《GOOZLLA》Godzilla vs Spacegodzilla


Last Time On Academy City Kaiju...............

Suddenly, Mikoto point of view was different. She was standing in a void of nothing. She turned around to see that she is now standing in a city that had many damaged buildings and has multiple fires everywhere. She could see dead bodies everywhere as they either burn or stomped by something. She could see multiple shadowy kaijus in the distance destroying everything in their path.

She then turned around again to see Godzilla lying on his sides with multiple wounds and cuts and look like he was in so much pain.

She then heard a weird cackle coming form behind her. The area was now different. She was somehow standing in the air as she saw a dark cloud infront of her. Mikoto then saw a shadowy figure coming from within the clouds. All she could make out was three heads with yellow glowing eyes and huge wings. The figure spread its wings as lighting strike behind it to make it more terrifying.

Mikoto stepped back to see that she was back in the temple. She looked around to see that all the things she saw where not there. She looked at her hands to see that she was shaking and was sweating nervously.

The girls quickly went over to Mikoto to help her calm down

"What was that?" asked Mikoto as she almost calmed down.

"A great evil that must not be freed." Said Miana.

"It is sealed with a block of ice. At the bottom of the planet. " Said Maina.

"A Kaiju that must not let bring destruction to our planet." said the tribe members.

"The Golden Demise. Ghidorah!" The twins said at the same time. Just hearing that name has made Mikoto and her friends have goosebumps and have a chill down their spines.

Mothra made a another small screech to the twins to translate for Danny. The twins turned their heads to Danny. "Mothra was able to find the one you call Spacegodzilla Danny. And it is troubling news." Said Miana.

"He is heading to where Ghidorah is trapped." Said Maina. Suddenly that info tricked something inside of Danny brain.

"What if this was his plan all along. Making me and Godzilla fight those 5 space kaijus while he tried to find this Ghidorah? He was planing all along to free him." Said Danny.

'He must not free him. If he does, then this planet will not be ready for his return.' Said Godzilla as he communicated to Danny inside his mind.

"Girls. I was hoping to spend some time on this island but it seems we need to head to the Antarctica stat!" Said Danny. "I hope you brought some super warm winter clothes because we need to get there a soon as we can." Said Danny

The girls could only responded with a nod. If this Ghidorah was bad as it sounds, then they can't wait any longer. Within minutes they left Infant Island and headed to where Spacegodzilla is now.



Spacegodzilla has arrived in the middle of nowhere in Antarctic. He was standing infront of a large entrance with a stone structure around the entrance with a stone carving on top of it represent a dragon with three heads, that goes deep into the ice. Even from outside, he knows who is down there.

"I have finally found him. I finally found where Ghidorah tapped inside of that icy prison. Soon, this world will now a true king. Soon, all the humans will be nothing but a memory. HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Laughed Spacegodzilla. As he was laughing outside, a large figure trapped inside a block of ice was a few meters down from the surface, a red eye opened.



Danny and the girls were runing on the landscape of snow. The girls had fur coats to protect them from the extreme cold weather. Danny on the other hand didn't need one since having bonded with Godzilla made him immune to the cold.

"Danny. Don't you think we should take a break?" Asked Saten as she thinks they need to take a little breather.

"NO! If we so much as take a simple break, Spacegodzilla will have more time to free Ghidorah. And I for one don't need to tell you what will happen if Ghidorah is free." Said Danny.

Mikoto knows all to well what will happen if Ghidorah is free into the world. From the vision that Mothra gave her, it terrified her. But she and the other girls barely know what Ghidorah is and why he is dangerous.

"I think I see it." Said Uiharu. She pointed out a large structure up ahead with a huge entrance to go underground.

"We made it. Now lets hope we made it here first." Said Danny.

"I am sorry but I am afraid not little human." Said a not so familiar voice reached Danny hears. From the girls ears, it just sounds like a roar.

This causes them to stop as they felt the ground shaking. A giant figure was slowly walking out of the entrance. With every step it took, the air got a little bit heavier and the ground shake even more. Spacegodzilla had just revealed himself to the gang for the first time.

"Today marks the end for humans. Today is when humanity becomes extinct. " Said Spacegodzilla as he made himself known to the girls.

"Girls. Go on ahead. Make sure that you stop what ever thing Spacegodzilla has inside of there to free Ghidorah." Said Danny as a blue fiery aura being to surround him. Every minute the aura gets bigger and bigger.

"What about you?" Asked Kuroko as she looked at Danny for an answer.

"I am going to get my revenge for the monster that took all those lives that day. Including my parents. !" He order as the girls quickly ran past Spacegodzilla. Spacegodzilla didn't even bothered to stop them. Their was nothing they can to do stop the apocalypses.


Danny quickly turned into Godzilla as he grabbed Spacegodzilla by the neck and throw him away from the entrance about 10 miles. Spacegodzilla landed hard into the ground. He slowly raised his head to growl at Godzilla, who is slowly walking to him.

"You might have seen my fights before Spacegodzilla but to tell the truth, I was holding back my true power. But now, I am going to hold back less for you SPACEGODZILLA!!!" He said as he charged at his clone.

"Don't get too full of yourself!" Yelled Spacegodzilla as he charged at Godzilla as well. They begin to slash at each other, each full of anger to wards one another.


With the Girls....................

Mikoto and the others continue to run inside the entrance. They ran past a stone wall that is writen in ancient language that means 'Serpent Den Up Ahead'.

"Is Danny going to be alright? He seemed angry." Said Saten.

"Oh course he is angry Saten. He is facing a creature that took his parents lies as well as other people that day." Saten said.

They then walking into a room that is humongous. Their was a wall of ice with something inside of it. All you could make out of it was three heads. This is where Ghidorah is trapped.

In the center of the room was floating red crystal which seems to be firing a small red beam at the icy prison.

"This is not what I was expecting." Said Kuroko.

"What were you expecting Kuroko? A big round ball with a fuse that says 'bomb'?" asked Uiharu.

"No. But what ever Spacegodzilla did he created some kind of crystal that is firing a laser at the wall but what is the laser doing?" asked Kuroko.


Spacegodzilla was thrown into the ground again. He was about to fire his signature attack from his mouth but Godzilla fired a Atomic breath at his shoulder crystals which made him weaker.

Spacegodzilla created tons of huge crystals out of the ground and levitated them into the air and launch them at his foe.

Godzilla took them head on as he simple walk into the attack. He only got nicked by it. This made Spacegodzilla nervous. At this rate, his plans to free Ghidorah will be for nothing.

'I have no choice, i was hoping to finish freeing Ghidorah after I won this fight but it would seem that I will have to speed up the process.' Spacegodzilla thought. The yellow crystal on his head begin to glow.


Suddenly beam grow larger. The crystal was glowing so bright it was about to explode. A small crack was formed where the beam is striking the ice.

"Get down!" The girls ducked for cover as the crystal exploded and the beam disappeared. They slowly got back up to see the crack getting bigger and spreading everywhere.

"That beam must have weaken the ice, and somehow waking up Ghidorah in the process." Said Mikoto as she and the others slowly walked backwards.

The icy prison begin to fall apart as a sign that the creature inside of it was attempt to get out.

"Run!" Mikoto said as everyone quickly run as fast as they could so they can get out of there. Inside of the soon to be gone icy prison, one of Ghidorah heads eyes opened.


With Godzilla.........

Godzilla widen his eyes as he felt a terrible presence coming from where Ghidorah prison is. He knows this feeling and it was not a good sign. He then heard Spacegodzilla laughed as he notice that Spacegodzilla is floating in the air.

"" Spacegodzilla then begin to fly back to where the ultimate being is about to be freed.

Godzilla only response to this was a very angry growl and his hands turned into fist. His narrowed in anger as well.


Back with the others..........

Everyone was able to get out of there. Just in time to. Because the entrance and everything around it , exploded. What was left was a giant hole.

Mikoto and the others carefully look down but not getting too close to the edge to see whats down there. What was done there is not going to be good.

They saw a golden tail with spikes on its ends. It shake off the ice and made a rattling sound just like a rattlesnake.

This caused the gang to back up slowly. It was good that they did because one at a time, three golden dragon heads with golden long necks came out. Another tail came appeared. The middle neck has two rows of spikes while the left and right neck only had one row of spikes. Each head has ten horns. Each head has red eyes.

The creature then climbed out of the hole to reveal its entire self. It had huge bat like wings. It had a muscular body with muscular legs. Its feet were avian-like feet. It uses its wings can fold up to be used as forelimbs when it is walking on the ground. Ghidorah is free!

The gang was in terror as they saw this giant creature infront of them. However, Mikoto was the most scared of it all as she can see that the only thing she can see in their eyes is evil and cares nothing but the destruction of civilization.

All three heads roared into the air as they just announced that they are free and no one is safe from their destruction.


To Be Continued..............

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