《GOOZLLA》Godzilla VS AIM Burst


Last time on Academy City Kaiju......

Danny was starting to get nervous. If he keep using more of his power, he might get found out that he has the spirit of Godzilla in him. Even worse, they might try to study or experiment on him while having him locked away. He is trying to figure out a plan but that thought was cut off when a punch of yellow energy beams stuck in his chest causing him to be set flying backwards. As soon as he stood up, he was lifted in the air by an invincible force and was thrown underneath the bridge.

Before he crashed to the ground, a person caught him just in time while in mid air. The person caught Danny in her arms and landed perfectly to the ground. The person helped Danny to stand up. That person was Mikoto Misaka. "Are you okay?" asked Mikoto.

"Yeah but, why did you save me? Aren't you at least surprise of what I am?"asked Danny as he was pointing out the parts that look like Godzilla.

"Yes I am but at the same time, happy. Before I never got the chance to say thank you for saving me. But thanks for saving me from that big bug like creature from stomping on me." said Mikoto Misaka.

"Your welcome." Said Danny. After he said that, a huge part of the bridge broke apart and Kiyama was falling towards the ground. She landed without and injury's.

"Is that really all you got? I would have thought someone with your kind of power would be more of a challenge." taunted Kiyama.

Danny jumped into the air to attack her. He then used the pull of the gravity to do a body slam. Even though his attack was blocked, it still give him enough time for Mikoto Misaka to do her part.

While Kiyama wasn't looking, Mikoto Misaka grabbed her from behind and shocked her. When the shocking was done, Mikoto had a surprise look on her face. What Danny didn't know is that Mikoto is looking into the memories of Kiyama.

When Mikoto let go of Kiyama, She fell to the ground. She then stood up and talk about that she didn't know about that her students were being used to study out of control espers. She try to report it to Ant-Skill but was turned down 23 times.

"The whole city can hate me, I don't care. Nothing is going to stop me now form saving those children." She said before falling to the ground again. Just then, a huge white with a blue like jelly see through inside of it with a halo on its head began to form above Kiyama. It also had red eyes. The AIM burst.

"This is bad." Said Danny before gulping in fear. The new creature roared at both Mikoto and Danny.



Mikoto fired her lighting at the creature. The AIM burst turn its back when the attack landed on it. Mikoto was shocked and confused why did it do that.

Her answered was cleared when it got bigger and grow arms on its back and the arms on its front got longer and have five fingers.

"Okay. That didn't work." Said Danny

"Its getting bigger." Said Mikoto.

"Not only that, it can self regenerate any injures on its body." Said Danny.

The AIM Burst began to float to the top of the bridge where the Anti-Skill officers were regaining conscious.

The officers fired their guns at the creature but just made the creature bigger and wider until it began a huge bulky creature with long arm like tentacles,its head got bigger as well and its halo like ring was still on top of its head.

"They are just making it bigger. Darn it. Can we actually beat this thing?" asked Danny as he was getting scared.

"Don't give into fear Danny." Said Godzilla.

"Their might be a way." Danny heard Kiyama voice and turned to see that she is talking to Mikoto and Uiharu.

"Think about, that thing is a creation of 10,000 peoples thoughts. If the level up network was brought down, we might have a chance." Said Kiyama. It made sense to Danny. It is like a Ant colony, if you bring the Queen down, you bring down the whole ant colony.

"The Level Upper Treatment Program." Said Uiharu as she pulled out a small chip out of her skirt pockets.

"It might not bring the monster down, but it is worth a shot." Said Kiyama to Uiharu.

" Okay then. I am going to stop it as long as I can. In the mean time, Uiharu get that program to Anti-Skill as fast as you can and Mikoto stay here." Said Danny.

"Why?" Asked Uiharu.

"Because look where that creature is trying to head." Said Danny as he pointed it out. "That creature is heading towards that Nuclear Power Plant. IF that creature manages to get their, it would might mutate it or end live as we know." Said Danny as he heard Uiharu gasped.

"How can you stop a creature like that?" Asked Uiharu. Danny made a smirk on his face. "Just watch." Said Danny.

Danny began to change. His skin began to be covered in dark grey scales. A long tail began to form from his back. Maple shaped dorsal fins began to form out of his back. His size began to grow until he reaches his full height which was about 354 feet. His total length is 550 feet 4 inches. His face began to look reptilian like. His normal teeth turned into sharped teeth. His feet turned into elephant like feet with large toe claws. His five fingers turn into three fingers and one thumb with each have sharp claws. His eyes changed to yellow colored. He changed to the the King of Monsters for the first time in front of his new friends.


Godzilla could hear a gasp from Uiharu as she was shocked a boy turn into something unbelievable. Godzilla took a huge breath and let out his most famous roar at the AIM Burst.

The AIM Burst stop moving towards the Nuclear Power Plant and turn around to see Godzilla challenging it to a fight. The AIM Burst made his cry that means he accepts. The AIM Burst created glass like shards out of thin air and fired them at Godzilla.

Godzilla took the attacks head on and used his tail to swipe them away. Godzilla look at the corner of his eyes to see Uiharu walking up the steps. She is walking slow so that maybe the AIM burst will not notice her when she is trying to get to Anti-Skill.

She was proven wrong when the AIM burst fired tons of yellow energy beams at her. Godzilla was able to protect Uiharu by letting all of the beams hit Godzilla.

Some of his skin was damaged but they were regenerate thanks to Godzilla cells. Godzilla roared back at the AIM Burst and charged right at the creature. Godzilla bite into he creatures neck causing the AIM Burst to roar in pain and began to spinning him around until Godzilla tossed the AIM Burst was a little bit father away from the Nuclear Power Plant.

The AIM burst turn its head to and was about to charge another yellow energy beam at the Anti-Skill officers and Uiharu on the bridge when a huge lighting struck at the AIM Burst head. The attack came from Mikoto Misaka as she was about to join in the fight.

"I know that you are thinking right now." She said to Godzilla. "I was suppose to stay safe but I couldn't let you take on this monster all by your self. I am going to help you no matter what." She said.

Godzilla just look at her and nodded towards her. They continued their attacks, but no how many times they injury it, blast its arms off it just keeps regenerating any wounds it gets. The AIM Burst then grabbed Mikoto in one of its tentacles.

Godzilla was just about to charged into the creature when he heard a weird sound coming from the speakers and all over Academy City. Mikoto fired one of her lighting at the AIM Burst arms but it didn't grow back. The sound must be the treatment program. Uiharu did it.

"Sorry about this." Said Mikoto with a smirk on her face as lightning was surrounding her.

"But it is game over now!" She launched all of her lighting attacks at the creature causing its skin to be burn and letting go of Mikoto.

"I guess it is over." Said Mikoto.

"Don't think about that now! That thing isn't down just yet." Said Kiyama as she was walking towards the fight.

The AIM Burst slowly got back up. "Their must be a nucleus that must keeping the creature together. Find it and destroy it." Said Kiyama.

The Aim Burst turn its attention to Godzilla and roared at him for one last fight to the finish. Godzilla roared back as he accepts.

The AIM Burst morph its long tentacles to create a large hand and punch Godzilla in the face. Godzilla was sent flying into the air before he crashed into the ground. The AIM Burst then turned his attention to Mikoto and Kiyama. Before he could destroy them, their was then a low humming sound.

The AIM Burst turn around slowly to see Godzilla tail rising in the air. The tip of Godzilla spikes on his tail began to glow blue. The AIM Burst turn around to see Godzilla standing back up as the glow began to slowly climb to the top of Godzilla neck. Godzilla took a huge breath and let out his atomic breath at the AIM Burst.

The AIM Burst used a force field to block it but the atomic was so powerful that it broke through the force field and hit the AIM Burst right in the stomach. The AIM Burst then was pushed back. Godzilla grabbed the AIM Burst mouth and force it open as Godzilla released another Atomic breath into the creatures mouth causing everything inside of it to be burn to ashes and separated the AIM Burst head from its body. Including the nucleus that was keeping the AIM Burst together.

With the nucleus destroyed, green lights began to exit out of the AIM Burst body. Not only that, all the Lever Up victims were starting to wake up.

Godzilla let go of the creature as it was dead. Godzilla then stomp on the AIM burst head. Godzilla let out a loud Victory roar as it can be heard all over Academy City.

Godzilla looked at Mikoto one last time before heading back into the sea to find a place to turn back into his human form.


Somewhere in space........

"So he has returned." Said a mysterious huge figure in the dark. The Figure watch a protection from a huge crystal that showed Godzilla beat the AIM Burst. "I look forward to meeting you soon.....brother" Said the figure as it roared with evil in it.


To Be Continued..............

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