《GOOZLLA》The Final Battle Has Begun


"Over there!" Said Mikoto to get the others attention. Godzilla then then begin to slowly rise out of the water. He is appearance is different now. His dorsal fins are back and are in a pattern that Mother Nature could have created. Godzilla eyes are now red-orange. His skin is a lot more rough and more built. He has now long finger nails that are very sharp. His toe nails are also longer. Godzilla is back baby!

Parts of Godzilla neck begin to glow blue as his Atomic Breath was powering up. Once he fired into the sky, his eyes now turn blue. His atomic breath was a lot more powerful as it pushed back some of the clouds. That is not all he is doing. Across the world, only a certain Kaijus will notice this.


Skull Island............

Kong was eating a some leaves. He then notice a strange blue light from across the sea. Kong smiled as he knows what the means. Kong beat his chest before roaring. He then being to swim in the ocean, joining the fight.


New York City........

Zilla was having his eyes shut waiting for a certain someone to return. Once he sensed that Godzilla was back, he woke up and swim into the ocean.


Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.......

Gamera was tucked into his shell. Once he sensed that Godzilla is back his arms and legs and his head came right out as he roared into the air. Signaling that he is ready to aid in this upcoming battle.


Back with Godzilla............

Other Kaijus that were asleep sensed Godzilla is back and were waking up as well. Godzilla stopped his Atomic Breath. He then turned his head towards the Gotengo. He walked right up to them and lowered his head towards the gang.

He made a small roar at them but not in a mean way. "Godzilla is saying thank you for saving him from the brink of death." Said Miana and Maina.

"Your welcome big guy!" Shouted Mikoto. "Now find Ghidorah and kick his scaly butt!" she said.

Godzilla nodded as he turned around and begin to swim but not before made a ital splash at them. They laughed at this.

Godzilla is back and was ready for the final showdown. He is heading to where every kaiju is heading now. Academy City. The final showdown between good and evil is about to take place there. The epic conclusion between Godzilla and Ghidorah will finally begin. Only one of them will be the Alpha.



Academy City............

"See anything?" Asked Uiharu as she was looking over the horizon to keep a look out for Ghidorah.

"Nope." Said Saten as she had her own pair of binoculars.

"Nothing." Said Kuroko as she tried to look for Ghidorah as well.

It has been two hours since they played that audio. In that span of time, the kaijus that have been under the control of Ghidorah have heard the sound and begin traveling here to Academy City.

The girls would have thought that Ghidorah would be the first to appear soon. But so far, Ghidorah has yet to make a dramatic entrance. But that was about to change.

"Um.... girls?" Said a nervous Uiharu as she got the others attention. From where she was staring at, their was a coming storm that looked like it was alive. The clouds looked it was going ot cover up the entire Academy City.

"Inside. Now!" Order Kuroko as they quickly went to the door that has stairs going into the control room from before. By the time, they got through it, the storm had just entered the city.

The girls quickly got inside of the control room to look through the control room window to see that the storm has complete covered every part of Academy City.

"Should we call Misaka?" asked a nervous Saten.

"Yes. just let me..." Before Kuroko could finished her sentence, Ghidorah landed in the middle of the stadium causing the room to shake hard. This cause the girls to fall to the floor.

"We are here. Where is the creature that dares challenge us?" Asked the left head of Ghidorah.

"" asked the right head.

"No. If he is not here then that means we feel for a human trick. Destroy whats creating that sound." Order the middle head.

The left head and the right head looked around for whats creating that sound that lure them here. Once they looked at the speakers, they slam their jaws onto the stadium speakers and completely destroyed it.

The girls were hiding underneath a table. Kuroko quietly pull out her phone and begin to dial Mikoto.

"Hello?" asked Mikoto as she answered the phone from her side.

"Um... Misaka? We got a situation here. Me, Uiharu and Saten are still in Academy City." Said Kuroko.


"You WHAT!?" yelled Mikoto from the phone.

"SHH! Don't yell. Ghidorah is looking for us." she said as she is noting that Ghidorah is looking everywhere for the humans responsible for luring him to this city.

"What do you mean that Ghidorah is looking for you three?" asked Mikoto.

"We kinda played a sound that lured him to Academy City. Were are you?" asked Kuroko.

"I am still in the Gotengo. We are almost there anyway. Just hang in there. Don't let Ghidorah kill you okay?" asked Mikoto.

"Okay bye." Kuroko as she handed up.

The girls quickly tried to sneak out of the room. But before they could they felt something was looking at them. They slowly turned around to see that one of the heads of Ghidorah was looking through the window and narrowing his eyes in a way of saying 'I see you'.

"Oh man!" Said the girls as they ran out of the room.

Ghidorah then fired his Gravity Beams everywhere to hope to flush out the humans that where inside of that room.

The girls were runing on the ground, hoping to sneak away while the dragon is not noticing them. When a lightning bolt strike behind the girls, they screamed as it sent them to the ground. As they got back to their feet they notice that Ghidorah has spotted them.

"Uh-oh" said the girls as they were spotted by that golden dragon.

The girls were too scared to even move. Ghidorah was powering up his Gravity Beams again. As the heads slowly rising into the air getting ready to unleashed it onto the girls, the girls hugged each other, waiting for whats going to come next.

Just before they release their Gravity Beams, a blue Atomic Breath strike him in the chest. Ghidorah screamed out in pain as he tumbled backwards before falling onto his back.

"What... What just happened?" asked Saten. he ground was beginning to shake as if something huge was walking.

A new powerful familiar roar was coming from behind them. The girls turned around to see Godzilla with his dorsal fins still glowing blue. He was marching into the city.

The girls smiled as they saw Godzilla coming into Academy City. He was not alone this time. As he continue to walk into the city, he let out a roar. As he roared, all flying military craft from all military branches from around the world came flying from behind him. Not only that, a blue lightning bolt strike in the background.

It not just that as well. All Military ships are near the area of Academy City ready to open fire on Ghidorah and any allies he might call for help.

A militarily Osprey landed infront of the girls. Mikoto opened up the doors and made a hand signal to make the girls get in. Once they did, the Osprey quickly flied out of there and position itself someplace a little bit far away from the fight.

"Thank you!" Said the girls as they were crying out tears of what juts almost happened to them.

"I..Its okay really." Said Mikoto.

"Ghidorah is getting back up." Said Maina and Miana as they were inside of the vehicle as well. They were watching Ghidorah trying to get off of the ground.

As Ghidorah tired to get himself back up, he was attack by a bunch of missiles. He used his right wing to block them but that just made his left side open for the fighter jets to let a bunch of missiles there which really put the hurt on him.

Ghidorah was able to shake it off as all three heads begin to snare and flare their horns at Godzilla.

"" Said the middle head.

"" Yelled Godzilla as he ran as he charged straight for Ghidorah. The fighter jets and military helicopters opened fire at Godzilla as they fly right next to Godzilla.

"" Yelled all three heads as Ghidorah begin to charge at Godzilla as well.

Godzilla was the first to strike as he grabbed both the left and right head of Ghidorah as they collide with each other. This created a large boom that could be heard from inside of the building.

The final battle has started. Will Godzilla be able to defeat Ghidorah and finally free this planet from this nightmare once and for all? Will Godzilla friends get here in time before Ghidorah allies does? Only time will tell.


To Be Continued..........

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