《NCIS:LA Season 7 (Densi)》"An Unlocked Mind"


A brand-new day starting it with a lesson of Yoga.....

"Have you done frog's pose?" Kensi asked (grunts) "I've done the crane, the downward dog, cobra the snake, but no, never done the frog." Deeks replied "Okay, so we're gonna work deep into the body." Kensi said as both of them were bending over "Yep." He replied "Opening our hips." She said "Opening hips." He replied "By getting into a nice deep straddle." She said "Wow, deep straddle. That's a crowd-pleaser." He added (chuckles) "Deeks, I warned you. You know my work rule. If you joke, this is over." She warned him "What are you talking about? I'm just saying that it feels good to open the hips. You know, to get a nice deep straddle at work." He explained

"Pelvis towards the ground." Kensi said "I'm putting my pelvis towards the ground." Deeks replied "Iliac crest as low as it can go." She continued "Not sure what that is." He finished "Clear your mind and focus on one intention." She said "One intention." Deeks said as he stared at her butt "Deeks? Focus." Kensi said knowing exactly what he was doing or thinking "I am, I'm focusing on your iliac crest." He said smiling "Maybe you need some help." Kensi asked as she stood up "No, I don't need any help." He replied "Maybe you do." She refused "No, I feel like I'm doing pretty good." He replied "I think you do. I think you need some help." She said to him "Get away from me." He asked "Put your feet together." She asked "My feet are together." He replied "I don't" Deeks said (shouts) (Kensi chuckles) "Oh, just breathe through it. Just push your hips down." Kensi continued "I don't think man is supposed to bend like that." He thought "You can go further." She said "No, I think I just heard something snap. Okay, if there's a safe word in yoga, I'd like to know it, 'cause at this point I'd like to say it." Deeks said "You okay?" She said out of concern "Ow! Spatula. Oh, spaghetti! Banana!" Deeks said quickly "Okay, I hate to interrupt whatever's going on here, but you're needed in Ops stat-- we have a case." Eric said walking in on them "Perfect. (shouts) Let's go." Kensi said walking away "Oh." Eric said as Kensi hit Eric's bum

After being briefed in ops with the rest of the team Kensi and Deeks got a lesson and some info from Eric and Nell of what could happen in the undercover op.......

"Now, getting into the church is easy. We'll drop you at their center in Santa Monica. Then they'll take you by van to their main campus in Topanga. The real trick is getting asked to stay." Nell explained to them both as they walked through them armoury "Now, they're really big on these therapy sessions. They use a setup like this. It's a laptop hooked up to a camera." Eric explained showing them "They'll ask you to reveal your deepest darkest secrets, while monitoring any change in the size of your iris." She continued

"Normally, this type of ocular-movement reader uses sophisticated software, but here they simply have a "trained" counselor." Eric said "In other words, it's all nonsense." Nell replied "Well, the good news is that "nonsense" is my middle name. So go ahead and probe my inner mind, brother." Deeks said putting the camera on "Why am I scared?" Eric asked (clears throat) (clears throat) "All right. What was your first sexual experience?" Kensi asked him "Oh, wait, hold the probe." Deeks said out of shock "Okay, as far as we can tell, a person's willingness to reveal themselves is the one determining factor in getting asked to stay at the church's headquarters, so fess up." Nell explained "All right, fair enough. Uh, there was this girl, her name was Sarah. We were 16 years old. And I held her hand at a party. It was very romantic, so I went to her house the next day. Um" Deeks was explaining when he hovered


"Keep going." Kensi asked "You sure?" Deeks asked her "Yes." She replied "Uh, she wasn't home. But the good news was that her mom was home. And she was sunbathing. And so she asked me to put some lotion on her. And so I'm putting the lotion on her body" Deeks finished "La, la, la, la." Nell said "Oh, oh, TMI. Flag on the play. Cannot unhear that. That was not cool." Kensi said as her and Deeks stood next to each other "What are you talking about? You said you wanted to know." Deeks asks "Is that for real?" She asked him "Yeah. No. Well, yes for the character. 'Cause I'm method." He replied "So what you're saying is it's a fantasy of yours." She said "No, I'm good at what I do, and what I do is undercover work." He replied "Undercover work indeed, Mr. Deeks." Nell said "Are you seriously turning into Hetty? 'Cause you're freaking me out." Deeks asked her "No, no, don't divert the freak to me." Nell replied

"Yes, it's your freak, Mr. Deeks." Hetty said walking in "Oh. Did you hear the part about the stone-cold fox and the lotion?" Deeks asked her "Every word." Hetty said "Huh, awkward." Deck replied back "An attorney from the DoJ is being sent here to monitor our investigation of the Church of the Unlocked Mind." Hetty explained "Why would the Department of Justice be monitoring us?" Kensi asked "You think somebody high at the DoJ is a member of the church?" Deeks continued "Whatever the motivation, we need to move quickly. I want the two of you inside before he gets here." Hetty said to them both "On it." Deeks said "Got it." Kensi replied as well before they both walked out

After being in there for a couple of hours and uncovering there biggest secrets.....it was time for their first re-born situation......

"You still have your earwig in?" Deeks said to Kensi "No, I stashed it in my locker. Do you?" Kensi asked "Yeah, a guy was next to me the whole entire time. I couldn't take it out." He answered "The system's closed circuit. I've got no cameras to see anything." Eric said "Deeks, if you go under for any length of time, we're gonna lose your connection." Sam said to him as well "Yeah, I realize that. Hopefully it's just a quick dip." Deeks replied "You don't like the water?" A man said "Oh, uh, no. I just, as a kid, I almost drowned. So, hopefully they don't put my head underwater. It's a fear." Deeks explained "We should work on that. Let's head to the shallow end." The man said "To the freedom of an unlocked mind. Freedom given to us by our ancestors.mThose great spirits who continue to live inside of us." ASHMAN said standing in the poll "You okay staying in?" Callen asked

"Yeah, we're good. I made contact with David. I think I can get him out of here." Deeks replied (quietly): "What's his name?" The man said "Martin." Someone said "Please, Kensi, Martin, join us. Come, a new life awaits. All the joy that you ever imagined is within your grasp." Ashman said as Kensi and Deeks were in the poll as well "So, I, uh, I really do freak out underwater." He replied "Trust, love, clarity of thought. Just lean back, Martin. Lean back. Face your fears." The man said "We lost him." Eric said as they were both under water (grunting) (grunting) "What are you doing?" Kensi said as she came out of the water "You know him?" Ashman said "No, I don't, but he's obviously in trouble!" Kensi said standing there fearing "All right. (grunting) It's okay, it's all right." Ashman said "Let him out of the water. Get him out!" Kensi said fighting it "It's normal, it's Don't worry, it's part of the process. You faced your fear. Feel the joy in your heart. It's one of life's greatest lessons. Welcome to the Church of the Unlocked Mind." Ashman said as Kensi and Deeks looked at each other (applause, whistling)


After both Kensi and Deeks were with separate people for the rest of the day things started to get a little out of hand with Kensi being drugged and Deeks having a Hurd of men around him while trying to escape things were just getting started......

"Guys guys, I've been drugged. Eric, Nell, I need help." Kensi said sitting on the floor with her ear piece in "Callen, did you hear that?" Eric said "On it, we're going in." Callen said "No, you're not. (whistles) (cell phone rings) Do not let these men move." The man said to them "Tell me something good." Callen asked Sam "We got 'em." He replied "Say that again, hold on, you're on speaker." Callen said putting him on speaker "We have Ammar and Zhi in custody. Execute the extraction." Sam said

"We can use your help. And you stay the hell out of our way." Granger said "You didn't find 'em, did you?" Nell asked "No." Sam replied (sighs) (yells) "Where's Kensi?" Deeks said running in "Leave me alone!" The women said "I'm a federal agent, you want to spend the rest of your life in prison? Where is she?" Deeks asked once more "Upstairs." She replied "Kensi! Kens! Oh, what happened?" Deeks said as he ran upstairs "I was drugged." She answered "Can you walk?" He asked "I need help." She replied "Is there another way out of here?" He asked the guy "Yeah." He replied "Grab her. One, two, three, up. Here we go, here we go. All right, we got you. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go. All right, all right, we got you. Ooh, ooh. Wait, wait, wait. Stop, stop, stop, stop. Hold on. Okay, go. I need to take one of them out and get his gun." Deeks said at this point they were in the fields "Okay." Kensi said "Shh, stay here. Stay here. Okay?" Deeks said "Yeah." Kensi replied

(grunting) (bone cracking) (groans) "Get up. How's that for your spiritual awakening?" Deeks said pointing a gun at him with Kensi and his guy behind him "You're not getting out of here." The man said "You shut your mouth. Kensi, David, let's go. Keep it shut. Move. Move. Move. Oh, oh, oh." Deeks said as they all stopped "You're not getting out of here." Ashman said "All you guys do is repeat each other. Oh, that's right, you're in a cult." He said "Put down the gun. Her life for his. Put it down. Now!" The man asked him "Deeks." Kensi asked him "Okay, all right, all right, relax. It's going down. Relax." Deeks said putting the gun down and moving closer towards Kensi "Trevor, get the truck. Bring the barrels and the lye. I guess this is the peace, love and joy part." Ashman said "What are you doing?" David said "You're about to leave our reality plane, David." Ashman finished "Welcome to my reality plane." Granger said coming from know where "Everyone on their knees! Down!" Callen said "Go." Granger repeated "Eric, I need an ambulance for Kensi. Welcome to the worst part of your life." Callen finished

It was a long day and Deeks was in the boatshed waiting for Kensi to arrive back from the hospital after getting checked out by the doctor......

(door closes) "Hey." Deeks said as he heard the door open and saw Kensi walking through "Hey." Kensi replied coming face to face with Deeks "How you feeling?" He asked "Uh, it's out of my system. Doctor said it was a neuromuscular block, so they basically paralyzed me." She explained "I got to be honest. That was tough seeing you like that." Deeks admitted "It was a pretty crazy feeling." Kensi finished "Through the looking glass." He said with a smile on both of their faces "So how are they doing?" She asked changing the subject "Oh, um, okay. DoD's gonna have to give him some help. You know, a lot of deprogramming to do. A lot to recover from." Deeks said as both of them moved their heads the same way as they saw the 2 kiss on the camera "Huh, not so much." Kensi said "Yeah. Wow, look at that. Yeah, I guess love conquers all. Speaking of which, my whole kind of iliac crest was really tight from, uh, today, so I was thinking I might be doing some stretching later on." Deeks explained "It's not really your iliac crest, but" Kensi replied

"Where is it? Here?" He asked "Little, little there." She replied "Little lower?" He answered "Did you learn nothing today?" Kensi asked him "I learned something this morning. I learned that, um Here? that I love your iliac crest." Deeks explained as he grabbed her waste "Okay, and?" She continued "And I learned that the unlocked mind is nothing without the unlocked body." He replied "And?" She continued again "And what else is there?" Deeks said before both of them moved in for a kiss......it was going somewhere until (monitor blips)

"Did you just hear that?" Deeks said as they both pulled apart "Uh-huh. Yep, yep. This is why I have the rule." Kensi said to him "Uh, as long as it's not Hetty, I think we're gonna be fine. Should I move? Do you think she sees us?" Deeks said as he still had his hands on her face "I don't know." Kensi thought "It's not her. I'm sure, we're fine." Deeks said "Okay, we're gonna be good, we're gonna be good." Kensi said "You better hope love conquers all, Mr. Deeks." Hetty replied as Kensi and Deeks both looked at each other "Yep." Kensi said "That was definitely Hetty." Deeks said finishing her sentence

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