《GOOZLLA》Ghidorah True Origins. A New Hope Approaches


Last Time on Academy City Kaiju..............

A golden flash of light was suddenly appearing from deep within the ocean. All the fish in that area appeared on the surface as they showed signs of being burned by something. Suddenly, Ghidorah came out of the ocean. With all two remain heads, he was able to beat Godzilla and possible killed him.

Mikoto and the girls went back the control center. The looks on the crew members faces told them already what they need to know. They can't detect Godzilla signature anymore. Mikoto begin to cry a lot of tears. The girls hugged her for support as they were crying as well. With Godzilla gone, their is no more hope left.


With Ghidorah..............

He fly's all the way to Rodan Volcano as he landed on the top of it. From their, something bad was happening. The middle head was not roaring out in pain but encouragement as he removes a gel like substance from where the left head was originally was. Before he removed it, a tongue was sticking out of it.

From their, the left head was slowly regenerating. First the bones, then the muscles and then the scales and horns and the spikes.

Once the head was full regenerate. Ghidorah slowly spread out its wings as each head roar one after another. Every time one of Ghidorah heads roared, lightning bolts were striking.


Across the world, some of the kaijus that were sleeping heard Ghidorah call and begin to wake up. Some refuse to listen to him because they are waiting for someone else to call for their aid. In other words, they are waiting for a true Alpha to appear. Rodan came out of the ocean and he heard Ghidorah call but he did not answer it. Instead he flew away as he slowly let out s single tear of that Godzilla is now gone.

It has finally happened. Godzilla is defeated and now Ghidorah is now the Alpha for the kaijus that obeys hims. The worlds fate is now doomed. Ghidorah is going to destroy everything.


Everyone on the ship has yet to say a word. Gordon was keeping an eye on the reports that is going across the world.

Reports of Gigan some how alive and back on this planet but its body having an upgrade and is destroying cities in Europe. News reports of giant red bat like creatures appearing across the world, a giant beetle like kaiju with drill with hands is digging up holes as it was aided by multiple creatures that are lizards that only have two legs and a skull face head, in Asia. Also reports of a flying giant dragonfly like kaiju with a long tail stinger, using the tips of its wings to destroy buildings in Tokyo. Another Female MUTO was spotted in China. Their were many other reports of different kaijus attacking cities and destroying them. Another part of the vision that Mikoto saw is coming true.


Ghidorah himself has taking his place at Washington D.C. He using the storm he is controlling to make the streets flooded. The world is in chaos because of the kaiju uprising as the news reports are calling it.

With not taking anymore of the silence, Jame was the first to break the silence.

"Where to now? Can't head back to base. The entrance is in Tokyo and I for one am not ready to take on a dragonfly like kaiju." Said James as he was leaning back into his chair. He may not show it but he was sad that Godzilla is gone, along with Danny.

"Old friend. We are not heading back to home base. We are heading to an island for some answers." Said Gordon. "Right Mikoto?" he looked towards Mikoto who has her head hunched over as she was trying to make sure no one sees her crying.

"Yeah." she said with some sadness in her voice still. Kuroko, Saten and Uiharu had to get on a Osprey to travel back to Academy City. Kuroko and Uiharu had to do their jobs as Judgement to help evacuate the people of Academy City. Mikoto choice to stay behind wanting the truth about Ghidorah origins.

Sakura walked over to her and hugged her to help her not cry anymore. "Listen Mikoto, it is affecting us too. We all feel sad about Godzilla and Danny being gone. I don't think they want you to be sad about their deaths." Sakura said. This causes Mikoto to look at her. "I think they want you to continue doing what you do best. Helping others." She finished.

This made Mikoto wiped out any remain tears and smile at Sakura. "We have arrived to Infant Island." Said crew member who is driving the vehicle. Mikoto had suggest that the answer they are looking for are here, on Infant Island.


A few minutes later..........

The Gotengo has landed in the sea right next to the sandy beaches of Infant Island. Gordon, Mikoto, Sakura and James got off the Gotengo and landed on the beach of Infant Island.

Miana and Maina were waiting for them on the sandy shores as the gang walked up to the twins. the twins walked up to Mikoto and gave her a friendly hug. They let go of the hug after a while.

"Hows Mothra?" Asked Mikoto.

"A few minutes after you left, she went to a waterfall and cocoon her self behind the waterfall. All the member of the tribe are near the waterfall, waiting for her to be emerged from her cocoon soon." Said Maina

"I assume Ghidorah is the alpha now?" asked Miana.

"Yeah. Godzilla gone. Ghidorah beat him and now all the kaijus are awake and destroying the planet." Said Mikoto. "Some. Not all of them." Corrected Miana. This causes some confusion within the gang.

"If you want the true story of Ghidorah, then follow us please." Said Maina. She and her sister begin to walk into the jungle. The gang followed them to wherever they are going.

They reached to a cave entrance. on the sides of the entrance were markings of Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan and Ghidorah.


"Welcome to the Cave of Legends. A sacred cave that holds everything that you need to know." Said Miana. She grabbed a lit torch and guided everyone down into the cave.

After about 200 steps, she place the tip of the torch on wall and suddenly, the cave was lit up with glowing crystals.

"Special crystals that can only lit up if you place a lit torch next to one." Said Maina.

On the walls were many different drawings of Godzilla and other Kaijus. They were even cave drawings of Godzilla and Danny the first day they encounter each other. Another one was of Godzilla and Mikoto facing against the AIM Burst. Whats more surprising is that their was one of Mikoto, Danny, and Touma facing against the Wendigo King.

Mikoto was staring infront of a cave drawing that shows Godzilla and Ghidorah fighting. "Can you please tell me everything you know about him?" she asked as she pointed to Ghidorah.

"Long ago, when mankind had discovered the kaijus and created cities to worship them as gods, a golden three headed dragon fell from among the stars. From there, he created storms that sallow men and gods alike. Godzilla furious angered of the destruction Ghidorah did to civilization of man, he fought him every continent of the Earth until their final battle was in Antarctica where he was sealed away in a block of ice. All evidence of Ghidorah were meant to be forgotten as a way to make sure no one wakes him up." Said Miana.

"Wait, you mean to tell me that Ghidorah is an alien?" asked Mikoto.

"Yes. He is not a part of out planet Earth natural order. And he is not meant to be here at all." Said Maina

"A False King." Said Gordon.

"An invasive species." Said James.

"That would explain of how his head growing back. If he is not part of planet natural order, than that ability of his is not something you can find here. It would make since why Spacegodzilla was trying so hard to free him. He was a space Kaiju just like him. He was hoping that Ghidorah will take Godzilla spot as Alpha once Ghidorah beats him." Says Mikoto.

"Yes. Because he is now the new Alpha, he is using some of the kaijus to remake the world to his own liking. A world without mankind in it." Said Miana.

"What do you mean by some?" asked Sakura.

"Some of the kaijus knows that Ghidorah is not their true Alpha. And because of that, they won't wake up until what they consider a true alpha to appear." Said Maina. This has brought a little bit of hope for them.

"But Godzilla is dead. No one else can fit his role." Said Mikoto. Before the twins can respond to that, something else was about to happen.

"Maina! Miana!" A tribe member was shouting from the cave entrance. "Its starting! Hurry!" He said before leaving.

Everyone left the cave as they ran to the huge waterfall. From there they could see the a caterpillar like cocoon behind the ragging waterfall.

"Is that Mothra?" Asked Gordon.

"Yes. She about to finished her transformation." Said the twins.

The cocoon begin to move form the inside. A figure was coming out of the cocoon slowly. All the wildlife in the area were coming out to see this. The glowing fireflies and moths came near the waterfall and formed a giant pattern that looks like wings. The figure then landed on the ground. Their were blue glowing eyes.

Mothra slowly walked out to reveal her final form to Mikoto and the gang. She possesses raptorial front and mid-legs and toed hind-legs. She possesses two large white antennae on her head. She has large multi-colored wings that glow due to her bioluminescent ability. On each wing, she has an eye like pattern on the tips of her wings. She has a wasp like abdomen. Mothra is now in her final form.


Mothra was making screeches towards the sea. It was almost like she was talking to someone from far away. Gordon had a theory of who she was talking too.

"Hold on. Let me see who she is talking to. I have a feeling this is going to be important" Gordon pulled out a small radio like device that can pick up sounds a great distance away. When he turned it on, you won't believe who's sounds it is that is replying to Mothra. Mikoto and the others gather around him to listen in of who is replying to her.


Only one creature in in this world can make a roar like that. Its Godzilla. Godzilla is alive! barely but still alive!

"Godzilla. He's..... he's alive. HE'S STILL ALIVE!" Shouted Mikoto as she hugged Miana and Maina for this happy news. Miana and Maina were smiling at Mikoto who is joyful of this news. Once she calmed down, she looked at the twins for some answers. "How can Mothra detect Godzilla?" asked Mikoto

"Mothra has a symbiotic relationship with Godzilla for many many years. Even a great distance away, she can still tell that he is alive." Said Miana.

"But don't get your hopes up kiddo. The signal is too weak to locate." Said James. He then felt Mothra gently nudging him.

Mothra then walked over to Mikoto who then rubbed her head against Mikoto who laughed by this. "But I bet she can." Said Mikoto as she figured out what Mothra was saying to her.

"Okay then. We are going to need a plan. If we are going to win this war, we need help Godzilla. Were going to revive him from the brink of death." Said Gordon.

Mikoto nodded her head towards that idea. Mothra chirped a peaceful sound, meaning that she agrees with Gordon.

With the information of Ghidorah true past now come to light, along with the shocking news that Godzilla is still alive, everyone is getting ready for a plan to help Godzilla back on his feat and win this war, once and for all!


To Be Continued...........

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