
Last Time on Academy City Kaiju..................

"We are a team called H.E.A.T or Humanitarian Environmental Analysis Team. We hunt down any mutation out there and stop them from causing any damage to planet." Said Nick.

"Um... no offence, but they are giant mutant creatures. How can you battle something that is huge." asked Saten.

"SATEN!" Said Uiharu.

"Its alright. We have the 'big guy' handle them." Said Nick. When he said big guy, it almost sounds like they have something huge too that fights the creatures.

"Big guy?" asked Mikoto.

"You promise you won't tell anyone about this okay?"

"Promise!" Said the gang.

"We have a big giant mutant iguana which we call Godzilla." Said Nick.

Danny gasped when he heard there is another Godzilla that is a giant mutant iguana. "Well, I am surprise there is another Godzilla." Said Danny.

"We saw the news about two Giant Godzilla fighting in Tokyo. And I assume that the winner Godzilla is you Danny?" asked Nick.

"How did you know?" asked Danny. Danny was nervous because he didn't imaged that someone has figure out his secret.

"You were got by security cameras. It showed that every time you go into the water, your Godzilla appears. Don't worry, Randy made sure that those footage were never shown." Said Nick.

"Whew." Said Danny. "Thanks."


On the H.E.A.T Seeker (inside the driver room).....

"So um Nick. Can you tell me again why we are all on this boat?" asked Danny.

Shortly after Nick had found Danny and the others, there has been a report of some kind of a garbage eating technology that has gone out of control. At the same time, all other water traffic has been delayed or redirect the boats to a safe place.

Danny was in the main lobby of the boat which happens to be driving room. Below them is the research room for experiments, for treatment on wounds and stuff.

Mikoto and the others were standing outside near the front deck of the boat as it drives towards the trouble. Plus they were enjoying the view and what to see what kind of thing this garbage eating monster looks like.


They were on an old boat but with state of the art technology inside it. On the front of the boat has a painting of a red eyes and teeth. Their boat is called the H.E.A.t Seeker.

"It our job. We need to see what it is and how we can use our information that we can gather into finding a way to beat it." Said Nick as he is looking out the window in the main lobby.

"Let just hope nothing goes wrong in that plan of your monsieur Nick." Said a female voice with a little bit of a french accent.

This woman was driving the H.E.A.T Seeker boat. She has short black hair, a purple shirt, blue pants and has a black jacket. This is Monique Dupre.

"Please don't jinx it Monique" Said another woman voice. This woman has long red hair and has a long sleeve green t-shirt on and long brown pants. Her name is Elise Chapman.

"So are we there yet?" asked Danny. We are almost there." Said Nick. The boat then slowly stopped because their was U.S.A Navy boats blocking their path.

Even though the boat is stopped they can see up ahead a huge blob creature with light red and dark red stripes. It size for the moment seems to fit the whole Barge. The Nano-Tech Creature.

"Please turn your vessel away." Said a Navy solider from outside with a megaphone on one of the Navy ships.

"Now is that nay way to welcome the worlds leading experts in mutation analogy?" asked Else to Nick.

"Can't you call the mayor of New York City to get permission to get clearances to move forward?" Asked Danny.

"Already on it." Said Nick as he grabbed a Radio mic from one of the boat shelves in the room. Nick turned the dials on it to turn it to the right frequency.

"Hello?" Asked a male voice which is the Mayor of New York City.


"Mr. Mayor. Dr. Nick Tatopoulos. My teams needs access to that Barge." Said Nick.

After a view minutes later, the Navy soldiers used hand signals to let the gang that it is okay to go forward.

Nick then asked the mayor to hand the phone over to someone who is knows what is going on. He handed the phone to a Nano Tech scientist named Dr. Felix Hoenikker.

"Hoenikker." Said Felix over the Radio communication device.

"Felix. Nick. What are we looking at?" asked Nick.

"In a nut shell Nick, a Nano Tech feed frenzy. The more petroleum it consumes, the more it replicates. And the more it replicates, the more it needs to consume." Said Felix.

That is bad news. If it keeps eating everything in its path that is petroleum, it will continue to grow and grow until it might cover the entire planet.

"Hmm. We could overload its Nano circuitry with a electric magnetic discharge." Said Nick as he was creating an idea to stop this creature.

"Its worth a try. I will try to work on the control protocols on my end." Said Felix as he hanged up.


On the Front Deck of the H.E.A.T Seeker...........................

A man that has a brown beard and brown hair is on the front deck on his mini computer tablet. He also has a long lab coat on him. Mendel Craven.

"So you going to send out who to that red blob?" asked Mikoto.

"N.I.G.E.L will do it. He is built just for situation like this." Said Craven as the boat crane lowered a yellow robot into the water. That is N.I.G.E.L in Aqua mode.

"Honey I am generating 10 thousand volts just for you." Said N.I.G.E.L in Craven Mom voice. Craven turned his head over to a brown skin colored man. He has black hair and wears a blue coat. This is Randy Hernandez.

Randy only respond to Craven angry face with a smile. "So, Randy, what did you do that is making Mendel to be mad at you?" asked Kuroko.

"Oh it is just a little prank war." Said Randy.

In the mean time, N.I.G.E.L was trying to avoid the red tentacles that the Nano Tech Creature launch at N.I.G.E.L.

But soon N.I.G.E.L was soon got caught by the red blob tentacles and was torn apart. N.I.G.E.L head was ribbed off and launch back on the H.E.A.T Seeker.

"I got it!" Said Saten as she caught N.I.G.E.L head just in time in the air. "Thanks." Said Mendel.

"Mendel, your father and I are very, very disappointed in you." Said N.I.G.E.L right before he power down.

"I will be sending you my therapy bills." Said Mendel to Randy in a sad tone.

"I will be sending you my hospital Bill!" Said Randy as he is getting scared at the moment. The Nano-Tech Creature is becoming more active since it ate some parts from N.I.G.E.L.

The Nano-Tech Creature began to reach out towards the H.E.A.T Seeker. But Monique turn the engine to go backwards. At the same time, firefighter boats appeared and used their hoses to push the creature into the water.

As soon as they did that, they thought it was over. But when you are facing a monster, nothing stays down for long. It sudden began to change its form again to adapt to the danger and began to have paddle like legs to swim.

"Oh this isn't good." Said Danny as he came outside from the Driver room. The creature made a high pitch cry that sounds robotic.


To Be Continued.............

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