《GOOZLLA》Wendigo City Part 2


A sound of someone walking the snow came behind him. Danny turned around to see two figures.

"Who's there?" asked Danny as he charged at the two. He went for the one on the left. But that one caught his punch like it was no big deal. The other one throw what looks like a talisman at Danny chest which send him flying backwards into a car, which causes its alarms to go off. Danny slams his hands on the car and the car alarms went off.

"Who are you two?" asked Danny.

"Kid, trust us. You are going to need our help to figure out what happened here in this city." Said the person on the left, which by the sounds of his voice is a man. The man stood into the light of the street light to reveal himself.

He was a mild age man with tons of weapons like guns and assault riffles on his belt and on his back. His hair color is black. He has a x mark scar over his left eye. He wears a brown leather coat with military pants. His eye color is brown.

"You want to know what happened kid? You really want to know what happened to the people of Academy City?" asked the person on the right which happens to be a woman voice.

The woman revealed herself to be a shrine maiden. She has long black hair with a belt that has holsters on each side that carries her paper talisman. She has blue eyes.

"Ask them!" as she pointed behind Danny. Danny then heard growling and snarls coming form behind him. He slowly turned around to see something he never thought he get see. A group of creatures that are humanoid with monster characteristics. The each have pointy ears, horns that point straight up, grey white fur with a tail. The Wendigos!

"Oh boy." Said Danny as he was not liking where this is going. Academy City was gone, now it is home to Wendigos. They made Academy City, into Wendigo City. If this where an anime, a afterimage of a large Wendigo would appear above the city, laughing evilly.


With unknown being...............

Somewhere in the now Wendigo City, the same mysterious being was siting on a throne made of destroyed car parts and tree branches.


A single Wendigo came up to him. This Wendigo bowed to him. The Wendigo growled in their own language of three new humans has entered the city.

"" said this mysterious being as he somehow can speak in the human language. The Wendigo stood silent as it can't think of the best answer to respond back.

"" Laughed this new foe as he was 100% sure nothing can stop him.


"What are they?" asked Danny as he jumped to the left to dodge a jump attack from the Wendigo's.

"Kid. Meet the Wendigos." Said the man as he pulled out a red hand held gun. He begin to shoot out tranq darts. Once the darts have made contact with one of the Wendigo's, it made it go to sleep for a few hours.

"The wendi-what?" asked Danny as he uppercut a Wendigo that was right in front of him.

"Wendigos. Short version is they were once humans but now are turned into monsters." Said the woman as she thrown five talisman as five charging Wendigos. When these papers landed on their foreheads, it released a ton of lighting from them that cause them to be knock out for a while.

"What? If we get out of this, you own a big explanation!" said Danny.

"I am not sure about that kid. They have us surrounded." Said the man. What he said his true. More Wendigos have arrived.

Danny legs turned into Godzilla legs but about human size. "Then there is only one way to leave. By taking the jumping route." Said Danny as he grabbed both the man and the woman by the waist. "Hang on." He said before jumping really high in the air.

He landed on op of a building then he jumped again. He did this several times until they were far way from that Wendigo group.

Danny let go of the two. "Alright I demand an answer from you two." Said Danny. The two people look at each other and nodded.

"Alright kid, my name is James. The woman right here is named Sakura. Listen, this city is now home to the Wendigos. Cursed creatures that were once human until they ate the flesh of another human in a forest in Canada that was cursed. Even if it was for a reason or not, you will turn into a Wendigo. If a Wendigo bites or leaves a slash mark on a human, after a while or a few hours, they will become a Wendigo and they will follow the alpha or strongest Wendigo and they will do that leader commands no matter what." Said the man now known as James.


"Wait. You said Canada. If the curse forest is in Canada then why are they are in Academy City which is NOT in Canada?" asked Danny.

"The truth is. One Wendigo came here by hitching a ride on a cargo boat undetected. That one Wendigo then turn all the people into Wendigos in a matter of hours. This happened about five weeks ago. The day Godzilla, aka who is somehow bonded with you soul, defeat that monster in Tokyo, is also the day this nightmare began." Sakura said as she points at Danny.

Normally Danny would be surprised if someone discovered his secret but that is not important right now.

"Me and Sakura here are hired by a organization to stop the Wendigo curse here and turn everyone back to normal." Said James as pats Danny on the head to help calm him down.

"Is their a cure?" asked Danny as was having a hard time understand that all this happened while he and Godzilla were recharging.

"Only one. Kill the Wendigo that started this mess and everyone will go back to begin human again. The only problem is that we have to find the leader." Said James.

"Then you do that. You can handle this Wendigo matter. I have to go my friends and get them to safety." Said Danny as he turned around and was about to go but Sakura placed her hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"Do you even know where to look. For all you know, they could have turned into Wendigo's too." Said Sakura. This cause Danny to take her hand off of his shoulder. Danny then jumped high into the air away from those two.

'They can't be. They have to be alright. Right?' thought Danny as he was having a hard time being confident Mikoto and the others were okay. Danny then landed in front of a Judgement Branch office building.

Danny then went to the second floor. Once he opened it up, he notice that the lights were off and the area was trashed. Stuff scattered everywhere and claw marks where on the walls.

Danny saw a shadow figure sitting on the floor with their back facing him. "Mikoto. I know that is you. Why are you sitting here?" asked Danny.

"Danny? Is that really you?" asked the figure which is Mikoto now standing up but not moving to were Danny is for some reason.

"Yeah it is me. Where are the others?" asked Danny.

"They got turned. What ever those things are, they turned Kuroko, Saten and Uiharu into just like those creatures." Said Mikoto with a sad voice. Danny notice that something was off. Not one point of their conversation that Mikoto moved closed so Danny can see her.

"Mikoto. Why are you hiding in the shadows? Here let me turn some lights on." Said Danny. Before Mikoto say anything to stop him, he found the light switch and turn it on. "There, now whats so........" Danny paused when he saw something that is shocking him to his core.

Mikoto Misaka now has small black horns that are growing on her forehead. Her finger nails are a little bit longer and sharp. Some of her hair bangs are now white and chestnut hair color. She has white fur on her hands and knees. Her once brown eyes are now red eyes.

"I..I..I got nicked by one of those things. Danny, what is this? What is going on?" asked Mikoto as she is showing signs of turning into a Wendigo. Danny was speechless at the moment.

The stakes of this was bad but now it is much worse than before. Danny will need to find a way to stop the Wendigo curse before Mikoto turns into Wendigo completely.


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