《GOOZLLA》The Smog Monster: Hedorah Part 3


Last Time on Academy City Kaiju.........

"There is something that troubles me. When he was on top of that smoke pipes, I saw his body getting bigger. Also, it seems like when he ran into the water, it was almost like he need to back in the water." Said Danny.

"That's it! His body is made up of sludge and that is water right?" asked Godzilla.

"Yeah but what about it?"asked Danny.

"It means, that if he starts to dry up, that is a signal to him that he has to refresh himself. And I think he is growing because it is the toxins he was absorbing." Said Godzilla.

"Yeah I get that much but we still don't know why though he needs tons of toxins. We will find that out when we see him again. There is one thing that is troubling me." Said Danny.

"What is that?" asked Godzilla

"I am just keep wondering where this creature came from. Because it doesn't like it came from Earth." Said Danny.

"Maybe it came from space? It is the only thing I can come up with." Said Godzilla

"Yeah that makes sense. It explains why you never saw it before and why it pop out of nowhere." Said Danny.

"Okay. Now lets get back to finding him before he gets too powerful." Said Godzilla.

"Your right." Said Danny.


In the real world...........

Danny woke up to see he is on a sandy beach. He slowly got himself off and shook off any sand that was in his hair.

"Where am I? What is this place?" asked Danny. He seems to be somewhere on a island that is filled with tons of animals. There is tons of trees and huge mountains.


Danny didn't have time to find what this place is, he had to get back to tracking Hedorah. He then try to use his super smell, and to his surprise, the scent is the strongest here.

"Hedorah is here." Said Danny. He then began track the smell to where Hedorah is.

'I wonder why Hedorah is doing in a place like this.' Said Godzilla.

As Danny follow the scent that leads him into the jungle, he is unaware of a giant figure hiding behind one of the mountains. As the figure disappeared after going back behind the mountain, Danny has to find out what is Hedorah doing here.


With Mikoto..........

It has been three days sense Danny had to leave to find out the mysterious incident with the garbage ship in the middle Earth.

Even worse, their has been sightings of a giant black blob monster in the news and in the newspaper. The reports saying that it keeps attacking chemical plants or manufacturing plants.

"I hope you haven't got yourself into serous trouble Danny." Said Mikoto as she look straight up into the sky.


With Danny............

"What is this place? I never seen anything like it." Said Danny as he was look around of the plant life in the jungle.

'I don't know. But I feel like I been here before but I can't remember.' Said Godzilla.

As Danny continue to walk around, he felt a huge booming sound that sounded heavy. Danny stop moving and began to have nervous sweat on his face. The booming sounds continue to come closer and closer. It almost sounds like something is walking.

"What is making that?" asked Danny. Something then landed behind Danny that cause him to role forward and cause him to crash straight into a tree. "Ouch."


Danny got himself up but he was still dizzy from the rolling and he was walking a little weird. He then crashed into something else that cause him to get him out of the dizziness.

"Man. Okay, who was the idiot put that wall there." Said Danny. He then moved his left hand on the wall. But as he felt it, it was not wall but something furry and huge.

Danny notice that the thing he is touching is the huge ape feet. Danny then slowly look up to see a giant, brown fur, ape with a three scar on his chest. This is King Kong, The Guardian of Skull Island.

Danny had his mouth wide open has he was seeing a giant ape before him. He was beyond shock, he was super surprised.

'AHH! I remember now! This is Skull Island. We are in trouble, that is Kong. This is home and his territory. I think it is best not to make him angry.' Said Godzilla.

"Why we can take him." Said Danny but a little bit quieter so Kong can't hear him.

'We can't. If he take him down, then the whole world is in deep danger. He is the only thing keeping something from leaving this island.' Said Godzilla.

"Then what should we do?" asked Danny.

Before Godzilla can respond to that, Kong reached down to Danny and picked him up with his fingers. He brought Danny closer to his face.

"Um. Hi their Mr. Kong. I am not here to hurt you or anything. I am just trying to stop a giant trash monster form destroying the world." Said Danny

Kong didn't listen to him. He brought Danny close to his nose and he began to sniff him. As soon he was done he hold Danny in his hand as he began to run somewhere.

Danny had to hold for dear life has he was holding nervously on Kong hand. Kong then stop running and put Danny on the ground. Kong brought Danny out to an open landscape to see something bad.

All the animals, and the Dinosaurs(Yes Dinosaurs in this story) are on the ground and very sick.

"What happen here?" asked Danny. He ran up close to a sick T-rex to see that has little bit of black sludge on its chest.

"Hedorah did this." Said Danny as he tighten his right hand into a fist.

'He will pay dearly for this.' Said Godzilla.

Then a large gurgling roar like sound, broke the silence. Danny look up to see a huge black figure jumping down from one of the mountains.

The figure look like a humanoid figure like shape with a large sludge like tail and huge red eyes and a glowing head. This is Hedorah in his Final Form.

"So this is where you want to end this? Fine Hedorah! In the name of all the people and animals and dinosaurs you poisoned. I WILL DEFEAT YOU!" screamed Danny as a huge blue fiery aurora surrounded him.

A huge burst of blue light shot straight into the sky. When the light began to die down, Danny transformed into Godzilla and his eyes were burning with anger. The Finally battle for the fate of living creatures from this trash monsters is about to began. The future of the Planet Earth is on Godzilla hands.


To Be Continued.........

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