《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 41: Glad You Came


Change. It's not always bad, but when it's good it really fucks you up.

If you'd told me a few months ago that not only I'd be mated to an omega, but a male one, I'd ask what your smoking. And I'd probably start a fight with you as well. But anyone who'd tell me anything other than Ash being my mate would get it from me.

Good times. Or so I thought.

Enter Elliott Lockwood. An omega werewolf the likes none of us has ever seen before. A lean, mean, deadly machine who's able to outfight even the most skilled senior wrestler at school. In fact, his fighting skills aren't matched by anyone I can think of. And the only way for him to lose in a combat is if you shift into wolf before. Still, it's not guaranteed.

He had Simon smitten from the day he arrived at our school until he was mated to me. The first (future) Alpha mated to an omega in pack history. The first paired to a male too, but that's beside the point.

And our lives would never be the same again.

Omegas at school feel safer, seen and protected. No one bullies omegas anymore. Yes, I do mean me neither. I can't pin this on Simon because he never even looked at them before Elliott.

The reason no one messes with them?

Simple, really. Who would want to face off against my mate?

I mean... the memes alone from what he did to those juniors - all taller than him, by the way. It's like something out of the Matrix, minus the cool costumes.

Not that Elliott dresses poorly. Just not THAT cool.

Fast forward 3 months, I am happy with my mate. The happiest I've ever been. And I didn't even top him yet. Not that I care, particularly. I'm good with things the way they are. And our sex life is fantastic, no complaints here.

After we have breakfast with my family at the pack house on Saturday morning, we're hanging out in the living room, talking and watching TV.

Elliott blend in with my family so well. I love having him here with us. We're laughing about something when Simon storms the pack house looking for me. He bowed his head to my dad and greeted everyone. But he looked radiantly happy. It took us a second to notice.

"Oh my Goddess! You've completed the bond! Congratulations Beta!" - I cheered him on and moved to hug him. He's smiling the widest I've ever seen.

My family applauded him in contentment, including Elliott.

"Congratulations, Si. It's been a long time coming." - Elliott celebrated him, grinning.

"Thanks, guys. I'm sorry to intrude like this. Can I borrow my best friend for a second?" - Simon asked politely.

"You never intrude, Simon. You're family." - Mom told him, smiling. I glanced at Elliot and went upstairs with him to my room. He looked like he's about to burst if he doesn't speak soon. Honestly, relatable.

"You're not gonna believe this! She got struck by heat right before we went for it!" - Simon told me once we're behind closed doors. He's so excited, it's infectious.

"Really? What the hell!" - I gasped in shock.

"I swear. We were already naked and as we were about to start, her heat came but she took the reign. She was in charge of the whole thing!" - He told me in ecstasy.

"Wow! Olivia. Who'd have thought?" - I smirked.

"Felix, it was like she's possessed! She took such charge of us in that moment, of my body. I was in awe. Basically, she rode me until we completed the bond." - He reported, in awe of her.


"Damn, Liv! Way to go!" - I gasped again.

"And that's just the start, my friend. Actually, she was insatiable last night. I haven't slept since yesterday. We checked ourselves out of the hotel after having breakfast, I dropped her off and came here directly." - He continued, grinning.

"Wow. It seems you've finally got your wish in spades." - I commented with a naughty grin.

He laughed at this.

"Tell me about it. I didn't want to say anything, but I was dying inside. I haven't had sex since..." - He trailed off, looking guilty at me.

I grimaced, though at this point in the game, it's nothing new.

"I know, Si. It's fine. Actually, we have a lot more in common than you think." - I said in a mysterious tone.

He looked at me curiously.

"It turns out that you're not the only one who likes... Tuesday." - I said, blushing.

"I know you like Tuesday. You have since you're 15. It's not a novelty." - He spoke with a confused expression.

"That's not what I meant. I said I like your type of Tuesday." - I elaborated, still blushing.

Simon frowned in confusion for a minute until it hit him.

"Wait, do you mean you haven't topped your mate yet?" - He's genuinely gobsmacked at the revelation.

"Yes." - I confirmed, shyly.

"What the fuck! Oh my Goddess! And what about all that talk he would only bottom for his mate?" - He's beside himself in shock. His jaw was on the floor, especially with all the speech from Elliot, making it sound like he's bottomed for me.

"He didn't refuse to do it, if that's what you're implying. He asked me for it and now I never want it stop. What can I say?" - I admitted, bashfully but adamantly.

Simon gasped hard at this.

"That little devil omega topped the Beta and the Alpha! It's like unheard of in literature!" - He snickered. We laughed for a while at this.

We talked extensively about our experiences, finally in a comfortable place to dissect it all. Now we're both mated and in peace with each other.

After an hour, he went home to sleep and I rescued my mate who was alone with my family. All this talk with Simon and his wonderful experiences with his mate got me in the mood.😏

On Monday, the students gave a round of applause to the happy couple as they arrived with their fresh mate marks. Both of them look radiantly happy.

Elliott went on to talk to his friends as I stayed back with mine. Simon hasn't stopped smiling since Saturday.

Back in the classroom, everyone is looking happy by default. You can't help but get infected by their newly mated enthusiasm. Except... Marcus and Brandon looked like they're on a funeral.

"Why do you look like someone died, Marcus? Did you and Brandon break up?" - I asked, grabbing both of their attention. Brandon glared at me, but said nothing.

"No, Alpha. We didn't break up. We're excellent together, in fact. It's just that..." - He trailed off, visibly distraught. He looked down for a second in grief.

"It's Brandon's birthday tomorrow. And you know what that means." - Elliott interjected in a somber tone. Brandon glanced at him with a saddened expression.

"You shouldn't be dreading your 18th birthday, Brandon. This needs to be celebrated. I know you're worried. But you'll be happy with whoever the Goddess chooses. Trust me, I know. Case in point..." - I pointed at Simon and Olivia.


Brandon stared at me for a minute, then started to cry. Marcus hugged him.

"I don't want to be happy with anybody else!" - He cried out, visibly shaken.

"I'm sorry, guys. But I would count myself lucky if you don't get mated to Marcus's best friend." - I remarked, causing Marcus, Brandon and Ben to grimace at me. Simon gave me a poignant look, but said nothing.

"I'm not into guys, Alpha. No offense." - Ben told me. I laughed out loud.

"I love that you think the Goddess cares about what you're into! Have you met me? Do you think I was into guys before Elliott? I didn't even know Marcus was until Brandon. And I've known him since kindergarten." - I argued, causing them to scowl.

"I see your point now. But let's hope not. I don't need to lose my best friend over this." - He commented, looking over Marcus. Both of the boys looked worried.

"You're not losing anyone! If Simon and I can remain friends after I kissed his boyfriend, then got mated to him, you're more than capable to survive any surprise." - I replied in a hopeful tone. My best friend smiled at me.

After that, the class started.

By wrestling practice, while the boys are happy for Simon completing the bond, Marcus and Ben's faces are troubled. Unfortunately, that's not going away until tomorrow. At least.

Side note: Elliott took his revenge on Simon for winning their last match, demolishing the soon to be Beta on the mat. Poor boy...

"Jesus, Elliott! You didn't need to go so rough on me!" - He complained as we entered the locker room, massaging his shoulders with his left hand, a pained expression on his face.

"Yeah, I can't have people thinking they can win against me. Sorry, not sorry." - Elliott replied with a mischievous grin.

"No one thinks they can win against you!" - Simon snapped, angrily.

"Yes, Beta. They don't, if they know what's good for them." - Elliott replied, grinning.

"I don't think you're getting an apology, Beta." - I smirked at my best friend, who grimaced.

"I know. I just wish he didn't need to incapacitate me to prove a point." - Simon argued, irritated.

"I didn't. You're still walking. If I had indeed incapacitated you wouldn't." - Elliott shot back with an evil laughter.

We proceed to continue our daily routine.

"Welcome to the injured by Luna club, Beta." - Patrick snickered.

"If you want cuddles, go to your mate not me. I'm not here to play. I would win against Hollingsworth too if I were allowed to fight him." - Elliott barked.

All the boys gasped at this. Damn!

"I believe you, mate. You know you can call me Felix, right?" - I said with a mild laughter.

He glared at me and I looked away.

"Goddess, Lockwood. Who hurt you?" - Simon blurted in a aggravated tone.

"Society's treatment of omegas." - He shot back without missing a beat.

"Yeah, I don't think you're winning this argument, Beta." - Marcus snickered. All the boys laughed as we walked to the shower area.

"No one wins anything against me, Andersen." - Elliott stated with a conviction that would make the best of us shake.

Simon remained sore for some time and he glared at Elliot for the remainder of the classes, not that it bother him. But other people who weren't at the gym with us at the time noticed it too.

"Is it everything okay between you and Simon? Why does he keep glaring at you?" - Liv asked Elliott, who laughed it off.

"It's fine. I may have come on too strong at practice today and he's sulking. It'll pass." - He downplayed it, humorously.

Simon furrowed his eyebrows at Elliott and glared daggers at him. Olivia gulped.

After that awkwardness that only could've caused by my mate, the day is over. I took him home and enjoyed my afternoon with Elliott before returning for dinner at the pack house.

I'd tell him to go easier on people, but I know better. My mate doesn't do easy. And you have to learn to accept people as who they are. And I love who he is.

On Tuesday, I arrived at school to find a circle of omegas around Brandon, congratulating him on his birthday. Though someone should tell his face that he's being celebrated.

"Happy birthday, Brandon!" - I said in a cheerful tone as I approached the corner of school they are. Elliott's beside him.

"Thank you, Alpha." - He replied, sheepishly. It's weird for me to stand so close to all the omegas. I'm at least a foot taller than all of them. Maybe not Elliott, but still.

"You're most welcomed. Where is Marcus?" - I asked, intrigued as I looked around and didn't see him.

"He's waiting for me inside the classroom. I think he's too nervous that I'll meet my mate here at the school yard." - He replied, bashfully.

I giggled nervously at this. Everyone is looking apprehensively at him.

I'm not gonna lie. There's a devil inside me that can't wait to see the car crash that is about to happen when he gets mated away from Marcus.

I hate that I have this feeling, but I never claimed to be a saint. Everyone got fucked by the Goddess with the pairings, so I can't wait to see what's gonna happen to them. Bonus points if his mate is Blackburn, Marcus's best friend.😈

Hey, don't judge me! Who doesn't love some drama? *Evil laughter*

Brandon walks slowly towards the classroom. All the senior omegas are walking by his side and I'm one step behind them, waiting.

By the time he gets to the entrance of the classroom, his eyes shine bright.

Of course his mate is in our class. My mouth is salivating in anticipation of the confrontation.

Brandon walks inside with his friends and stops in front of his mate. When I see the scene play out I gasped. Hard.

I mean, what the fuck?! How? What? Why?

I'm speechless. Honestly, I didn't see that coming. I'm baffled.

"I, Brandon O'Connor, accept you Marcus Patrick Andersen, as my mate."

"I, Marcus Patrick Andersen, accept you Brandon O'Connor, as my mate."

And then they kissed. Passionately. As if the world just stopped for them to have their moment. It's always a scene to witness, no matter who it is. Marcus' eyes shone the brightest I've ever seen on him.

They looked radiantly happy. Not what I expected to happen, I'll give you that.

After they parted lips and their eyes got back to normal, our classmates all flocked to congratulate them on the union.

I'm so gobsmacked it takes a minute for me to digest.

"Oh, come on! How did THEY got mated to each other? What's the fun in that?" - I'm legitimately green with envy.

Elliott glared at me so many daggers I shrunk in my place. And congratulated them. Not many people can stare me down, but my mate is fucking fierce. Hot damn!

After all this commotion, class finally started. Though even the teacher congratulated the newly mated couple. I'm happy for them, don't get me wrong. I'm just baffled that they actually got paired together.

Evidently, they got congratulations from all around the school as it's customary when people get mated. Even at the gym people congratulated Andersen on his mating.

When we entered the locker room, Marcus's still grinning even after Elliot vanquished him on the mat. Though that's not exactly new. He does the same to everyone. Literally.

"Are you seriously jealous because Andersen got mated to the person he wanted? You have been sulking all morning!" - My mate called me out, causing everyone to stare at us.

"Jealous is a strong word. I'm just a little envious." - I admitted, bashfully.

"Are you unhappy with me?" - He asked point blank and I gasped.

"No! Not at all!" - I yelled, incredulous he even asked me that.

"Then you should be happy people got what they wanted, instead of sulking they didn't get derailed just because you did. It doesn't always have to be drama. Sometimes people get lucky." - He argued, clearly peeved with my reaction.

"You're right, mate. I'm sorry for reacting poorly. I guess I got so used to people being fucked over by the Moon Goddess that I forget some of us actually choose it right the first time." - I apologized, looking guilty at him.

"It's fine, Hollingsworth. I understand your point of view. But you need to keep in mind there are real people affected by these pairings. And somewhere in this school there's a very happy boy, grateful he got the man of his dreams." - Elliott said, giving me pause.

"Damn, you're so wise for your age. You're not even 18 yet. I'm mesmerized by you every single day." - I swooned, making him blush under my loving gaze.

"Thanks, Luna." - Marcus smiled at him, heart so full even I can feel it.

"You're welcome, Marcus. Now treat my friend right or I'll be there." - He winked at him.

After that, we took our shower and I had to refrain from looking at Elliot or I'd want to Tuesday him right away.

Speaking of which...

Hours later, we entered his house. It's empty like always, especially today. I grabbed a glass of water and drank. Twice. I'm nervous for some reason even though I shouldn't.

"I need to talk to you." - I started in an ominous tone, making him gasp.

"You wanna talk on a Tuesday? What's wrong?" - He smirked. We walked towards his bedroom.

"Nothing is wrong. But I guess there isn't a better day than today to talk to you about a change of pace." - I told him, a bit anxious.

He stared at me puzzled.

"Can I top now?" - I blurted, shyly.

Elliott lets out the biggest sigh of relief. He collapsed on his bed from the reaction it's so intense. Then, he laughed out loud. I'm starting to get a little annoyed at this.

"Why are you laughing at me?" - I'm frowning, irritated.

"I'm not. It's just that you made such suspense I was scared it was something serious." - He said, feeling relieved.

"I'm glad you find it amusing, mate." - I furrowed my eyebrows in annoyance.

"Yes, of course you can top me. Any time you want. I'm actually glad you asked. I have been looking forward to this for so long now." - He admitted with a smile.

"Oh really? Why didn't you say so?" - I questioned, intrigued.

"Because you're enjoying it so much I didn't have the nerve to tell you." - He confessed, much to my surprise.

I came over to the bed and kissed him, towering his body with my own.

"You never need to be afraid to tell me something. But you're more than welcome to talk to me privately. Or in the mind link." - I grinned at him.

"I see. Good to know." - He spoke, smiling mischievously.

We kissed for a good time before we went further on with our afternoon. Yes, it took me a minute to board the Lockwood train. But even I have to admit: life wouldn't be the same if he hadn't come to our pack. Not for the people he touched with his fierce loyalty and protection, not Simon's and certainly not mine.

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