
Last Time on Academy City Kaiju..................

Randy only respond to Craven angry face with a smile. "So, Randy, what did you do that is making Mendel to be mad at you?" asked Kuroko.

"Oh it is just a little prank war." Said Randy.

In the mean time, N.I.G.E.L was trying to avoid the red tentacles that the Nano Tech Creature launch at N.I.G.E.L.

But soon N.I.G.E.L was soon got caught by the red blob tentacles and was torn apart. N.I.G.E.L head was ribbed off and launch back on the H.E.A.T Seeker.

"I got it!" Said Saten as she caught N.I.G.E.L head just in time in the air. "Thanks." Said Mendel.

"Mendel, your father and I are very, very disappointed in you." Said N.I.G.E.L right before he power down.

"I will be sending you my therapy bills." Said Mendel to Randy in a sad tone.

"I will be sending you my hospital Bill!" Said Randy as he is getting scared at the moment. The Nano-Tech Creature is becoming more active since it ate some parts from N.I.G.E.L.

The Nano-Tech Creature began to reach out towards the H.E.A.T Seeker. But Monique turn the engine to go backwards. At the same time, firefighter boats appeared and used their hoses to push the creature into the water.

As soon as they did that, they thought it was over. But when you are facing a monster, nothing stays down for long. It sudden began to change its form again to adapt to the danger and began to have paddle like legs to swim.

"Oh this isn't good." Said Danny as he came outside from the Driver room. The creature made a high pitch cry that sounds robotic.



The Nano-Tech Creature began to use its paddle like legs to swim on top of water. As it swim passed the H.E.A.T Seeker boat, the waves made it shake a little bit.

"The Colony is actually is evolving as it grows. It already learn how to defend its self." Said Nick.

The Nano-tech Creature was swimming towards a huge oil tanker. Felix then called the H.E.A.T Seeker Radio in the Driver Room. Nick picked it up.

"Nick, if the Microbes adsorb the petroleum on that Tanker." Said Felix.

"Monique out flank it." Said Nick. Monique nodded as she turn the ship around and speed fast as the ship can so it can stay in front of the creature. Everyone then walk to the end deck of the deck were they are facing the creature.

Craven then brought everyone couple of stun guns. They look like long poles connect to a huge battery and it can shoot long cables at targets within a certain range.

"Um, lets swap." Said Randy

"Why?" asked Elsie

"Prank war remember? I ain't taking no chances" Said Randy as he and Elsie switch stun guns.

Elsie and Nick shot their stun guns at the creatures head and pressed a button that generate lots of electricity on the creatures head.

"We got its attention." Said Nick. The Nano-Tech creature pulled on the long cables and that cause Nick and Elise to lose their weapons.

The Nano-Tech Creature then grabbed Danny and began to spin him around. "Danny!" Said Mikoto. "Somebody stop the spinning!!" Said Danny as he is still being spinning around. A normal human would be throwing up by now but since Danny is different, he can hold his throwing up for a while but not forever.


Craven fired his stun gun at the Nano-Tech creature tentacle that has Danny caught in but when he was able to use the stun gun, it separate it from the rest of its body and that cause Danny to be launched into the sea from all the spinning.

"Hehe. Oops." Said Craven as the gang gave him the stink eye. But they had to stop giving him the stink eye when the creature try to reach for the ship again.

Randy was able to stop the long red tentacle but in the process, a tiny pit of the Nano Tech Creature got on the boat and landed on top of an life vest.

"Get it up before it eats the boat." Said Craven.

Randy quickly scanned the area for anything to contain it. He then found an empty chemical test tube.

He then put the creature into the chemical test tube and throw away the life vest into the sea just in case their were some left that he missed.

Then suddenly a giant black scale hand came out of the sea and pulled the Nano-Tech Creature into the ocean. Danny is alive!

"Danny must have transformed right as he was in the ocean. You must have known that Craven." Said Mikoto.

"Aw. It was nothing." Said Craven as he was rubbing the back of his head.

The Nano Tech Creature suddenly jumped right of the water and landed on the oil tanker. The Crew members had to evacuate quickly as the Nano-Tech was began to adsorb all of the oil it was containing. It body size began to grow bigger and bigger. On its back is one row of red like spikes and as its face kinda almost looks like a sea anemone.

Monique had to put the speed to the max as the giant red blob turn its sights on the gang on the H.E.A.T Seeker. Godzilla came out of the water to push the creature into the water to drown it but it wouldn't stay still for Godzilla to grab it and thus, the Nano-Tech Creature used one of its tentacles to hit him in the stomach and throw him to the far left. Where Godzilla landed was a oil refinery.

"DANNY!" said Uiharu.

"Don't worry, it takes more than a simple throw to take him down." Said Mikoto. Uiharu nodded her head.

As Monique continues to drive the boat, she gasped as what she saw ahead of the boat. What she saw up head was three rows of fin-shaped scutes. The figure jumped out of the sea to reveal none other than the American version of Godzilla, Zilla.

"I was wondering when you were going to show up." Said Elise with a smile as Zilla made his appearance.


With Zilla...............

Zilla used his claws to swipe at the red tentacles. Zilla roared into the air to challenge his newest foe.


The Nano-tech Creature roared back as a way to accept it. Zilla then jumped at the Nano Tech creature and crashed into a old warehouse, luckily there were no people in them at all. Zilla then roared again as he thinks he has the upper hand on this new foe.


To Be Continued................

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