
The Nano Tech Creature suddenly jumped right of the water and landed on the oil tanker. The Crew members had to evacuate quickly as the Nano-Tech was began to adsorb all of the oil it was containing. It body size began to grow bigger and bigger. On its back is one row of red like spikes and as its face kinda almost looks like a sea anemone.

Monique had to put the speed to the max as the giant red blob turn its sights on the gang on the H.E.A.T Seeker. Godzilla came out of the water to push the creature into the water to drown it but it wouldn't stay still for Godzilla to grab it and thus, the Nano-Tech Creature used one of its tentacles to hit him in the stomach and throw him to the far left. Where Godzilla landed was a oil refinery.

"DANNY!" said Uiharu.

"Don't worry, it takes more than a simple throw to take him down." Said Mikoto. Uiharu nodded her head.

As Monique continues to drive the boat, she gasped as what she saw ahead of the boat. What she saw up head was three rows of fin-shaped scutes. The figure jumped out of the sea to reveal none other than the American version of Godzilla, Zilla.

"I was wondering when you were going to show up." Said Elise with a smile as Zilla made his appearance.


With Zilla...............

Zilla used his claws to swipe at the red tentacles. Zilla roared into the air to challenge his newest foe.


The Nano-tech Creature roared back as a way to accept it. Zilla then jumped at the Nano Tech creature and crashed into a old warehouse, luckily there were no people in them at all. Zilla then roared again as he thinks he has the upper hand on this new foe.


"Take it to him G-Man" Said Randy as he is cheering for Zilla.

"Would you be cheering if there were people in those warehouses?" asked Monique.

Nick handed the testing tube of the Nano-tech creature inside of it to Elise. "I need you and Craven to find what ever you can about these microbe." Said Nick

"On it." Said Elsie as She and Craven went to the Experiment/Treatment room underneath the Driving Room of the H.E.A.T Seeker.


"I will go with them as well." Said Uiharu as she went with Elise and Craven.


After a few minutes of being unconscious out by one simple strong throw by the Nano-Tech Creature, Godzilla opened up his eyes and slowly began to stand back up.

Thought Godzilla

Godzilla shook off any pieces of concrete that might be stuck between his spikes on his back. Godzilla remember that he challenge the Nano-Tech Creature and got thrown in the air.

Thought Godzilla

Godzilla turn around to see Zilla having trouble dealing with the Nano-Tech Creature due that it is trying to cut off Zilla breathing, also that it is entire creature is all over Zilla body.

Said Godzilla.

Godzilla walk over towards where Zilla is having trouble with the Nano-tech creature. As Godzilla got about 1 mile close to the creature, Godzilla roared at the Nano-Tech Creature to let Zilla go.

The Nano-Tech Creature turn its head towards Godzilla and roared back at him. The Nano-Tech Creature then let go of Zilla, as Zilla fell to the ground to catch his breath.

Godzilla try to grab the creature but it moved to the side to dodge the grab. Godzilla tried slashing it but the creature keeps dodging Godzilla attacks.

Said Godzilla.

The Nano-tech Creature to grab Godzilla but he dodge just in time. Just a Godzilla dodge the Nano-tech creature attack, he was able to grab the creature and throw it back into the sea.

It created a huge splash that rocked the H.E.A.T Seeker, but likely not too much to knock it upside down.


"Whoa!" Said everyone as the waves were dangerously shaking the boat. They all had to hold onto something to keep themselves from falling overboard.

"Hey guys, if Miss Saigon's through trying to capsize us we've got some 411 on the microbes" said Elise over the P.A system. Monique glared at the P.A system as part of that was direct at her.

"We have isolated the Nano-Tech rivers. Once you remove them from the colony, it just falls apart and no longer functional. " Said Uiharu.

"So how do you remove it from that?" asked Randy as he pointed at the Nano-Tech Creature as it was dodging Godzilla attacks.


"We don't. We have been aiming at the wrong target, going for the body instead of the brain." Nick as he released what they need to do to stop this creature.

"Yeah." Said Randy before he gets confused. "Uh, you wanna run that by me again Dr.Nick?"asked Randy.

Nick grabs a radio before turning his attention back to Randy. "Just fire up your laptop and meet me in the lab." Said Nick. He then called Felix for him to send the control protocols from the Nano-Tech to him.

After a while, Randy was in the lower part of the HEAT Seeker, AKA the lab as he had the control protocols downloaded into his computer.

"See if you can keep from crashing this program kid." Said Craven as he gives Randy a glare.

"Are you kidding? That is what I am counting on!" Said Nick as he and Mikoto walk down the steps into the Lab area. He just revealed what his plan is.

"A computer virus?" asked both Randy and Uiharu. Mikoto nodded to say yes to their question.

"Kill the brain and you kill the ghoul. Of course!" said Elise.

"About time you put your vandalism to good use." Said Craven


Godzilla tried to use his atomic breath at the creature but just like before, it 100% dodge its attacks. The Nano-Tech creature is smart, for a giant blob of technology.

Godzilla turn his attention to Zilla. He approach to Zilla and help him stand up. Zilla roared at Godzilla to say 'thank you'.

Godzilla nodded his head as way of saying 'your welcome'. They both turn their attention to the Nano-tech Creature is heading towards the oil refinery. If that creature absorbs all the oil their, it will grow to the size of Manhattan!

asked Godzilla. To human hears, it just sounds like they are roaring, but they are communicating with their roars.

"" Roared back Zilla.

Godzilla and Zilla began their way towards the Nano-Tech Creature. They were able to catch up to it just in time from its moving deeper into the plant.

roared Godzilla.

The Nano-Tech Creature roared at them to go away. Godzilla and Zilla roared back as saying no. Godzilla ran towards the Nano-Tech Creature and try to scratch it with his claws. Just like before, the Nano-Tech Creature was able to dodge all attack very easily.

It then grab a huge oil tanker and it absorb it. IT grow even bigger than before as it roared back at the Kaijus.

Asked Zilla.

said Godzilla.

Suddenly Godzilla and Zilla heard chopper sounds coming. They turn their heads to see a group of military choppers.

Nick was on one of those choppers and he had a vest on that was connected to a robe and that is attached to the chopper.

He had the test tube that had the sample of the Nano-Tech Creature in his hands with computer parts attached on the outside. He inserted a hard drive disk into the small machine and pushed a few buttons before throwing it at the creature.

The test tube broke and the sample returned with rest of itself. Suddenly, when it tried to grab Nick, it began to crack.

"BALL GAME!" Said Nick as he was getting away from the Nano-Tech Creature.

It slowly stop moving and lost it red and black color and was slowly falling apart. Mikoto and the others must have founded a way to stop it by crazing the nano-drivers in the creature. In other words, kill the thing that is making the Nano-Tech Creature run, you bring it down completely.

With the creature finally defenseless, both Zilla and Godzilla swinged their tails at the creature near the low area of it causing the whole thing crumple down into nothing but tiny pieces of dust.

Godzilla and Zilla roared in the air for their hard battle and won the fight!

Zilla and Godzilla walk towards the ocean. Zilla began to swim back to his hideout, while Godzilla swim somewhere where the military can't see him change back to normal.

Godzilla saw Mikoto on the H.E.A.T Seeker from deck giving him a thumbs up before he divided deeper into the ocean.


Said Spacegodzilla as he watch Godzilla helped Zilla defeat the creature through his giant crystal.


Five huge Black Meteors where heading towards planet Earth


To Be continued........

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