《GOOZLLA》Earth Guardians vs Earth Destroyers


Last Time On Academy City Kaiju..............

As Ghidorah tired to get himself back up, he was attack by a bunch of missiles. He used his right wing to block them but that just made his left side open for the fighter jets to let a bunch of missiles there which really put the hurt on him.

Ghidorah was able to shake it off as all three heads begin to snare and flare their horns at Godzilla.

"So your still alive Godzilla!" Said the middle head.

"Yes I am. Ghidorah, you will pay for your crimes for disturbing the balance of Nature on this planet. As well for destroying any planet you have done in the past before coming here. Today finally marks the end for you, GHIDORAH!" Yelled Godzilla as he ran as he charged straight for Ghidorah. The fighter jets and military helicopters opened fire at Godzilla as they fly right next to Godzilla.

"Grrrrr. Curse you GODZILLA!" Yelled all three heads as Ghidorah begin to charge at Godzilla as well.

Godzilla was the first to strike as he grabbed both the left and right head of Ghidorah as they collide with each other. This created a large boom that could be heard from inside of the building.

The final battle has started. Will Godzilla be able to defeat Ghidorah and finally free this planet from this nightmare once and for all? Will Godzilla friends get here in time before Ghidorah allies does? Only time will tell.


Academy City.........

Godzilla had a good grip on Ghidorah two heads. He then begin to spin him around like a rag doll. Every time that he stops spinning him, he slams Ghidorah to the ground hard and then picks him back up by the heads again.

The Osprey that was caring the girls and the twins landed on a rooftop were they can see the battle at a safe distance.

"Hey is it just me, or has Godzilla been working out?" asked Uiharu.

"You got to be kidding me right? Godzilla got super juiced!" Said a exciting Saten.

"Got that right!"Said James and Sakura as they landed right beside them. They were in there transformation state. "Even from here, I can sense that he is different. Not just his appearance, but his ability and strength as well." As she said this, Godzilla delivered a powerful punch into Ghidorah stomach which all three heads spit out saliva.

"Both Godzilla and Danny were introduce to a Atomic missile that not only revive him but gave more strength then he had before. If I were to make a guess, he would have enough energy to power a power station for two days or more!" Said Sakura.


"Wow. Those two have always surprise us in the past but this.... I think my mind has a officially been blow." Said Kuroko. She looked back to see Godzilla did another spin and tossed Ghidorah into a building. Ghidorah roared furiously at Godzilla for that attack.

"" Roared the middle head. The other two heads snarled at Godzilla.

"" Godzilla said as he slammed his tail into Ghidorah left leg, causing him to fall to the ground.

Ghidorah then got back up and grit his teeth at Godzilla. Godzilla was about to slash at Ghidorah but all three heads latch onto Godzilla. he then slam Godzilla into the ground.

"" He said as he removed the middle head that is latched on his neck. He then fired his Atomic Breath at point blank range. This causes Ghidorah to get off him by making get pushed back by the Atomic Breath.

Just before Ghidorah could step out of this attack, something hit on on his left side and his back to keep him from escaping.

His left head turned around to see Zilla unleashing his signature attack at Ghidorah. His right head turner around to the back to see Rodan on the ground flapping his wings hard to create a gust of wind to keep Ghidorah in one place.

Because of these three attacks Ghidorah was keeping still right next to a tall building with many floors in it. 'What's going on? Why are these low lives keeping me still?' Though the middle head.

"Hey that's.. that's Rodan and the other Godzilla from New York City, Zilla!" Said Mikoto as she just figured out who just entered the fight.

"Yep. They have heard Godzilla call and come to aid him in this battle. Like friends should." Said Miana.

"Its nice to know that even a big guy like him has many friends." Said Saten.

Ghidorah tried to move but the more he tires to move, the good kaijus get closer to him while still using their main attacks on him to keep him still.

In the clouds above Ghidorah, there was light forming there. A strange peaceful melody sound was coming from behind the clouds.

"She is here." Said the twins. Uiharu, Kuroko and Saten were looking at the wins in confusion. Mikoto on the other hand, smiled as she know who was coming.

The light begin to increased as so did the sound. Suddenly, a part of the storm broke apart to reveal Mothra diving down from the sky.


Mothra swoop down towards Ghidorah who just notice her. By the time they turned to her, it was too late. She released a huge amount of her silk on the heads and made them get stuck on the side of the building.

"Alight right! Mothra is here as well!" Said a excited Mikoto.

"Wow. That Mothra?" Asked Kuroko.

"Amazing. She looks like a goddess." Said a Uiharu as she was amazed of what Mothra looks like now.

"Indeed." Said Saten.

The right head managed to free himself as he turned around to see Mothra laughing at their current situation. The right head growl at Mothra as he plans to get back at her.

The right head begin to try to free his other heads from the silk but stop to notice Godzilla coming towards him. He tried to roar at him to make Godzilla stay away but Godzilla grabbed Ghidorah by his shoulders and slam him into the building. Not only did the building collapse but it also knocked Ghidorah down to the ground.

Ghidorah manages to get back up and took a few steps backwards. Only for him to bump into something or someone. By the time he turns around, all three heads were hit by a powerful right hand punch. It was Kong.

Kong beat his chest as he roared at Ghidorah.

"Who is that? Never seen that kaiju before." Said Mikoto.

"That is Kong. Guardian of Skull Island. The Eight Wonder of the World." Said Maina.

Just as Ghidorah was just about to get back up, he was hit by a large fireball. He was getting furious as he turned the right to see it was Gamera who launched that attack on him.

"Ha ha. Alright Gamera!" Said Kuroko.

Having enough of this, Ghidorah flew into the air and landed away from this strange team. He then released a roar. He is calling for back up.

Rodan was suddenly attack by a large dragonfly like kaiju. With more reptilian like traits instead of insectoid. It has red eyes and has a large tail with a large stinger. It has two large pincers for hands. Megaguirus

Kong and Zilla were both attacked by lizards that only has two legs and has a skull like face. It has lots of teeth in its mouth. Skullcrawlers.

Mothra dodged a attack that was coming from behind her. The kaiju that tried to attack her landed onto the ground and turn itself towards Mothra. The kaiju that almost attacked her was Gigan. He has become completely robotic as he has black metal armor. His once hook hands are now double chainsaw hands. Its three fins on its back are now red color.

Gamera was attacked by a dark red bat like creature that is just is tall as him. A Super Gyaos.

"This can't be good." Said Mikoto before the building they were on suddenly fell apart due to a strange vibrations underground. They were able to get out of there but their ride... not so much.

A strange kaiju dig his way out of the ground and landed infront of the gang. It was a beetle like kaiju with drills for hands. Megalon

"Uh-oh" Said all the girls as they realized this just got a whole lot worse.

And out came a hole that Megalon made was another Skullcrawler. But this one was larger and had spikes coming out his his joints. This is the Big One or goes by the name, Ramarak.

Ramarak was looking at the humans infront of him and lick his skull like head. Just before he could do anything to them, Sakura used a talisman to transport them someplace a few miles away from that monster. It will buy them some time but not enough.

"I just teleported us somewhere in this city. I might have just buy our self a little bit more time. What was that strange two legged lizard anyway?" Said Sakura as she was panting out of fear.

"That was a Skullcrawler. If Kong is king on his island then those are demons below. That large one is Ramarak. One of the Skullcrawlers that is responsible for the death of Kong parents." Said the twins at the same time.

"So I guess, both Kong and Godzilla and Danny have a rough past." Said Mikoto. The twins nodded at Mikoto statement. With that begin said, they can't just stick around in one place, with both side called for aid, they are not safe on the ground. They have to avoid any danger that comes their way now.

Both sides have called for aid. More are possible on the way. Can our hero team defeat this evil bunch. Can Godzilla handle to defeat Ghidorah on his own now? The fate of the world hangs on this fight. Only one side can win.


To Be Continued..........

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