《▪︎THE LUNA▪︎Book 1》Chapter nine


"M-mum, I'm scared." My voice trembled with fear."I know sweetheart...look at me," She said with a shaky voice. My eyes quickly averted to hers as she gently stroked my right cheek." I need you to be strong okay? Think of it as a dream. It may seem terrible now but when you wake up, your daddy and I will be right here with you okay?" She asked with a gentle smile that seemed to reach her hazel eyes only for a slight moment before fear replaced the previous emotion in them. I nodded my head with a bit of uncertainty but took her word for it. Her arms wrapped around my small frame and embraced me in the longest hug she had ever given me but it still wasn't long enough.

A humongous man suddenly stepped into the rotten looking cell mum and I were forced into a few nights earlier. "Get out you pieces of filth! I don't have all day to waste with your unnecessary behavior." He yelled with irritation lacing his raspy voice. Mum immediately stood up with one leg still swollen at the ankle from the attack we had before we were captured and put in here. I rushed to her side to help her stabilize her balance. Each step we took as we followed the guard with a pungent scent made the upset feeling in my stomach rise.

The sound of the rusted metallic door opening brought me back to the issue that was at hand. Outside was probably the worst view I had ever encountered. Dead bodies were piled on one side of the clearing outside the pack house while the other corner was made up of two lines. One consisted of adults and the other had children. The smelly men went round, injecting everyone with what I came to learn later was wolfsbane. The rude man with the horrid scent that kept ordering mum and I around roughly separated us after threatening to kill me if we didn't do as he said.


I was watching mum intently as the man slapped her across the face for something she said. He pulled her out of the line by her dark brown hair and kicked her back which caused her to fall. She slowly looked up, only to be met by my frightened facial expression. 'I love you Christopher.' She mouthed out to me as her hazel eyes glistened with tears waiting to be released. She probably would have let a few tears slip if I wasn't watching her.

Everything after that seemed to happen in slow motion. The man quickly bent over mum and flipped her body so she was facing him." Look where that pretty face and smart mouth got you Joslynn," he said with a humorless laugh before pulling out a hand gin from behind him placed it on her head "dead." He muttered as he pulled the trigger.

I watched my mother's body in its limp state, not being able to take my eyes off her. Hot tears streamed down my face as it hit me, my mother was dead.

Everything from then on went a bit hazy. I remember hearing even more screams than before as the pile of dead bodies on the other side increased by the minute. Memories I had of my mother flashed in my head all too fast. From the heartwarming smile she always had, to the awkward moment when her and dad were caught kissing in front of Christian , Isabel and I.

I vaguely remember wolves from another pack attacking the rogues that invaded our pack and killing them. I later came to realize I was the only survivor from my family. I would no longer get woken up by loud carols every year on Christmas. I would no longer get to toss a baseball back and forth with Christian on a Sunday evening. I would no longer get to hear Isabel's giggle every time dad tossed her around in the air. My privileges of being an over protective twin and older brother were stripped away from me without my consent.


I suddenly wake up from the buzzing of my alarm clock. Turning it off, I slowly make my way to my bathroom as I process the dream I just had while wiping off the sweat that lined my forehead.

As I finish rinsing off the remaining shampoo from my hair, it suddenly hits me. It's been exactly seven years since the passing of my family.

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