《GOOZLLA》The Age Of Shin Godzilla Part 3


Last Time on Academy City Kaiju........

Deep within of the sea near Tokyo........

A white eye began to slowly open. There was now anger within those eyes as it sets it destination at Tokyo and its rematch with Godzilla.


Back with Danny........

Danny was now on top of a two story building talking to Godzilla in his mind.

'Okay Godzilla, lets think for minute here. Why would a mutated creature, who has been feeding on nuclear waster all its life, choice now to attack Tokyo?' Thought Danny.

"Well, due to the radiation it was used to feed on, its food supply in the deep part of the ocean must have runned out. It must have been attract to the radiation that the power plants used in Tokyo to generate electricity." Said Godzilla

'Okay that solves that, but why does it mutate or changes its looks when we first fought it?' Thought Danny.

"Its must have been evolving to adapt to situation it was facing. First thing we notices that its gills was spilling out blood and that it couldn't stand up straight. So it evolve to walk straight up and lose the gills so it doesn't have blood lost." Said Godzilla

'But why did it leave after it look behind its back?' Thought Danny.

"Maybe since it was expose to so much radiation that its whole body generates it. It must have felt that it was over heating and that it retreated to coll off." Said Godzilla.

'Great but not going to help us now. IT might have evolve again to have a cooling system in its body from over heating. Who knows what else it evolve to have.' Thought Danny.

Before Godzilla can say anything, they heard a huge evacuation alarm through out the city. That was a sign to them that Shin Godzilla is returned.

Danny quickly turn around to see the creature was back but totally different.

Its skin color is now charcoal rough scales. Its arms have got a little more bigger than the third form arms. Its eyes have sunken into his eye sockets and as a result becoming smaller than what it was in its third Form.

IT has lots of more teeth in its mouth. Its Marple Leaf spikes on its back have got larger than before. Its height now is about 333 meters and weights about 92,000 metric tons. At the end of its tail has a skull like face at the end of it. There is several small scar like on its body and its color is red. This is Shin Godzilla Fourth Form.


"Okay, this isn't looking good." Said Danny as he was looking at a Shin Godzilla newest form and form Danny perspective, it looks like a monster that the Demon Lord created to destroy man kind.


Danny was running as fast as he can through the evacuation group that was trying to get out of the city before they get stomp on by the creature.

"Excuse me. Pardon me. Coming through." Said Danny as he was trying to get through the panic people.

Danny could understand their situation. They feel like ants to the Kaijus and they would be afraid if a giant monster decides to cause destruction in Tokyo.

Danny could look at the sky to see the Japan military using all their weapons, tanks and missiles to attack Shin Godzilla. Its no use any way.

Shin Godzilla skin is too hard for the weapons for it make it bleed or wound it. He could hear all the weapons continue to fire on Shin Godzilla until they ran out of ammo.

Danny finally got out of the evacuation group and made it to the docking area for boats. Danny took one huge breath in before diving into the ocean and turning into Godzilla.

Godzilla swim to the shore that Shin Godzilla made to and began his destruction already in the city. Godzilla has fire in his eyes that means that it wouldn't stop until Shin Godzilla is defeat once and for all.

Godzilla bend his knees in a defense stance before roaring so loud that even the heavens and all the citizens heard it.

Shin Godzilla stopped moving and the military stop attack as well. Shin Godzilla turn around to see Godzilla challenging him to a fight to see who is the true King of Monsters.

Shin Godzilla roared back with his version of a roar, to accept Godzilla challenge.

This was it. The clash of two Godzilla's. Two Kaijus, only one winner. This fight will be the fight of the centuries. Now, this fight will finally determined which Godzilla is the true


Meanwhile back at Academy City.............

Mikoto Misaka was walking in Academy City and was heading back to her dorm. She continued until she was stop when a news came on the TVs in a electronic store that she was passing.

"We hate to interrupt your regular schedule program with this report. Two Giant creatures have appeared in Tokyo and seems like they are about to fight each other." Said the news lady report before TV screen changed to a live footage of Godzilla and Shin Godzilla walk towards each other for the fight of the life time.


"We will report more as we watch the monster fight. Stay tune in." Said the News lady before leaving the screen at the live footage of the battle.

Mikoto gasped that she is seeing Godzilla about to fight Shin Godzilla. She hopes that Godzilla will beat this fake Godzilla and come out alive.

'You better not die Godzilla.' Thought Mikoto. 'You the only hope for man kind survival.' Thought Mikoto.


Back at Tokyo..........

Godzilla was the first one to laid a attack. He used his claws to swipe at Shin Godzilla head but Shin Godzilla lean backwards a little bit to doge attack.

Shin Godzilla used it tail to do a tail swipe attack on Godzilla. But Godzilla was able to see the attack and grabbed the tail. Shin Godzilla try to pull his tail out of Godzilla grab but Godzilla was too strong.

Godzilla then punched at Shin Godzilla back where the Maple Leaf Dorsal Fin Spikes are. Shin Godzilla roared in pain. Godzilla let go of his tail as Shin Godzilla took a few steps backwards.

Shin Godzilla then roared in fury at Godzilla for attacking its weak spot. Shin Godzilla back color turn from red to purplish. Shin Godzilla mouth began to open and its bottom jaw split apart like a snake jaw. Shin Godzilla then fired a huge purplish atomic breath beam attack from its mouth at Godzilla.

Godzilla try to block attack with his arms but the attack still wounded him badly. Shin Godzilla stop his attack after he saw Godzilla bleed blood from the wound Shin Godzilla made.

Luckily for Godzilla, his wounds were repaired thanks to his regeneration cells. That just made Shin Godzilla more angry than he was before already at Godzilla.

Godzilla was surprise that Shin Godzilla can use a atomic breath attack like Godzilla. Godzilla then charged up his atomic breath at the same Shin Godzilla was ready to fire his again.

Godzilla fired his atomic breath at Shin Godzilla as the same Shin Godzilla fired his atomic beam at Godzilla again.

When the two attacks crashed against each other, each side of the attack was struggling to overcome the attacks power.

Godzilla used all its power to push back Shin attack and as a result, cause Shin Godzilla to step backwards again from the full force of the attack. But Godzilla was not done just yet. Godzilla grabbed Shin Godzilla tail and began to spin him around hard.

Godzilla then slam Shin Godzilla into the ground with full force. Just as Shin Godzilla was slowly getting up, Shin Godzilla turn its back on Godzilla and fired its atomic energy beams from its dorsal Fins.

Godzilla tried dodge all those energy beams but it was impossible since Shin Godzilla shifts his back to the left and to the right to always to keep hitting Godzilla.

Godzilla got multiple wounds on his stomach and on his legs and arms. After a few minutes, the energy beams from its dorsal fins began to disappear.

Godzilla saw this chance to charge right at Shin Godzilla but was stop yet again. A blue energy travel from Shin Godzilla back to the tip of its tail and it fires a similar atomic beam at Godzilla while also firing a atomic beam from its mouth.

Godzilla had to try to endure the pain as he is being attack from Shin Godzilla attacks. Godzilla was getting even more mad that Shin Godzilla can use its atomic beam from the tip of its tail.

Just when Shin Godzilla about to have Godzilla defeated, his atomic energy was completely gone. This means that he had to wait 15 day to recharge but Godzilla will not let that happen.

Godzilla quickly run over to Shin Godzilla and tackled him while Shin Godzilla atomic energy was gone. Godzilla then grabbed Shin Godzilla head and he forced his mouth wide open enough and fired his atomic breath in Shin Godzilla mouth causing everything inside of him to be burned to ashes. Its head become severed from the rest of its body as the atomic breath melt the bones holding it in place. Shin Godzilla was now killed.

Godzilla stomp on Shin Godzilla tail end until it was flat as a pancake. Godzilla then raised Shin Godzilla head and roared in victory that Godzilla had restored the balance once again and that Godzilla has no equal!!!!!

Godzilla then let go of the dead Shin Godzilla head and slowly walk back to sea and was now swimming back to Academy City. The suppose ultimate evolving life form is now killed and Tokyo can go back to normal.


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