
"Oh please. You can't stop me. You are out of your league. You can't take on the dark side of Academy City. NOW DIE!!!" Said Therestina as she shot a bullet straight at Danny chest. Erii gasped as she saw this person got shot in the chest.

She smirked that she thinks she won but after a second later, Danny was still standing there and not bleeding.

"Did you really think your bullets can affect me? You really are not smart are you?" asked Danny as he pulled out the bullet that was just sticking out on his chest but not making any injuries on him.

"Who....Who are....Who are you?" asked Therestina as she was getting scared as she took a few steps back.

"My name is Danny. I am friends with Mikoto Misaka, the level 5 esper. And you had just made a huge mistake of trying to hurt one of her friends." Shouted Danny as he released a powerful atomic breath at Therestina that pushed her to back of the room. As she was getting pushed back, she could see a after image of Godzilla standing behind Danny. As she was now pushed against the wall, her armor to be melted a little bit and caused her to be unconsciousness.

Mikoto and the others were able to catch up and to see Danny defeat Therestina all by himself. Kiyama was able to finally find a program to cure her students from their out of control esper state and they are now finally wake.

"Thank you. Thank you for helping me." Said Kiyama as she wanted to thank Danny for his help.

"Aw its no problem." Said Danny as he rubbed the back of his head with his left hand.

"So you are the famous Danny that Mikoto talk about right? The same guy that can turn into Godzilla? My name is Satan." Said Satan.

Not only Danny saved the lives of students who were asleep, he was able to stop a crazy woman form creating the first Level 6 Esper, and made some new friends and allies.


The creature was watching Danny beat Therestina all by himself. The creature giggled to himself. Soon the lights were turn on as the creature was finally revealed. It look like Godzilla but it had two giant crystals on its shoulders. Its skin color is a dark reddish-purple. Its dorsal fin are made of crystals. It got a yellow crystal on top of its head like a crown. It was Spacegodzilla!!!!

Said Spacegodzilla as he made his evil laugh.


"Hey guys, I was thinking of a place we could go visit since we are on a one week break." Said Danny to Mikoto and the group.

After the defeat of Therestina, they were on a week break they were given permission from the higher ups. And Danny just happens to now a place where he, Mikoto and the gang can go relax on their one week break.

"Where?" asked everyone. Mikoto, Uiharu, Saten and Kuroko where wondering what place Danny had in mind.

"Where else? The most famous place in U.S.A. New York City." Said Danny.

"THE NEW YORK CITY?!!!" shouted both Mikoto and Uiharu.

"Yep. In fact I always wanted to got there." Said Danny.

"Please please please take us there." Said Mikoto and Uiharu as they cute begging eyes on them.

"Alright. I will take you there, flying turtle style." Said Danny. Mikoto and Uiharu hold their hands together as they jump in a happy mode.

"So um, Can I ask you a quick question Danny?" Asked Saten

"Sure." Said Danny

"How did you meet that giant flying turtle?" asked Satan.

"Oh, you mean Gamera. I didn't meet him, Godzilla did. Long before I first encounter Godzilla, the big guy had to help Gamera fight a huge pack of Gyaos that was attacking a ancient civilization." Said Danny.

"Gyaos?" asked Uiharu.

"Yeah. Giant bird like and vampire like creatures. The only food they can eat is humans." Said Danny. Just after saying that, the girls were starting to shiver in fear.

"As I was saying, the Gyaos were attacking a ancient civilization called Atlantis. The people of Atlantis were trying to create Gamera to fight against the Gyaos. Just right before they were complete Gamera, Godzilla came out of the water and roared at the Gyaos. All the Gyaos stop paying their attention to the humans and focus all their sights on Godzilla." Said Danny


"When the Gyaos were distracted long enough, Gamera was finished and helped Godzilla defeat them. After that, Godzilla returned to the sea for a long recovery. Gamera just stood awake to defend the planet if any more Gyaos returns or any other threats." Said Danny

"They are gone right?" asked Mikoto.

"Yeah. But Gamera is always keeping his guard up just encase more appear. So there is nothing to be worried about in the moment." Said Danny.

"Whew" Said Mikoto and the others. They didn't want to be scared of encountering those monsters in the future.

"Now, lets go New York City!!" Said Danny.

"This going to be awesome!" shouted the gang.

Shortly after, Gamera appeared after Danny made that special whistle sound. The gang and Danny all hopped on his back.

"Hey Gamera can you take us to New York City?" asked Danny. Gamera nodded his head as he took Danny and the others to New York City, also known as the Big Apple.


After a long trip, the gang had made it to New York City. Gamera had landed and drop them off next to an old building called the Station Island Star, that was owned by the Terry Company.

"Thank you Gamera." Said Mikoto. Gamera made his roar in a 'your welcome' tone before he took off into the sky.

"You sure that no one saw us Danny? I mean what if their is people still in that building and they just saw a giant turtle flying in the sky." Asked Kuroko.

"Oh somebody already did." Said a male voice coming from behind the group.

This man has short brown hair and has a brown jacket on. Nick Tatopoulos.

"Oh...um...We didn't now this old building was still.....whats the word......active" Said Danny.

"Please, calm down. I seen big creatures in my life now. So I can keep it a secret with me and my team." Said Nick.

"Whew." Said the gang.

"My name is Nick Tatopoulos, but you can just call me Nick." Said Nick

"Nice to meet you Nick. Said Danny as he walks up to Nick and shakes his hand.

"Over there is Mikoto Misaka...."

"Hello there." Said Mikoto.

"....Right there is Kuroko Shirai........"

"Hello to you too Nick." Said Kuroko.

"....Right here is Uiharu Kazari....."

"Its nice to meet you." Said Uiharu.

".....And finally this is Saten Ruiko." Said Danny as he introduced everyone.

"So um, Nick, what do you and your team work for?" asked Mikoto.

"We are a team called H.E.A.T or Humanitarian Environmental Analysis Team. We hunt down any mutation out there and stop them from causing any damage to planet." Said Nick.

"Um... no offence, but they are giant mutant creatures. How can you battle something that is huge." asked Saten.

"SATEN!" Said Uiharu.

"Its alright. We have the 'big guy' handle them." Said Nick. When he said big guy, it almost sounds like they have something huge too that fights the creatures.

"Big guy?" asked Mikoto.

"You promise you won't tell anyone about this okay?"

"Promise!" Said the gang.

"We have a big giant mutant iguana which we call Godzilla." Said Nick.

Danny gasped when he heard there is another Godzilla that is a giant mutant iguana. "Well, I am surprise there is another Godzilla." Said Danny.

"We saw the news about two Giant Godzilla fighting in Tokyo. And I assume that the winner Godzilla is you Danny?" asked Nick.

"How did you know?" asked Danny. Danny was nervous because he didn't imaged that someone has figure out his secret.

"You were got by security cameras. It showed that every time you go into the water, your Godzilla appears. Don't worry, Randy made sure that those footage were never shown." Said Nick.

"Whew." Said Danny. "Thanks."


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