《NCIS:LA Season 7 (Densi)》"Citadel"


In the bull pen in the morning......

"Steak tartare at Le Voltaire in Paris at sunset." Callen said to Kensi as they were both pouring coffee "Tartare as in raw meat?" She asked "Mm-hmm, practically still breathing." Callen answered as he walked away "The saba at Jiro Ono's bar in Tokyo, but only the original joint at the Ginza Metro Station." Sam said walking up to Kensi getting coffee "What is saba?" She asked him "A skinless mackerel, but usually the 14th piece of Jiro-san's omakase." Sam explained "Hey, uh, did you get that fixed?" Kensi asked Deeks as he walked in "Get what fixed?" He said looking confused putting his bag down at his desk "The problem with the plumbing at your new place?" She explained "Oh, yeah, no, still working on that. Couple more days, I guess." He said as she sat at her desk "What are they doing?" She asked "I don't know, you know? They're plumbers a lot of pipes and butt cracks." He said

"Kens?" Callen asked "Yeah?" Kensi answers "Your turn." He said "Sorry. 1975 Château d'Yquem." He replied "Since when did alcohol qualify as someone's best meal ever?" Sam asked her sitting at his desk (phone rings) "Okay. White truffle menu, Giorgio Baldi. Boom." Kens said as she followed Deeks "Which dish?" Callen asked (whispering): "All of them." She replied "All of them? You did the entire white truffle tasting menu at Giorgio's?" Sam asked "Mm-hmm." Replied Kens "Last supper style?" Sam asked her (phone rings) "Oh, yeah, last supper style." She said as Deeks picked up his phone again "Sorry, plumber still." Deeks said as Sam and Callen looked at each other (clears throat): "I had, uh, every single dish." Kensi said as she stranded next to Deeks

"I'm impressed. That you had that epic meal all by yourself." Callen asked "Oh, well, I didn't have it all by myself." Kensi replied "Here we go." Deeks said tapping a pen on his desk "Oh, you are the man, Deeks. Champagne wishes and caviar dreams." Sam said stirring his coffee "He spares no expense for his lady." Callen interrupts "Since we're talking about Giorgio Baldi's, that's the kind of place that you spring for when you're about to freaking propose. Aah. Don't answer that question." Deeks explains "You didn't ask a question." Kens said "Exactly. Well, this just got weird." Deeks explained "The topic of conversation was best meals ever. White truffles it is. High-priced plates of fungi." Kensi said as she walked off

"That's really interesting, actually, because I think it was you and I (clears throat) over a plate of nachos at the Clippers-Spurs game when you told me that a meal is all about the person you're sharing it with. " Deeks explains to his girlfriend "Baby, those nachos were just the most amazing nachos I have ever had." Kensi replied "But not like last supper good." Deeks asks (laughs) "I think we ought to put the lid back on this can of worms." Callen asked "Nah, they can close it themselves." Sam replied (whistles) "Caught a case. Double homicide. Bon appétit." Eric said coming down the stairs (phone rings) "Plumbers? Kensi asked again "Yeah, no, plumbers. But they can handle this themselves." Deeks says as he walks off "As one can of worms closes An even bigger one springs up in its place." Sam and Callen said


"Busted her partner for treason, watched him get shot, and then shot the guy that killed him all in the same morning. That's a tough day." Deeks says as they both walk up to the door "Well, she's a tough girl. Is everything okay?" Kensi asks "Yeah, why?" Deeks replied "I'm getting a weird vibe." She asked "So am I. Maybe an earthquake is coming." Deeks said changing the subject "Something going on with the Internal Affairs investigation?" Kens asked again "Oh, look, we're here." Deeks said ignoring her "I know you're not gonna knock on that door without answering my question." Kens replied (knocking) "Talia, it's Kensi and Deeks." He said as Talia opened the door "Kensi it's good to see you. Never thought I'd hear myself say that." Talia said as Kensi walked in "We're here for you. I know what it's like to lose a partner." Kens said stroking her arm "Thank you." She replied

"Hey. Deeks, you are looking good. I never thought I'd hear myself say that, either." Talia said looking at Deeks while he walked in (chuckles) "Makes two of us." Kensi said "I still can't believe Mark got flipped. 15 years with the DEA. I mean, I should have figured it out before he fell in over his head." Talia explained "Any idea who flipped him?" Deeks asked "No. He said something that stuck. "Taking away your choices is the first thing they do." Talia explained then (rapid gunshots) DEEKS: Get down! (tires squealing) "You good?" Deeks asked Kensi "Yeah, I'm good." Kensi replied (tires squealing) "Well, the first thing they do is take away your choices. Evidently the second thing they do is kill you." Deeks said to Kensi as they are standing at the front door with there guns out

In the car with Talia in the back......

"This is it. This is Emily Moore's place. You think she's somehow involved?" Kensi said pulling up "Never met her." Talia said "I'm sorry. You were Mark Moore's partner for 15 years, and you never met his wife?" Kens asked "Nope. He wanted to protect her from his work." Talia explained "Huh. Sounds like your partner was hiding something from you." Kensi said as she looked at Deeks "Or he just wanted to keep his work stress separate from his home stress." Deeks replied "Ooh, whoever said Talia was stressing him out?" Kensi asked him "I'm just-- I'm talking about the job as a whole." Deeks answered "I think hiding stuff is a bad idea." Kensi asked "Do you have any idea what she's talking about right now?" Deeks asked Talia "You are an idiot." She replied

"That was a rhetorical question." Deeks said "Why did you spend the last two nights alone in your apartment?" Kensi asked Deeks "Definitely not rhetorical." Talia replied "I was cleaning up after the plumbers, if you have to know." Deeks explained to Kensi "Oh, the plumbers don't clean up after themselves?" Kensi said to him "Not to my standard. Maybe yours. But I'm not, you know, living in squalor." Deeks said

"Mark didn't introduce me to his wife because we, uh, pulled all-nighters on cases together. And I look like this. And he didn't want his wife to get the wrong idea. Which, I mean, I get, you know? In a hurry, I probably would have gotten the wrong idea, too." Talia said trying to change the topic "Anyone that you're protecting from your work, Talia?" Deeks asked "Of course not, Deeks. I'm still waiting around for you." She said stroking his face then getting out "Oh. Okay. Yeah. (car door opens) Sorry about that." Deeks said to Kens (car door closes) "I know, I'm gonna take the high road on this one." Kensi replied "As opposed to?" Deeks asked "Bleeding her out." Kensi replied back to him "Yeah, no, that's an option." He replied both getting out the car


Kensi in the gun range cleaning the snippet gun as Sam walks in.......

"If you're here to make a speech, I'm not interested." Kensi said to Sam as she was wiping her gun "Just checking on you." Sam said walking up to her "All right. Make yourself useful." Kens said passing him a pack of bullets "Kensi, are you a perfectionist?" Sam asked her "About certain things." She replied "Such as?" He asked her "Guns, knives, and dating." She replied "I like your priorities." He said "Mmm. You're the ultimate perfectionist." She said "According to some." He replied "How do you do it? Getting things perfect, it just weighs me down. It stresses me out, and worst of all, I know it shows." She explained "You get results." He said to her "I make the people I care about unhappy in the process." She said

"Nobody's perfect. But the pursuit of perfection is all about problems and solutions. You're not good at something, you practice more. You're broke? You work harder, spend less, save more. You have a relationship that drives you crazy? Seek first to understand, then be understood. Sam explained to her (sighs) "Man, you make it sound so much easier than it actually is." She said to him "It's not. It's probably the hardest way someone can live, but anything worth doing is worth doing right. "Yeah, but every time you solve a problem, you know that there's just more coming your way. You never get to enjoy life." Kensi explains "I haven't solved a problem in years." He said "How so?" She asks "Well anytime I feel like a problem's about to appear, I just keep looking at the world and then, uh, I realize that the only time problems appear is when I'm running around, trying to find a solution." He explains "I never thought about it that way." She said "You can't force it. Gotta let it flow. More being, less doing." He says "More being, less doing." "Huh. Might have to just steal that one from you." Kens said "Nah, you don't have to steal it. I'll let you have it. More being, less doing." He said to her

At the crime scene saying goodbye......

"It was a pleasure as usual." Kensi said to Talia "You know, I think we work better when it's not a pleasure, don't you?" Talia said to her "Mm-hmm. (deep breath) More being, less doing." Kens said "What? What is that?" Deeks said to his girlfriend "Nothing." Kensi replied "I think your girlfriend takes this Jedi crap way too seriously, Marty." Talia said "It's not Jedi crap." Kens said "Although I got to hand it her. She made one hell of a shot today." Talia said "Oh, well, thank you, but you can compliment me to my face. Kensi asked "She's good." Talia said "She's the best." Deeks replied "She is." She replied "Still standing right here." Kensi replied "Actually, do you mind telling her, when I take off, it was really good to see her?" Talia asked Deeks "I can do that." Deeks says

"That's very sweet. You know, I think that deserves a proper thank you. It's very gentlemanly of you." Talia said to Deeks as she came face to face with him "What are you doing?" Deeks asked "Nothing." Talia said as she tried to kiss Deeks in front of Kensi m"Don't fight it." Talia said as she walked away "Okay! All right, that Yeah! That just happened" Deeks said to Kensi as she stood next to him as they watched Talia go. (clears throat) "Classy." Kensi said "Somebody call human resources!" Talia said as she walked off

(deep breath) "Dinner?" Kensi asks Deeks "Yeah, no, we should definitely do that thing where we eat dinner" Deeks said to Kensi "Good. Because I have reservations at Giorgio's for two. (phone chimes) And it is truffle season?" Kensi asked him "Um, yeah, no, Giorgio's and truffles sounds I got a better idea." Deeks said to Kensi looking at her "Okay." She said looking confused "Trust me? Come on." Deeks said holding hand in hand walking off together.........

At Deeks new place.......

"So, while truffles are obviously a delicacy, you never asked me what my favorite meal was. Also, I have a confession to make. There was no leak and therefore no plumbers." Deeks said to Kensi walking through the front door looking very nerves "Then why do you still look nervous?" Kensi asked as they both went into the kitchen "Well, you're about to find out." He said to her "Oh (chuckles) Your favorite meal is lasagna that's cute." Kens said "Well, more specifically my favorite meal is, uh, my mom's lasagna." Deeks said looking at Kensi "Oh, my gosh. Your mom got here two days ago and she's been staying with you. And she's the one who's been blowing up your phone. And I know, I know you're not making me meet her for the first time" Kensi said turning face to face with Deeks (arguing over each other)

"Is that you, Martin? Mama. Hey. Hi, Mom this is, uh, Kensi. Kensi, this is my mom. And those are words that I just said out loud." Deeks said introducing each other "Hi, it is a pleasure to finally meet you." Kensi said to Deeks Mom shaking her hand nervousl "You cook?" She asked "No." Kensi replied "You want to learn?" She asked again "No." Kensi replied very sharply "I like her." She said to her son "Yeah, I like her, too." Deeks said looking at Kensi "Come on, let's get this party started." She said to them two "I never liked truffles anyway." Kensi said

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