《GOOZLLA》Wendigo City Part 4


"Hmm. Its possible that the ones we face were Level zero. Meaning they were the weak ones. But if what you are saying is true, then their could be some Wendigos out there that can still use their Esper ability while still in their transformation state." Said Sakura as she concluded what is happening. Danny whispered everything about the Wendigo's origins and how one got here in Mikoto ears.

"Then that is why the Wendigo leader came to Academy City in the first place. To create an army. With powerful Espers by his side, no one can stop them. The Wendigo's could take over the world easily." Said Danny.

"Then we need to find the leader now. But we don't know where to start looking. This could take forever and I am sure that the world doesn't have time for that." Said James.

"Maybe you guys are looking at this the wrong way. Instead of thinking where he could be, maybe try to think what place would he be the most comfortable setting up his home here in Academy City." Said Mikoto. When Danny heard Mikoto said that, a though went through his mind.

"I might have a theory where the main boss is but I need everyone to hand on." Danny then turned both arms into Godzilla arms as he grabbed everyone and jumped a very far distance. Danny landed and let everyone go as they are in front of Nature Park.

"Nature Park. If this Wendigo came from a forest in Canada, then I would bet that he would choice this place because it might feel at least somewhat home to him." Said Danny.

"Alright kid. Lets split up. Me and Sakura will take this way, you two take the other way." Said James. The gang split up to find the leader.

Danny and Mikoto continue to look around for the leader or at least a sign that they are close. Suddenly they were sound by a punch of Wendigos but the Wendigos were not attacking them.


"Welcome. I am shocked. I would have thought that hunter and that shrine maiden would have taken a few more days to find me. But you are those two scientist son. I guess it runs in the blood." A new voice echoed everywhere as it congratulated Danny for finding him.

'Two scientist?' Thought Danny.

Suddenly in front of them, came the leader. It was larger than the other Wendigos as it has pure white fur. Its horns are longer and larger than the others. It has a red eye crystal for a necklaces round its neck. The Wendigo King!

"" Said the Wendigo King.

With part of the Wendigo leader discovered, Danny, James, Sakura and Mikoto have found the den of the Wendigos. Now Mikoto and Danny are facing the leader the Wendigo Kind. The strange thing is, how does this Wendigo King know so much about Danny?


With Danny............

"How do you know me?" asked Danny as he had his hands up for defense. The Wendigo army was still surrounded both Danny and Mikoto but have yet to make a move.

"" Laugh the Wendigo King. Soon all the other Wendigo's were laughing with him making Danny and Mikoto confused. "" He said.

"Wait. How would you know about Spacegodzilla? More over, how did you even now that? The only ones would know about him are some space kaijus that are allies with him or...." Danny paused. Danny eyes were wide open than they could before. "It can't be. You're.." Danny was nervous now.

"" Said Wendigo King AKA Dr Jack Walker as he was grinning evilly to the nervous Danny!

"But how? What happened to you?" asked Danny.

"" Said Wendigo King.

Danny narrow his eyes at Wendigo King. He hates that he bring up his dead parents in the conversation and even more angry that he saw the hole thing.

"Over the years, I had to prepare myself and come up with the best plan. A plan that not only get my revenge on Academy City but also to take over the world! After you took on that final space kaiju in Tokyo, I knew you would have to rest to regain your energy and that was my moment to attack this city. With all the espers under my control, no one can have a shred of hope of stopping the Wendigos!" Said Wendigo as he just revealed his endgame.


"OH YEAH?! Maybe I can!" Yelled Danny as he launched himself at Wendigo King. "Danny wait!" said Mikoto as she tried to warn him.

Just when he was about 5 feet close to him, the Wendigo raised up his arm and suddenly Danny was stopped and floating in mid air. "What the? I can't move!" Said Danny as he tried to move but can't.

"" Said Wendigo King before he swing his arm down and caused Danny to slam into the ground.

"" Said Wendigo King before swing his arm to the side causing Danny to be sent flying into a tree. Danny slowly got back up to see the leader standing above him.

" " Said Wendigo King before he kicked Danny in the head causing him to be sent flying towards another tree.

"You...might have all the power in your hands but that doesn't mean you know how to USE IT!!" Said Danny as he released a massive Atomic Breath at Wendigo King at close range. Danny closed his mouth and when the dust settled, the Wendigo King was not affected by it. Not even a scratched on him. "What!?" Yelled both Mikoto and Danny.

"" Said Wendigo King. He then grabbed Danny by the neck and lifted him up. "" said Wendigo King.

Wendigo King then throw Danny at a huge bolder. When his back landed hard on it, Danny cough up a massive amount of blood. The Wendigo King walked over to him and punched him hard in the stomach. Danny then cough up even more blood. Mikoto was look in horror as the only strongest person she knows is getting beaten so easily. Danny got back up and went straight for the leader. He transformed his arms into Godzilla arms and begin punching like hell at Wendigo King. But the leader didn't even felt it. It just tickled him. He then just flicked Danny in the head and make him fly into the air and crashed near Mikoto. Danny slowly got back up as he was now have blood leaking out of his arms. His T-shirt has some holes and damages on it. Danny was breathing hard now. The Wendigo King walked over to Danny as he was getting tired of this fight.

"." Said Wendigo King. He raised his left hand to he made Danny be completely covered in ice!

"No! Danny!" Mikoto was too late. Danny was now completely covered in super tough ice.

"" Said Wendigo King.

Mikoto begin to cry. With Danny gone, there is no one that can stop this nightmare. She then felt a hand on her head. Suddenly, the parts of her that were transforming into a Wendigo has vanished and she is back to normal. she looked up to see a right hand on her head and that right hand is connect to someone she knows. A boy with black spiky hair and was a white button T-shirt and blue pants. There is strange feeling from his right hand. Touma Kamijou.

"I don't know what is going on but I am not just going to stand back and let you hurt my friends!" Said Touma.

"We agree as well." Said James as he and Sakura jumped right next to him. "We will be fighting to our last breath." Said Sakura.

Danny found the identify of the Wendigo King. The Wendigo King proved to be too strong for Danny and now Danny is covered in ice. Can Touma help Mikoto break Danny out of his ice prison?


To Be Continued.......................

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