《GOOZLLA》The Smog Monster: Hedorah Part 1


Godzilla and Zilla began their way towards the Nano-Tech Creature. They were able to catch up to it just in time from its moving deeper into the plant.

The Nano-Tech Creature roared at them to go away. Godzilla and Zilla roared back as saying no. Godzilla ran towards the Nano-Tech Creature and try to scratch it with his claws. Just like before, the Nano-Tech Creature was able to dodge all attack very easily.

It then grab a huge oil tanker and it absorb it. IT grow even bigger than before as it roared back at the Kaijus.

Suddenly Godzilla and Zilla heard chopper sounds coming. They turn their heads to see a group of military choppers.

Nick was on one of those choppers and he had a vest on that was connected to a robe and that is attached to the chopper.

He had the test tube that had the sample of the Nano-Tech Creature in his hands with computer parts attached on the outside. He inserted a hard drive disk into the small machine and pushed a few buttons before throwing it at the creature.

The test tube broke and the sample returned with rest of itself. Suddenly, when it tried to grab Nick, it began to crack. It slowly stop moving and lost it red and black color and was slowly falling apart. Mikoto and the others must have founded a way to stop it by crazing the nano-drivers in the creature. In other words, kill the thing that is making the Nano-Tech Creature run, you bring it down completely.

With the creature finally defenseless, both Zilla and Godzilla swinged their tails at the creature near the low area of it causing the whole thing crumple down into nothing but tiny pieces of dust.

Godzilla and Zilla roared in the air for their hard battle and won the fight!


Zilla and Godzilla walk towards the ocean. Zilla began to swim back to his hideout, while Godzilla swim somewhere where the military can't see him change back to normal.

Godzilla saw Mikoto on the H.E.A.T Seeker from deck giving him a thumbs up before he divided deeper into the ocean.


Said Spacegodzilla as he watch Godzilla helped Zilla defeat the creature through his giant crystal.


Five huge Black Meteors where heading towards planet Earth


A trash ship was sailing the seas heading from England and heading towards New Jersey dumping area.

What they didn't know was that one of the meteors was heading straight into the ship. It crashed into it, causing a huge explosion and the people that were on it died in the process.

What is most surprising is that none of the trash from the ship is visible on the ocean surface. In fact, it seems like when the ship exploded, the trash that was on it was somehow absorb by something or someone.

Something then slowly rise to reveal a huge black like blob with red eyes. Its Hedorah, the Smog Monster in its Tadpole form.

Hedorah then dived back down into the ocean and was heading towards a new food source for it to feed on.


"Early today, a trash ship had exploded in the middle of the sea but no one can find out what cause the explosion. And even more mysterious, their isn't any signs of any trash on the surface or the ocean floor when this ship explode." Said Danny as he read a news report on the newspaper.

They just arrived back to Academy city yesterday after their break, even though they had a crazy adventure in New York City helping Zilla facing against the Nano-Tech Creature.


"That is weird." Said Kuroko.

"Oh, if you think that is weird, hear this. They only clue they were able to find is a small black sludge on of the pieces of the ship parts." Said Danny.

"Okay, now that is strange." Said Uiharu.

"I know. It doesn't seem to feel right for me or Godzilla. I going to check that site out and see if I can find anything what might have done this." Said Danny

"Okay but remember, be careful." Said Saten.

"Okay." Said Danny before running toward a place to change into Godzilla and swim towards the site.


Godzilla arrived to the area of where the boat was blown up mysteriously. What Godzilla found was tons of the boats pieces scattered everywhere.

What is more strange, on one of those pieces is a small black sludge stuck to it. Godzilla slowly swim towards it to see that it was once part of something.

Godzilla picked up with his hands. He then rose up above the water and then sniffed the small black sludge to pick up a trail.

Lucky, he got it. The scent was pointing forward of where he is.


The scent and distance that Godzilla had to travel wast to Hebei, China. Home to one of the most polluted factory plants in the world.

Suddlenly something bust out of the water and latch onto one of the factory huge smoke tubes to realse huge amounts of smog.

What latch onto it was a huge blob of trash and other stuff. It size is about up to half of Godzilla size. IT had huge red eyes. It a a long sludge like tail on it. This is Hedorah, in its Land form.

While it is still attach to the smoke pipes, it is somehow absorbing the toxic within the smoke. It closed its eyes as it began to feed. A weird sac like thing on its back began to expand like a balloon and deflate like it was breathing in the smoke.

Hedorah closed its eyes as it was enjoying consuming its meal. Its meal was cut short when he heard Godzilla Roar.

Hedorah then turn around to see Godzilla slowly walking towards him. Godzilla then stood about 3 miles away from Hedorah.

"" Said Godzilla as he roared at Hedorah.

Hedorah then leaped at Godzilla, causing him to fall back to the ground. Godzilla was able to push Hedorah off of him.

Godzilla then felt something burning on his skin. He looked at his left arm to see smoke coming from his left arm. Godzilla then realized that Hedorah is made of deadly toxins, that getting touched by it can cause you to get burn.

"" asked Godzilla.

"." Said Hedorah a she took a step back towards the sea.

"" Said Hedorah as he turn around and leaped into the water.

Godzilla then rushed over the sea to see Hedorah swimming very fast in the water. Godzilla then turn his hand into a fist as he was getting angry and nervous. If Godzilla can't find a way to stop this new creature and stop it from getting stronger, then all live on the planet is doomed.

Fueled by new determination, Godzilla roared into the sky and began his chase after Hedorah. '' thought Godzilla.


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