《GOOZLLA》Orga The Kaiju Alien Part 1


Last time on Academy City Kaiju................

Kong grabbed a huge tree right next to him and remove the branches on it to make it into a weapon. He throw it straight into Hedorah right eye. Hedorah roared in so much pain.

While Hedorah was distracted, Godzilla took this chance to charge at him again but this time, with much more strength. Godzilla then took the tree out of Hedorah eye and use it to swing really hard at Hedorah.

Hedorah was confused. He has been to other planets before and had destroy each planet of life and no one had the courage to face him. This confusing began to make him even more angry.

"YOU WILL NOT DEFEAT ME!!" screamed Hedorah.

Godzilla began to think it is time to end this. The spikes on the tip of his tail began to glow blue. The blue light began to grow from one dorsal fins to the next until it reach to the top area of his neck.

With one huge breath, he released his powerful atomic breath. The heat from this attack began to not only damage Hedorah but also dry up his body.

When the attack ended, Hedorah body was now super dry that it was very hard for him to maintain his body balance. He slowly try to crawl back to the ocean but Kong throw him further away from the ocean.

Godzilla, with his dorsal spines still glowing, he grabbed Hedorah and spin him a few times before launching him straight into the air. Godzilla then released his atomic breath at Hedorah again.

Hedorah body was now was being burn to nothing. Bit by bit, Hedorah was finally gone and the universe was finally free from his toxic grip.

Godzilla and Kong fist bump each other as they won their battle together. Godzilla went back into the ocean to go home. He stop to turn around and gave a 'thank you' roar towards Kong. Kong then roared back as a way to say 'your welcome'.


When Godzilla swim back into the sea, Kong went back into the jungle to get some rest.


Back with Space Godzilla.............

Let just say Space Godzilla is not happy. He just lost one of his most powerful allies to a bunch of earth monster.

"Just you wait brother. One day you will fall and the Earth will belong to me!!" laughed the evil space kaiju.


One of the other five meteors was heading towards Earth. As soon as it made into the atmosphere, some parts of it were coming off. what revealed that was underneath it was a long smooth metal surface that looks like a space ship.

It crashed hard into the bay of Tokyo. All the citizens were confused and wondering what it is. They had no idea they were looking something that will destroy them.


With Godzilla............

After leaving Skull Island, Godzilla was swimming back to Academy City. He was force to stop when he sense another threat that just landed in Tokyo.

'Another one? I am starting to think that Earth is not going to get more than one alien Kaiju.' Thought Godzilla.

He soon then began to swim to Tokyo where he sense the new danger.

After about a few more of swimming and traveling, Godzilla had reach his destination and he began to rise up from the sea near the bay of Tokyo.

The people of Tokyo were surprised to see Godzilla here to investigate this weird thing that crashed into the bay.

As Godzilla began to walk towards the weird giant rock that was getting him this weird dangerous vibe, something surprise him. Their was an entire of military tanks, ships and helicopters surrounding the weird rock.

What is more weird that the helicopters and the military ships moved out of the way to let Godzilla pass. Godzilla believes that after all the saving and protecting the Earth, the humans were opening up to him as a hero.


When Godzilla got close to the rock, he slowly moved his hand out and slightly touch it with his finger. The rock then began to slowly shake. It wasn't Godzilla fault, whatever that thing is, the power source in it must be running again.

The rock slowly float in the air. It then began to spin slowly to really fast. Godzilla had to move over to were a group of people are and shield them from incoming lose piece of the space rock.

When it stop spinning, its true form was revealed. It was a alien space ship that its shape looks like a vaguely bullet-like pod, with a white undercarriage and blue fuselage. It also has a cannon like weapon on its left side. It is the Millennian UFO.

It seemed to float there for a while. It then slowly turn its attention to Godzilla. From deep inside of it, its computers began to scan him from from the bones to the DNA of Godzilla.

'What is it doing? Why is it just floating there?' Thought Godzilla.

The computer of the alien space ship can't seem to find a reason why this creature would protect the humans that are too small and weak to stand up to giant beings. The UFO began to charge up its cannon and fired at Godzilla. Godzilla took the blast head on and refusing to even move a inch. If he did move, the humans behind him would get killed.

When the energy blast from the UFO stop after about 30 seconds, a huge smoking wound was on Godzilla chest. Godzilla then fell to his knees and then fell down to he water. Both the citizens and the military was shocked that some weird UFO was able to bring down the mighty Godzilla.

The UFO then began to move toward the city. It flew at such high speed that is made such hard turns when it flew around the tallest buildings. People were panicking and running around on the streets. It then stop at the center of Tokyo as it hovered over a large building and just float there.

All the citizens began to panic of what will happen to them. And with Godzilla knocked out, what will the military do?


To Be continued.............

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