《GOOZLLA》Orga The Kaiju Alien Part 2


Last Time on Academy City Kaiju...........

The rock slowly float in the air. It then began to spin slowly to really fast. Godzilla had to move over to were a group of people are and shield them from incoming lose piece of the space rock.

When it stop spinning, its true form was revealed. It was a alien space ship that its shape looks like a vaguely bullet-like pod, with a white undercarriage and blue fuselage. It also has a cannon like weapon on its left side. It is the Millennian UFO.

It seemed to float there for a while. It then slowly turn its attention to Godzilla. From deep inside of it, its computers began to scan him from from the bones to the DNA of Godzilla.

'What is it doing? Why is it just floating there?' Thought Godzilla.

The computer of the alien space ship can't seem to find a reason why this creature would protect the humans that are too small and weak to stand up to giant beings. The UFO began to charge up its cannon and fired at Godzilla. Godzilla took the blast head on and refusing to even move a inch. If he did move, the humans behind him would get killed.

When the energy blast from the UFO stop after about 30 seconds, a huge smoking wound was on Godzilla chest. Godzilla then fell to his knees and then fell down to he water. Both the citizens and the military was shocked that some weird UFO was able to bring down the mighty Godzilla.

The UFO then began to move toward the city. It flew at such high speed that is made such hard turns when it flew around the tallest buildings. People were panicking and running around on the streets. It then stop at the center of Tokyo as it hovered over a large building and just float there.


All the citizens began to panic of what will happen to them. And with Godzilla knocked out, what will the military do?



After Godzilla was hit by that ships laser cannon to protect the humans, the alien ship was still floating on top of one of the buildings in Tokyo.

The people of Tokyo were ordered to evacuate the city at once. The military and the government believed that things were about to get crazy. No body can blame them, after the incident with Shin Godzilla, the military doesn't have the fire power yet to face against Kaijus or aliens.

After healing his wounds in the past hours, Godzilla slowly open his eyes. He began to slowly get back up. Godzilla rubbed the area on his stomach where the blast hit him. Even though it is fully healed, he could still feel the pain.

'Man, that energy blast was really powerful.' Thought Godzilla.

" " asked Danny as he was communicating with Godzilla inside his mind.

'Because of the people that we were protecting. I guessing the alien or aliens inside of that ship didn't understand why I would help people that are small to me.' Thought Godzilla as he turned his head to where the alien ship is.

'No Danny. I think they were testing us. They wanted to see if I would care if they destroyed those humans or not. It's strange but I have a hunch they are taking interest in me.' Godzilla thought as he is stomping his way to the UFO.

"" said Danny.

'I don't know but that doesn't matter right now. We have got near it.' Godzilla thought as he is now one block close to the ship.

"" Said Godzilla as he roared at the UFO.

The UFO just float there like it didn't even flinch from Godzilla threat. Suddenly the road near the building that the UFO is floating on top of was tarting to rise.


Suddenly the underground cables in Tokyo came out of the ground, and wrapped around Godzilla right arm!

Suddenly more wires came out of the ground and wrapped themselves around Godzilla legs, his left hand, his mouth and his dorsal fins!

'What the.... How is the ship doing this!?' Godzilla thought as he was trying to break the cables to get himself free.

Suddenly, Godzilla was getting pulled by the wires across multiple streets. Multiple buildings were destroyed in the process of course. When Godzilla was able to stand up again, he used his strength to rip the wires of his arms.

From there he used his now free arms to rip off the remaining cables that were wrapped around him. Once that is done, Godzilla turned around just in time to see the UFO about to ram into him.

Godzilla was knock down right next to a even taller building. Once Godzilla got his bearings again, he notice that the UFO is right above this taller building. The UFO then released shock waves that not only is destroying all the windows in building, it is making Godzilla having a hard time moving.

To make things more difficult, the UFO rammed into the tallest part of the building, causing that huge chunk of the building to fall on top of Godzilla, trapping him underneath a pile of rubble.

The UFO position itself near where Godzilla is trapped. Suddenly, small golden lights begin to appear underneath the UFO.

Invisible to the human eye, the ship created invisible tendrils to grab small samples of Godzilla DNA and bring it close to the small golden lights and begin to fuse them together.

Once the small golden lights and Godzilla DNA were merged, a small white round blob was created. That blob begin to take a shape.

What formed was a alien. It had a weird long flat head with two small eyes and a weird glowing purple mouth. It had 6 tendrils that can be used for walking or grabbing things. Each tendril has two long fingers. This is Millennian

Suddenly, the alien begin to roar out in pain. Its entire head begin to move around like it was mutating. Before it fall to the ground, its fingers begin to have skin.

A minute later, Godzilla finally burst out of the rubble and released a Atomic breath at the UFO, destroying half of it. The remaining half crashed into the streets.

'Glad that is over. Time to go back to Academy City.' Thought Godzilla. Before he could leave, something or someone stopped him.

"Hold it!" Roared someone. Godzilla turned his head to notice someone coming out behind the damage UFO.

What came out was the alien but now mutated into something else. The alien now has a massive hunched back, a small rectangular head, asymmetrical shoulders, two gigantic hands with three long fingers, small legs, and a stubby tail. Its skin has a bumpy uneven texture. This is Orga.

"You are going to pay for what you have done to me!!" Roared Orga as he was ready to kill Godzilla.


To be Continued.......

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