《GOOZLLA》Rodan Vs Megaguirus


"This can't be good." Said Mikoto before the building they were on suddenly fell apart due to a strange vibrations underground. They were able to get out of there but their ride... not so much.

A strange kaiju dig his way out of the ground and landed infront of the gang. It was a beetle like kaiju with drills for hands. Megalon

"Uh-oh" Said all the girls as they realized this just got a whole lot worse.

And out came a hole that Megalon made was another Skullcrawler. But this one was larger and had spikes coming out his his joints. This is the Big One or goes by the name, Ramarak.

Ramarak was looking at the humans infront of him and lick his skull like head. Just before he could do anything to them, Sakura used a talisman to transport them someplace a few miles away from that monster. It will buy them some time but not enough.

"I just teleported us somewhere in this city. I might have just buy our self a little bit more time. What was that strange two legged lizard anyway?" Said Sakura as she was panting out of fear.

"That was a Skullcrawler. If Kong is king on his island then those are demons below. That large one is Ramarak. One of the Skullcrawlers that is responsible for the death of Kong parents." Said the twins at the same time.

"So I guess, both Kong and Godzilla and Danny have a rough past." Said Mikoto. The twins nodded at Mikoto statement. With that begin said, they can't just stick around in one place, with both side called for aid, they are not safe on the ground. They have to avoid any danger that comes their way now.

Both sides have called for aid. More are possible on the way. Can our hero team defeat this evil bunch. Can Godzilla handle to defeat Ghidorah on his own now? The fate of the world hangs on this fight. Only one side can win.


She got lost and separated from the others when that big Skullcrawler came back to hunt them down and eat them.


At this moment, she is on top of a roof of a business building. She was able to get on there thanks to her ability. She used her ability as a Electromaster to stick to the metal parts of the building. From there all she had to do is run straight up.

"Oh man. Can't believe I got separated from the others." Said Mikoto as she rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment.

She looked over to where Ghidorah and Godzilla are still fighting each other. "Its still hard to believe a creature that wants the destruction of the human kind could possibly exist." Said Mikoto.

She then heard some clashing sounds from up above her to see Rodan fighting against that Megaguirus. She noticed that the foe that Rodan is facing is somehow very fast, making it hard for Rodan to fight her.

"I wish their was a way I could help Rodan. If only there was some way of slowing it down. Wait, I got an idea!" Shouted Mikoto as she got an idea of how to help Rodan.


Rodan was still clashing with Megaguirus in the air. Rodan talons were lock with Megaguirus pincers as one side tried to overpower the other.

"" Shouted Rodan as he spin around with still holding onto Megaguirus pincers. He then throw her down to the ground.

Just before she could make impact, she spread her wings and landed safely.

"" Said Megaguirus as she suddenly moved super fast that it look like she vanished.

"" Rodan then landed on a building rooftop. "" asked Rodan as he looked everywhere for his foe.

"" Said Megaguirus voice that was right behind him.

Rodan turned around to see that she is not there. Megaguirus is just toying with him.

"" Said Megaguirus. Rodan did the same thing and just as he turned around, she vanished again.

"" Said Rodan as he looked everywhere for this monster.

"" Said Megaguirus as she was continuing to play around with Rodan.

"" Said Rodan as he was getting tired of Megaguirus games.

Suddenly Rodan was attack in the back as Megaguirus stab her stinger into his back. "" Rodan roared out in pain.


Megaguirus was smirking evilly as she was enjoying hearing the screams of her prey in total pain. From her stinger, she was beginning to absorb the nuclear energy that is inside of Rodan.

"" Asked Rodan

"" Megaguirus was laughing at Rodan fate.

Rodan was able to get his foe off of him. He might have lost some of his energy but he can still fight.

"" mocked Megaguirus. Unknown to her, someone was watching her from the rooftop as this person pulled out a arcade coin.

"" Said Rodan. As he was saying this, the person from before flick the coin into the air.

"" The coin then begin to fall back to the ground.

The person flicked it forward. Once this person did it, a giant orange beam came from that and stuck right through Megaguirus left wing. Megaguirus now has a giant whole in her left wing, making her lost a huge degree of her speed.

"" Megaguirus roared out in pain. This pain was unable to be describe. Megaguirus turned around to see that it was Mikoto Misaka who did that. She released her signature attack, Railgun.

"I realized something when you were fighting with Rodan. You are moving your wings at fast pace that increases your speed. However, if one of your wings were hurt or has a major hole in it, you can't fly at that speed any more, can you?" Said Mikoto as she figured out a flaw in Megaguirus speed.

Megaguirus was growling like crazy as this human was able to not just injure her but also made her lost some of her speed. 'This human will rue the day she made a fool out of me!' Though Megaguirus.

Megaguirus response to this was an attack. Using some of the energy that she got from Rodan, she created a huge fireball that she launched at the base of the building that Mikoto was on. When it collided with the building, it create a explosion that created a chain reaction that made the building to collapsed.

Mikoto ran to the edge of the building and jumped off. She was hoping that if she could make it to another building, she would be okay. But that monster expected this and was about to eat Mikoto whole.

Suddenly, Rodan zoomed right by Megaguirus and catched Mikoto by using his beak to catch her by her shirt. He then moved his head back which caused Mikoto to landed right between his horns. Mikoto handed on to on of his horns as Rodan made a U-Turn and begin to charge right at his foe.

Just right before he could, Megaguirus was hoping to stab him again with her stinger to drain more of his energy. But Rodan was not going to fall for that again. In slow motion, Rodan grabbed the stinger with his beak and ribbed it off of her tail. This cause the dragonfly like kaiju to roar out in pain.

Megaguirus then created another fireball, much bigger than before and launched it at Rodan. Rodan flapped his wings super hard to send this attack right back at the one who created it.

Megaguirus could have easily dodge it but something as grabbed her. She turned her head to the left to see that she is caught in a giant human hand made of iron sand. Mikoto used her esper powers to collect much iron sand as she could to hold this monster in place.

For the first time in a while, Megaguirus felt fear. Once this attack made contact with her, it created a huge explosion that got rid of her for good.

Rodan slowly landed onto the ground and lowered his head so Mikoto could step off of him. Mikoto smiled at him as she was thankful for him for saving her from almost getting eaten. Rodan smiled back at Mikoto as he was thankful for that Mikoto was able to help him with this fight.

One of the evil Kaijus is no more. But it is not a time to rest just yet. All the remaining allies that Ghidorah has summoned has not yet been defeated yet. Godzilla is still giving it his all in his fight with his ancient rival Ghidorah. How much longer until which side wins?


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