《GOOZLLA》Godzilla vs Space Kaijus Part 1


"I can't go back to my original form. So I will become you, a Godzilla clone. A better clone, one that will destroy all the humans on this planet. Once I become a true Godzilla, I will be the true king of the monsters, AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME!" Roared Orga.

"I guess we will find out won't we?" said Godzilla before he released a huge Atomic Breath at Orga. It caused a explosion around Orga and the explosion rise up into the air, similar to what happens after a atomic bomb goes off.

Orga slowly walked out of the fire from the explosion. His skin was badly burned and pieces of his skin was coming off. As he walks out, the Godzilla DNA within him slowly begin to heal his skin. Once his wounds are all healed, Orga growled at Godzilla for the massive pain he caused him.

Orga mouth suddenly being to unhinged as it open wide enough to swallow a building.

A pod like thing appear inside of his mouth and it begin to unfold into mouth tendrils. This was a organic feature that will allow Orga not only sallow his prey but to help him get more of Godzilla DNA.

Godzilla ran straight into Orga mouth. Orga then clamped down onto Godzilla as he begin to absorb more of his DNA. His appearance was slowly becoming to look like Godzilla. With the skin patterns and his back was starting to from dorsal fins.

As Orga begin to absorb more of Godzilla DNA, he didn't realize that Godzilla had him right where he wanted him.

Godzilla dorsal fins begin to power up. Once Orga started to notice this, it was too late, Godzilla released a mega Atomic breath that made Orga blow up from the inside out.


Once the smoke cleared, all that was left of Orga was just his lower waist with the upper area gone.


Godzilla roared as he finished off another alien Kaiju. Before he could go back to the sea, he heard a booming sound from the sky. He turned around just in time to see three burring spheres coming right towards him.

All three of those spheres crashed near him, causing a huge explosion. Now a huge crater was formed in Tokyo. Godzilla was able to survive the blast and he was standing in the middle of the crater.

Godzilla could sense that something or someones was floating down behind Godzilla. Godzilla being to slowly turned around who this being is.


As Godzilla turned around he was shocked of how this kaiju who is floating down of how he look. His entire body is covered with white skeleton like body armor. Its color is black. It has two half heads on each shoulder with a complete head between them. It has a single tail that splits at the end. This is Monster X!

Another space kaiju floated right next to him.It is a creature that stands on four legs. It has a black rough body armor. It has a red and black color bat wings. The strangest thing is, it has three heads. Desghidorah.

The final kaiju landed on the left side of Monster X. It has three large fins on its back. It has a metal beak with two mandibles on his face. It has a red visor. IT has hooks for hands and for feet. It has a yellow scales on his frontal area. It has a buzz saw attached to his body on its stomach. This is a robotic Kaiju, Gigan.

"" Asked Godzilla as he he was facing three new space kaijus.


"" asked Gigan.

"" Roared all three heads of Desghidorah.

"" asked Monster X.

Gigan and Desghidorah went silent after what Monster X. "" Said Monster X

"" asked Godzilla as he watch Desghidorah growling at him.

"" Said Monster X. This news shocked Godzilla to his core.

"" yelled Godzilla. Monster X was not phased by Godzilla yell.

"" Said Monster X.

Godzilla stood silent and parts of his body were shaking from anger but he is not the only one. Deep inside his mind, Danny was shacking and angry at the same time. As he was silent, Monster X begin to walk a little it closer to Godzilla.

"My second question. Did Spacegodzilla killed Danny parents? Was he the one responsible for the deaths?" asked Godzilla. This caused Monster X to stop walking towards Godzilla.

"" Said Monster X.

If someone can see someone aura then they would see Godzilla aura skyrocketing to the sky! Both Danny and Godzilla are so angry right now from the information they just got, it is talking all he can do just to hold it in.

"" asked Godzilla.

"" order Monster X.

Both Gigan and Desghidorah began to charge at Godzilla. Gigan was the first to strike but when he raised his left hook to strike Godzilla, Godzilla caught it with just his left hand and ripped the hook off Gigan left hand. Gigan roared in pain. Before he could strike back for what Godzilla just did to him, Godzilla used the hook he has in his hand to slice off Gigan robotic head.

Gigan body then fell to the ground lifeless. Desghidorah then came from behind Godzilla. before Desghidorah could unleashed a fire breath attack, Godzilla throw the hook at Desghidorah chest which caused him to fall forward. Godzilla ran towards Desghidorah and took the hook out of Desghidorah body and sliced all three heads, and which killed Desghidorah within seconds.

Monster X clapped his hands at the display of power he just saw. "" He said to Godzilla. Godzilla glares at Monster X with fury and rage burning inside of his eyes.

Godzilla throw the Gigan hook away into a damage building which collapse completely. The fury of Godzilla is just about to be show to the world. Will Monster X be able to handle this unbelievable fury or does he have a few tricks up on its own?


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