《GOOZLLA》Wendigo City Part 1


Godzilla try to fight back but with his energy being draining away, he was having a hard time staying awake. That was about to happen but a flashback of what happened to Danny parents and the last time Godzilla saw his father, angered him.

'I am not going to lose to this sorry excuse for a dragon!' though Godzilla

"YEAH! Lets show this guy what happens when messes with eh King Of The Monsters!" Said Danny as he communicate with Godzilla inside his mind.

Godzilla began to somehow produce nuclear energy inside of him by his fighting spirit. This made Keizer Ghidorah absorb too much than he can withstand. This causes Keizer to let go of Godzilla. Once Godzilla was back on solid ground again, he fired a atomic breath at the middle head.

Once the attack connected, Keizer Ghidorah middle head exploded. What was left of the middle head was gone as a middle neck went lifeless.

"NO! IMPOSSIBLE!" Said Keizer as he just lost one of his heads. The left head tried to fire a Gravity Beam at Godzilla but he moved the head towards the right head neck area and the right head fell to the ground.

Keizer Ghidorah was starting to get worried. Godzilla grabbed the left head and tossed him over his shoulder with a powerful strength to help throw Keizer Ghidorah very far.

When Keizer crashed into the ground, Godzilla marched right over and kicked Keizer Ghidorah right head.

"That was for insulting me. And this........." pause Godzilla as he grabbed Keizer Ghidorah by his tails and spin him around and around and thrown him into the air.

"THIS IS FOR MAKING ME AND DANNY ANGRY!!!!" roared Godzilla as he released a powerful Atomic Breath at Keizer Ghidorah. Keizer Ghidorah body was slowly about to exploded. When it did, it create a huge explosion in the sky and Keizer Ghidorah was no more.


Godzilla roared as he defeated all of the five space Kaijus that Spacegodzilla sent after him. As Godzilla marched back to the ocean, he dived down into the depths of the ocean as he begins to swim back to Academy City.

What Godzilla didn't know, is that their is a war coming, and the world might not be ready for it.


5 weeks ago, after the death of Keizer Ghidorah................

The people in Academy City were just going in their normal life. Stopping crimes, going to school, or find jobs. During the time Godzilla chasing after Hedorah, and having to take on those 4 other Space Kaijus in Tokyo, Godzilla and Danny haven't come back because he had to rest somewhere. If anyone had to face 5 power space kaijus without any rest, they would need a massive recharge.

With Godzilla sleeping to re-energize himself, a lot has happened that he missed. Like Mikoto finding out about the Misaka Sisters, the battle with the STUDY group and lots of stuff happened during the Daihasei Festival. It all seem peaceful now. That is until a massive snow storm complete covered every street and building in Academy City in snow.

One of the streets lights were flickering off and on. When it turn its self back on, a strange shadowy figure could be seen. The only you can see from this mysterious figure is that it has red eyes, two horns pointing straight up and sharp teeth.

As the mysterious being finished its roar, the street light burst and the mysterious figure vanished.


With Danny............

Danny opened up the manhole cover that leads the sewer and climbed out of it. "Wow, no matter how much they call it a sewer or how many times I used it to get back into the city undetected, it is surprising clean in there." Said Danny as he finally got out of the not so stinky place in Academy City.


As he close the entrance back up he notice that their is a ton of snow everywhere. But the mysterious thing is, their is hardly any people around. Danny was moving his eyes left to right many times as he walk through the snow covered Academy City.

'Something doesn't feel right. Why do I get the feeling, I am being watched?' Thought Danny as he walked by a car. Had he stop to take a look at it, he would have notice the claw marks on the side doors.

"" Asked Godzilla.

'I don't know. I remember Academy City being full of life, tons of people going on their daily life. I don't understand what happened to make this city become like a ghost city or something.' Thought Danny.

"" Said Godzilla.

'Sorry buddy but that is not how it works. If they were going after a prisoner or a person that is responsible for a bomb attack, they would complete block off the exits so no one can leave the city. Something happened here and I don't like it.' Thought Danny.

A sound of someone walking the snow came behind him. Danny turned around to see two figures.

"Who's there?" asked Danny as he charged at the two. He went for the one on the left. But that one caught his punch like it was no big deal. The other one throw what looks like a talisman at Danny chest which send him flying backwards into a car, which causes its alarms to go off. Danny slams his hands on the car and the car alarms went off.

"Who are you two?" asked Danny.

"Kid, trust us. You are going to need our help to figure out what happened here in this city." Said the person on the left, which by the sounds of his voice is a man. The man stood into the light of the street light to reveal himself.

He was a mild age man with tons of weapons like guns and assault riffles on his belt and on his back. His hair color is black. He has a x mark scar over his left eye. He wears a brown leather coat with military pants. His eye color is brown.

"You want to know what happened kid? You really want to know what happened to the people of Academy City?" asked the person on the right which happens to be a woman voice.

The woman revealed herself to be a shrine maiden. She has long black hair with a belt that has holsters on each side that carries her paper talisman. She has blue eyes.

"Ask them!" as she pointed behind Danny. Danny then heard growling and snarls coming form behind him. He slowly turned around to see something he never thought he get see. A group of creatures that are humanoid with monster characteristics. The each have pointy ears, horns that point straight up, grey white fur with a tail. The Wendigos!

"Oh boy." Said Danny as he was not liking where this is going. Academy City was gone, now it is home to Wendigos. They made Academy City, into Wendigo City. If this where an anime, a afterimage of a large Wendigo would appear above the city, laughing evilly.


To Be Continued...........

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