《GOOZLLA》The Age Of Shin Godzilla Part 1


"As the waves were caring me further in the sea, I was starting lose all hope. But then, the most amazing thing happened."

"What happened?" asked Mikoto.

"Godzilla happened. He rise up out of the water and had me in the palm of his hand. Back then, I never knew a giant creature was real until I met him. And right after I said thank you to him, we were both surround by a huge golden light."

"That Golden Light fused us together to become strong together. Ever since then, Godzilla and I have been keeping the planet save from evil Kaijus that are awaking from the earth."

"Wow. That was amazing. I am sorry though for the loss of your parents." said Mikoto Misaka with tears in her eyes.

"Aw come Mikoto. Its alright, I moved on from that. I used that memory to push my self so no other life can be lost." Said Danny.

"Hey. You said that all the Kaijus had to go into hibernation close the Earths core to survive. Why are they waking up now?" asked Mikoto.

"Its the radiation. When they first built that nuclear bomb in WWII and still using similar nuclear as power plants today, that is a wake up call for all Kaijus out their." Said Danny.

Mikoto had her eyes wide open. She was just imaging just all the Kaijus that are walking up just because of the radiation that the Humans are making now.

"Just promise me that you will stop all the evil Kaijus Danny. Because I feel like I have to be your big sister to look after you." Said Mikoto.

"Hey don't worry. I promise, everything will be alright. I wouldn't let you down." Said Danny with a smile. Mikoto couldn't help but smile back too.



Somewhere out of the coast of Tokyo.....

It was a normal day near Tokyo. But that was all going to change today. A huge splash came out of the sea and a huge long yellowish tail popped out of the sea.

As the tail is out of the sea, a a huge amount of blood surrounds it. Underneath the sea, you can see a huge shadow figure heading to Tokyo.

News choppers were following the shadow figure in the water as it makes it destination to Tokyo.


Back at Academy City...

Danny was closing his eyes right next to a tree. When his scenes detected something, his eyes opened wide open.

'Godzilla did you feel that?' Thought Danny.

"Yeah. It seems like the danger is about to attack Tokyo." Said Godzilla.

'I guess I have to stop it or whatever it is from causing any more destruction.' Thought Danny.

"Yes you right. But lets be careful okay Danny?" Said Godzilla

'Okay.' Thought Danny.

Danny then sneaky jumped into the sea without anyone noticing. He then changed into Godzilla and made his long swim to Tokyo to face this new danger.


Three hours later...........

When Godzilla had just made to the coast of Tokyo, he just saw the destruction caused by one creature that is crawling in the city.

This creature has two big white eyes and has gills that spills out blood. The dorsal Fins look underdeveloped. It has no arms and has huge legs for support to crawl on the ground. It has a yellowish tail. Shin Godzilla Second Form.

As the Godzilla walk forward towards this Godzilla wannabe, news choppers were circling around and trying to get good shot of him to show on the TV news.

Godzilla got close to the creature and grabbed its tail and having a good grip on it. Shin Godzilla stopped moving when Godzilla grabbed his tail.


Godzilla then throw the creature back close the coast and away from the humans. Plus it got the creature away from destroying any more buildings. Shin Godzilla slowly regain its balance and starts to shakes off the dizziness from that throw that Godzilla did.

Godzilla roared at Shin Godzilla to leave the humans alone and never return. Shin Godzilla only respond by jumping at Godzilla and used its jaws to bit on Godzilla feet. Its seems that Shin Godzilla has a lot of courage to challenge something that its taller than its size.

Godzilla roared in pain as the Shin Godzilla teeth were really sharp. Godzilla try to shake off Shin Godzilla from his feet but it refused to let go. After about 15 shakes, Shin Godzilla let go of Godzilla feet and Shin Godzilla was now back a little part in the city.

Godzilla then ran right in front of Shin Godzilla to stop him. Shin Godzilla try to stand up but just fell to the ground. Just as Godzilla was going to attack the creature, Godzilla felt something was about to happen to this creature.

Shin Godzilla then slowly started to stand up again. Its feet began to change the way its looks of walking like a t-rex feet looks like. Not only that, if you look really closely, you can notice that the creature is evolving.

Its skin and its body began to mutate and change. The spikes on its back began to look like maple leaf spikes. Its suddenly grow arms and it tail got longer. Its body size increased twice whats it used to be. IT got rid of the gills and its head is got a lot more teeth. Shin Godzilla Third Form.

'Uh-oh' Thought Godzilla

Shin Godzilla then roared straight in the sky. That roar almost sound like Godzilla roar but a little bit different.

Shin Godzilla then sudden charged right at Godzilla and used its head to bit on its arms. Godzilla was able to doge before Shin Godzilla could lade its attack on him. Godzilla try to slash at his foe but its tail suddenly wrapped around his hand and launch him forward farther in the city.

Shin Godzilla then look behind him to see that its back is glowing red. Shin Godzilla then roared one last time at Godzilla before turning around and running back into the ocean and disappearing.

To human perspective, they might think that Shin Godzilla is leaving forever, but from Kaijus perspective, it actually means, 'This is only the beginning Godzilla. I will return and when I do, you and human kind will be a crushed under my foot.'

'I hope you return you jerk. There can only be one Godzilla and that is me. I will protect human kind and the planet with my last breath.' Thought Godzilla. It was Godzilla job to protect the balance of nature and protect the humans.

Godzilla then slowly return to the sea without stepping on any building and swim away far enough so no one can see him turn back into normal.

When he came back to shore, he was heading to the prime minister in Tokyo. He want to know what this creature is and how to defeat it before fighting it again.


To Be continued...............

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