《GOOZLLA》Welcome to Infant Island Part 2


Mikoto continue to walk until she notice something up ahead. She ran towards what she saw and she was amazed by it. She brushed off some of the vines on it to get a better look at it. It was a stone wall with stone carvings in it to detail about a mouth with huge wings.

"What is this? I never seen anything like this before. I wish I can understand what these symbols mean" Said Mikoto. She was so focused on the stone carving, she didn't hear someone landed behind her.

"It means Mothra. Our guardian deity on our island." Said a kinda new female voice.

"Oh thank you...." Mikoto paused because she didn't remember anyone who use that voice. She turned around to see a female person behind her.

This person wear some kind of tribe clothes as it seems to be made of light fabric. Two of her bangs look remarkably similar to feathers. She has white paint in the form of patterns on her body. Miana

"Who are you?" asked Mikoto. "Miana." is all the girl said as she was getting curious look at Mikoto. "My name is Mikoto Misaka." said Mikoto. "Mi-ko-to." said Miana as she tried to say Mikoto name.

"Is their a tribe or something that lives on this island?" asked Mikoto as she was getting a little bit nervous at meeting this strange person.

"My tribe is the Houtua. We worshiped our goddess since the day it was founded many years ago." said Miana. "Come." she said as she grabbed Mikoto hand and began to drag her as she ran.

"Hey. Where are we going?"she asked Miana but didn't hear a response back. They reached a high hill to get a good view of the island.

"I welcome you to our island Mikoto. Welcome to Infant Island." Said Miana as Mikoto was amazed by the beauty of this island.


With Danny..........

Danny was guided by members of the Houtua tribe into a temple. The people stopped at the entrance. Danny paused to look at the guards near the entrance. Their were two guards with sharp spears in their hands.

"If you see my friends, please let them in. I promise they are good people. They need to see what's about to happen in here just as much as I do please." asked Danny. The guards nodded their heads as Danny went inside of the temple.


"Beautiful." That is all Mikoto said as she was taking in all the amazing beauty of this place. "I never seen so much plant life before." Said Mikoto as she observer a tree right next to her. Miana smiled as she liked how Mikoto was liking the island.


Suddenly, a tree was shaking as someone just jumped out of it. A figure then landed right next to Miana. This figure look exactly like Miana. This is her twin sister Maina. You can tell who is who because Maina always seems to glare a lot.

"Um, Miana. Who is she?" asked Mikoto as she notice her twin sister.

"This is my twin sister, Maina." Said Miana.

"Sister. I see that you meet one of Danny friends." Said Maina.

"Yes. This is Mikoto Misaka" Said Miana. Maina looked at Mikoto who response with a kind wave to say hello.

'She knows Danny?' Mikoto thought to herself. "You know Danny?" Asked Mikoto.

"Yes. He arrived to our village not too long ago. He asked us to find his friends that got lost in the jungle. We found everyone else. Your the last person to be located by us." Said Miana.

"I see. I am sorry that you had to find us." Mikoto said as she bow in apology. "Its fine said Miana.

"Also sister, Danny other friends have gathered inside of our guardian temple. It is almost time." said Maina. This made Miana know exactly what is about to happen.

"Right." Said Miana. She the grabbed Mikoto by her waist. "Hey wait. Whats going on?" asked Mikoto.

"Getting there faster." Is all Miana said as she begin to jump from tree to tree with no problem at all. Mikoto was amazed that Miana was able to carrier her without losing any speed.

Miana and Maina both landed in front of a temple with stone carvings of Mothra above the entrance.

"What is this?" asked Mikoto. "This is a guardian temple were she is about to be reborn." said Maina.

"Reborn?" asked Mikoto as she was confused. She then begin to walk beside the twins as the walk into the temple.

"Mothra goes through a unquiet life cycle. She hatches from a egg, changes into her final form, lays a egg, dies and then gets reborn inside the egg she laid in. From a point of view you can say that she is immortal." Said Miana

Mikoto was too shocked to speak at the moment. They then arrived inside a giant room with many tribe people gathered around a giant egg that plant life as form a somewhat protection around it. The egg is glowing blue behind the vines.

Mikoto took a look to her side to see Kuroko, Saten and Uiharu are siting right next to some of the tribe members. They did a quick wave to Mikoto before staring back at the egg. She then notice Danny was sitting a few feet infront of the egg.


The egg begin to move as something was about to come out. The egg slowly break apart as a giant Caterpillar like kaiju with blue eyes hatch from the egg. Mothra.

"Mikoto Misaka. Meet our guardian. Mothra, Queen of The Monsters." Said Miana. Normally, Mikoto would be afraid of anything that looks like a bug but not this time. As Mikoto continue to stare at Mothra she seem to be not afraid of her. Mothra seems to have that aura that makes people not to be afraid of her.

Mothra turned her head to all the tribe members and Mikoto and Danny friends as they bow their heads to her. When she notice Mikoto, she made small screech to Miana and Maina

"Mikoto." Said Miana. Mikoto turned her head to her. "Mothra seems to take a interest in you." Said Miana.

"Wha.... Me?" Asked Mikoto as she pointed to herself. The twins nodded. "Why?"

"Because she wants you to a dream she had before being reborn into the world." Said Miana as she and her sister help Mikoto get closer to Mothra. Mothra lowered her head to Danny who gave her a small pat on her head with a smile. Mothra responded back with a playful nudge.

Both Miana and Maina each placed one hand on Mikoto shoulder. When Mothra lowered her head close to them, they gently placed their other hand on Mothra hand. Mikoto gasped as everything around her was changing.

Suddenly, Mikoto point of view was different. She was standing in a void of nothing. She turned around to see that she is now standing in a city that had many damaged buildings and has multiple fires everywhere. She could see dead bodies everywhere as they either burn or stomped by something. She could see multiple shadowy kaijus in the distance destroying everything in their path.

She then turned around again to see Godzilla lying on his sides with multiple wounds and cuts and look like he was in so much pain.

She then heard a weird cackle coming form behind her. The area was now different. She was somehow standing in the air as she saw a dark cloud infront of her. Mikoto then saw a shadowy figure coming from within the clouds. All she could make out was three heads with yellow glowing eyes and huge wings. The figure spread its wings as lighting strike behind it to make it more terrifying.

Mikoto stepped back to see that she was back in the temple. She looked around to see that all the things she saw where not there. She looked at her hands to see that she was shaking and was sweating nervously.

The girls quickly went over to Mikoto to help her calm down

"What was that?" asked Mikoto as she almost calmed down.

"A great evil that must not be freed." Said Miana.

"It is sealed with a block of ice. At the bottom of the planet. " Said Maina.

"A Kaiju that must not let bring destruction to our planet." said the tribe members.

"" The twins said at the same time. Just hearing that name has made Mikoto and her friends have goosebumps and have a chill down their spines.

Mothra made a another small screech to the twins to translate for Danny. The twins turned their heads to Danny. "Mothra was able to find the one you call Spacegodzilla Danny. And it is troubling news." Said Miana.

"He is heading to where Ghidorah is trapped." Said Maina. Suddenly that info tricked something inside of Danny brain.

"What if this was his plan all along. Making me and Godzilla fight those 5 space kaijus while he tried to find this Ghidorah? He was planing all along to free him." Said Danny.

'He must not free him. If he does, then this planet will not be ready for his return.' Said Godzilla as he communicated to Danny inside his mind.

"Girls. I was hoping to spend some time on this island but it seems we need to head to the Antarctica stat!" Said Danny. "I hope you brought some super warm winter clothes because we need to get there a soon as we can." Said Danny

The girls could only responded with a nod. If this Ghidorah was bad as it sounds, then they can't wait any longer. Within minutes they left Infant Island and headed to where Spacegodzilla is now.


Spacegodzilla has arrived in the middle of nowhere in Antarctic. He was standing infront of a large entrance with a stone structure around the entrance with a stone carving on top of it represent a dragon with three heads, that goes deep into the ice. Even from outside, he knows who is down there.

"I have finally found him. I finally found where Ghidorah tapped inside of that icy prison. Soon, this world will now a true king. Soon, all the humans will be nothing but a memory. HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Laughed Spacegodzilla. As he was laughing outside, a large figure trapped inside a block of ice was a few meters down from the surface, a red eye opened.


To Be Continued.........

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