothra then used a attack that Gigan wasn't expecting. She used her energy to make her wings glow very bright. The God Rays attack.

This attack causes Gigan to make it difficult for him to see. While he was distracted, Mothra swiped at the joints for his remaining arm. When Mothra wings stop glowing, Gigan couldn't believe what just happened. Both of Gigan arms are now gone.

"NO! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!" Roared Gigan as he was trying to believe that he was not going to die again.

"Oh you better believe it Gigan. " Said Mothra before she made her attack onto Gigan.

Mothra then stabbed one of her front limbs at Gigan visor, making him completely blind. She then swiped at Gigan neck, making his head fall off from the main body. Mothra then stepped out of the way for Mikoto to be the one to end this.

Mikoto collected enough iron sand to form it into the shape of a sword. She then slash horizontally and cut the Gigan head in two. Making it even impossible for Gigan to come back from the dead again. Once that was done, she let the Iron sand fall to the ground as she turn off her Esper ability.

"Whew." Mikoto says before she fell to her knees in exhaustion. "Glad that's over." Said a tire Mikoto.

Mothra walked over to Mikoto and nudged her head against Mikoto. "Hehe. I am fine Mothra." She smiled to the divine moth as she gave Mothra a rub on her head. Mothra made a small screeched that she was glad that Mikoto is okay.

Gigan is good for dead this time. Another one of Ghidorah allies is toast. But the danger is not over yet. The remaining evil kaijus are still at large and won't go down without a fight. And whats worse, there is two more late allies of Ghidorah coming. Lets hope Godzilla friends will be able to handle these two after these take care of the other bad Kaijus.


To Be Continued.........

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