《GOOZLLA》Kiyama Harumi


Last time on Academy City Kaiju..........

The Female MUTO was now getting almost to the shore. Mikoto didn't know what to do. As if it was some miracle, all of the seagulls began to come from the sea and headed into the city.

"Whats up with the seagulls?" asked Mikoto.

Suddenly a huge wave was heading towards the city. As it got closer, three huge blade like dorsal fins pop out of the ocean.

"That is not a wave." said Mikoto.

When the wave reached to the female MUTO, a huge creature jumped into the MUTO and did a body slam.

The huge creature had some characteristic of a dinosaur. Its skin was charcoal grey color skin and it look hard a diamonds. It had three rows of blade like dorsal fins on its back. The King of Monsters, Godzilla!!!!!!!!!

Godzilla throw the female MUTO far away from the city and back further into the ocean surface. Godzilla then did his famous roar.


The female MUTO then charged straight at Godzilla. Godzilla swinged his tail hard as he can into the MUTO face, cause her to be sent flying sideways.

When the Female MUTO try to stand again, Godzilla grabbed her by the mouth. Godzilla spikes began to glow blue. Godzilla then fired his atomic breath straight into the female MUTO mouth.

As a result, the female MUTO was dead. When the MUTO body began to skin into the depths of the ocean, Godzilla swim back into the ocean, far away enough so no one can see him change back into his human form.

Back on the shore, Mikoto was amazing that a giant creature saved her life. "Maybe Uiharu can find info of this guy." She said as she ran towards her friends.


In one of the back allies of Academy city, Danny was pecking his head out of the corner to see if the cost is clear.

He just turn back to his human form, with his clothes undamaged, and swim to a part of Academy City where their is no cameras. He has to do this so no one can suspects him. He was just about to leave the ally when he heard a girl scream.

'Godzilla did you hear that?'Thought Danny.

"Yeah that was human scream. And it sounds like that person is in trouble. I am going to guess you are going to help them?" Said Godzilla


'Yes I am. And if the thugs don't cooperate, I might have to use that form to make them get the hint.' Thought Danny.

Danny then ran towards the source of the scream. When he got their, he notice a girl that is about to be kidnapped. The girl that is about to be kidnapped has flowers in her hair. Uiharu Kazari.

The person that was about to put Uiharu into her blue car, has long brown hair, has bags under eyes and has a lab coat. Kiyama Harumi.

'Okay, why is this woman kidnapping a girl? Might as well asked ' thought Danny.

"HEY!" Shouted Danny as he got Kiyama attention. "Let the girl go or this might get ugly." Said Danny. He stretched his fingers and lots of popping sounds were heard.

"No." That is all Kiyama said before pushing Uiharu into her car and handcuffing Uiharu arms together. She then start the car on and drive right at Danny. Danny jumped up and landed on top of the car. He made his fingers to have sharp nails so he can stick on the speedy car.

Kiyama was driving like crazy just to shake him off. After many attempts to shake Danny off, she just made the car go faster. When they reached the middle of the bridge, they were stop by Anti-Skill.

When Kiyama was forced to stop, the sudden stop caused Danny to be flying in the air. He was later catch by a Anti-Skill officer who has long black hair. Yomikawa Aiho.

"Thanks." Said Danny. Yomikawa just nodded her head.

Danny notice that Kiyama was out of her car and had her hands behind her head. 'Something doesn't feel right.' Thought Danny.

He was proven right when he notice Kiyama left eye suddenly turn red. One of the Anti-skills officer shot another one in the side, not killing him, but injuring him. 'Did she just control that person movements?' Thought Danny.

"It would appear so. But I have a feeling, their is something more to this woman than it meets the eye." Said Godzilla

When Kiyama had her right hand out, tons of air were moving around them. The air then suddenly turn into water and destroyed a Anti-skill truck. She then used some kind of invincible force to lift up a Anti-Skill truck and smashed it to the ground.

'Water? Lifting up a heavy Anti skill truck? Controlling a person movements? How can one person have that much power and use it all at once? And if so, were is she getting them?' Thought Danny


Danny then gasped as he just figure something out. 'Wait a minute. Oh no it can't be.' Thought Danny.

"What is it Danny?" Asked Godzilla.

'Their has been reports that people go the hospital when they used a program called the Level Upper. The facts show that when a person used a Level Upper, they go into a comma. What if she somehow connect to the victims minds of those who use the Level Upper?' Thought Danny.

"But that means....." said Godzilla.

'You right buddy, we are looking at a begin who is connect to 10,000 peoples minds and use their powers whenever she wants to.' Thought Danny.

"Why are you talking to yourself?' asked Kiyama. Danny notice that she was about 30 inches from where he is standing.

"I was just trying to figure out how to beat you." Said Danny as he made a smirk on his face.

"Go on then, try to hit me." She said to Danny.

Danny right hand began to change. Most of his right hand is know covered in black scales and now has four sharp claws.

When he went to punch her in the face, some kind of force field took the attack head on. It caused Danny to jump back in shock.

"What?" Said Danny as he was shocked. "Is that the best you got?" asked Kiyama. She was really already pushing his buttons.

Danny back began to change until it their was fin spikes on his back and has a tail. "Okay then, try this on for SIZE!" shouted Danny as he used his tail to slam it into her. But like before, the force field took the attack head on.

Danny was starting to get nervous. If he keep using more of his power, he might get found out that he has the spirit of Godzilla in him. Even worse, they might try to study or experiment on him while having him locked away. He is trying to figure out a plan but that thought was cut off when a punch of yellow energy beams stuck in his chest causing him to be set flying backwards. As soon as he stood up, he was lifted in the air by an invincible force and was thrown underneath the bridge.

Before he crashed to the ground, a person caught him just in time while in mid air. The person caught Danny in her arms and landed perfectly to the ground. The person helped Danny to stand up. That person was Mikoto Misaka. "Are you okay?" asked Mikoto.

"Yeah but, why did you save me? Aren't you at least surprise of what I am?"asked Danny as he was pointing out the parts that look like Godzilla.

"Yes I am but at the same time, happy. Before I never got the chance to say thank you for saving me. But thanks for saving me from that big bug like creature from stomping on me." said Mikoto Misaka.

"Your welcome." Said Danny. After he said that, a huge part of the bridge broke apart and Kiyama was falling towards the ground. She landed without and injury's.

"Is that really all you got? I would have thought someone with your kind of power would be more of a challenge." taunted Kiyama.

Danny jumped into the air to attack her. He then used the pull of the gravity to do a body slam. Even though his attack was blocked, it still give him enough time for Mikoto Misaka to do her part.

While Kiyama wasn't looking, Mikoto Misaka grabbed her from behind and shocked her. When the shocking was done, Mikoto had a surprise look on her face. What Danny didn't know is that Mikoto is looking into the memories of Kiyama.

When Mikoto let go of Kiyama, She fell to the ground. She then stood up and talk about that she didn't know about that her students were being used to study out of control espers. She try to report it to Ant-Skill but was turned down 23 times.

"The whole city can hate me, I don't care. Nothing is going to stop me now form saving those children." She said before falling to the ground again. Just then, a huge white with a blue like jelly see through inside of it with a halo on its head began to form above Kiyama. It also had red eyes. The AIM burst.

"This is bad." Said Danny before gulping in fear. The new creature roared at both Mikoto and Danny.


TO be continued..............

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