《Together 4 Ever》Kensi Panic


Kensi - After Deeks Told Me That He Would Love To Have Children One Day I Went Straight Up To OPS Were Nell Was, As Nell Said To Me "What's Wrong Kensi" I Was Like What Do You Do When Your Fiancé Wants Little Ninjas Running Around One Day But You Don't

Nell - You Have To Talk To Each Other To Know What You Both Want In Future

Kensi - Your Right Nell Thanks As I Bumped Into Deeks On My Way Out I Went "Can I Talk To You For A Minute"

Deeks - As Kensi Pulled Me Too One Side For A Minute And Started Talking About Chrildren One Day I Stopped Her Right There As I Went Its Ok If We Do Have Chrildren One Day Then Will Get Through It Together When The Time Comes And If It Doesn't Happen Then Will Be There For Each Other

Kensi - As I Was Listening To Deeks I Realised That I Was Being Harsh On Him I Mentioned I Can't Let My Life Effect Our Future Together And That Was When He Kissed He On The Forehead

Deeks - As I Mentioned The Wedding Again About Setting A Date Kensi Stopped Me As She Said June 17th As I Went "What"

Kensi - That's When We Had Our First Undercover Kiss Remember, As Deeks Mentioned Oh I Remember How Would I ever Forget That Special Moment Well As I Went Straight After That's When Will Get Married In 7 Months Time

Deeks - Perfect

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