《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 40: Get Lucky


It's been a blast.

Since I found my mate one month ago, we had the best time on our first ever date on Friday night. Then, at my birthday party on Saturday we partied like the king and queen we are.

I got so many gifts that I had to donate some to charity. But the best gift of all has been Olivia. She has been such a trooper this whole time, being so welcoming to go on dates with me and giving us a chance.

Not to toot my own horn, but our dates have been phenomenal. I have taken her for dinner at the most expensive restaurant, an exclusive tour at the city hall - the oldest building in town - and sightseeing all over the city, including a quick trip to a festival in a neighbor region.

It's been non stop fantastic dates for weeks in a roll. I've reserved an entire floor of the nicest hotel for us to spend some quality time together, with the finest room service a small town place has to offer.


We haven't completed the bond yet. Not only that, but we've barely went passed the third base. This is killing me.

I don't wanna pressure her into it, so I give her the space she needs to get comfortable around me. And I'm trying my best here, I really am.

I haven't had sex since last year and we're already in March. Fucking March! I waited two months for my birthday to come and find my mate, thinking I'd score. Now another month has passed and nothing. Not even a handy.

And that's not even the worst part.

I mean, it is. But it gets worse. Because everyone knows when werewolves complete the bond, I'm getting weird stares from all the students.

Yes, they all know we're mated and haven't completed the bond yet. It's been a month. No one takes this long.

At least with Felix and Elliott there was the sense that because Felix was "straight" it took him a while to get around the idea. Also Elliott had to get over me.

Now, I know she has to get over Ben. I'm not an idiot to dismiss their connection. But no one takes a whole month to get over someone. Not even Elliott and Felix took that long.

I am a gentleman. I was raised right. I believe firmly in a woman's choice to do whatever she wants. But this is harder than I could ever thought. Not to be crass, but she's not exactly a virgin. So what's the hold up?

Felix has been listening to me rant about it for weeks now. As I can't complain to her, obviously. Nor to Elliott who is her best friend. Felix tries to empathize with me, but at some point there're no more excuses to argue.


I don't wanna get alarming, but she's an omega. So, if she doesn't complete the bond her heat will strike - sooner than it's scheduled - and then all hell will break loose.

That's not what I want. Not remotely. I don't want to be with anyone whose power of consent is impaired, Goddess forbids. Plus, if she gets struck by heat while in someone else's company, anyone NOT an omega... all bets are off. And I'm too young to go on trial for murder.

But there's a reason werewolves don't cheat (usually). Because if you get caught... Goddess helps you.

It's Monday morning and I arrive at school with her as usual. She's smiling at me and I at her. We look happy together. We greet our friends and get to talking separately with them until is time for class.


"Liv, what's going on? Are you waiting for your heat to strike?" - Elliott asked her as we walk towards the classroom. I'm not beside them, but I can hear them well even from a distance. Wolf hearing has its purpose.

She blushed instantly.

"Of course not. I'm just waiting for the perfect opportunity." - She replied, shyly.

"You mean other than the thousand dates you have been already, including one at a hotel with an entire floor reserved for just the two of you?" - He countered with a smirk.

"Yes, other than that." - She confirmed with an amusing tone.

"That's fine and I want you to take your time. It's just..." - Elliott trailed off, pensive.

"Just what?" - She asked him, feeling apprehensive.

"I'm worried for you, that's all." - He said with a thoughtful expression.

"Worried about me why?" - She looked at him puzzled. Although, even I know why at this point.

"I'm scared of a Blackburn situation." - He replied with overcoming guilt in his tone.

She gasped at this. They had just entered the classroom and Ben had a whiplash at the mention of his name. Though he said nothing, just looked guilty.

"Oh my Goddess, Elliott! What the fuck!" - Olivia was horrified at her best friend.

"I'm sorry, Liv. But that's not even the worse part!" - Elliott argued, worriedly.

"What! And what's the worst part then?" - She asked in a defiant tone, looking horrified at him.

"Mated heat is supposedly stronger than our first heat, which is already pretty powerful to begin with. If by any chance your mate gets a whiff of you with anyone while in heat, he's not gonna pull them aside gently like Felix did it with Ben, there will be a slaughter." - He argued, which send shock waves throughout the entire class.

Liv, myself, Felix and everyone was horrified at the perspective.

"I'm sorry, Liv. I didn't mean to bring this up but you're the one who warned me once upon a time, remember? If you thought Felix could harm Simon, who he loves deeply, what do you think will happen if Simon catches you in heat with another person?" - He argued, deeply distraught.

"I don't fight anyone in gym class, last time I checked. Nor do I intend to kiss anyone not my mate." - She snapped at him in a snarky mood.

"That's fair. And I'm glad you don't. But it's not gonna be that simple, Liv. I didn't want to have to say this, but when I rescued Brandon on the day of his heat..." - brief pause - "When I got to the showers, it was like the set of a porn film. Two dozen boys were hard for one small omega, who looked terrified at them. Even after I got there, I had to literally punch one of the boys to leave Brandon alone. It was fucking awful. And he wasn't in contact with anyone that day, thank Goddess!" - He told her in a remorseful tone.

Brandon teared up at the memory. Marcus moved to hug him tightly. But everyone looked disturbed at the story.

Liv looked horrified at him.

"My point is: even if you don't come into contact with anyone else, you're still in danger. Fortunately, you only shower with girls and they're not gonna... you know. But the real problem is that you don't know when it'll affect you or who will be near you when it does." - He concluded, visibly shaken up.


"Thank you for saving Brandon that day, Lockwood." - Marcus looked affectionately at him from beside his distraught boyfriend.

"It's my honor. I'm just glad I was able to get to him in time." - He replied, smiling weakly at them both.

Wow. What a rough start of the day. My goodness. However, Elliott made a lot of sense. He usually does. I don't know what'd happen if I caught my mate with someone else while in heat. Let's pray I never find out.

The class starts and everybody takes a breather. Felix also looks worried for me. Later at wrestling practice, I take all my frustrations on the mat and for the first time ever, I beat Elliott - causing all the boys to gasp in shock. Even the coach.

I also defeated every other opponent. But that's not surprising. I'm actually a very good fighter, I have to be as the next Beta of the pack.

"Did you let me win, Elliott?" - I asked him once we got inside the locker room after practice.

"I wouldn't let Hollingsworth win and he sticks his dick inside of me. Does that answer your question?" - He answered in the most "Elliott" way, causing everyone and Felix to gasp at his bluntness. But I laughed.

"It does. Thank you." - I giggled.

"Are you hurt?" - Felix asked him, frowning.

"Just my shoulders a little. It's just that he came at me really rough." - He replied in a pained expression.

I felt guilty at this.

"I'm sorry, Elliott." - I looked at him remorseful.

"Don't apologize, Beta. You're supposed to win." - He chastised me, annoyed.

"Yeah. Plus, he's not the only one who you went too rough today. He just resisted the most because Lockwood is a beast!" - Marcus smirked, also looking pained.

I looked at all the boys I demolished today and they all seemed to be hurting.

"I think you're dangerously close to going on a rut, my friend." - Felix told me with a knowing glance.

"I guess you're right if I nearly injured the entire team." - I pondered, feeling the weight of my actions.

We all know what we signed up for. It is a wrestling team and we train in advance combat forms. Injuries are bound to happen, but they're not the objective of the training. Yes, we also have faster healing, which is very helpful. But the objective here is to learn fighting skills for when you apply to become a warrior.

Or in mine and Felix's cases, we need to train the hardest to better lead the force. You know what they say about walking a mile in someone else's shoes. Plus, both of us can be called to action in defense of our pack in case of an attack.

In Felix's case it's even worse. Any pack member who brakes the law can only be judged by the Alpha. And only he can enforce the punishment upon his judgement.

Now, I'm not talking about burgling, petty thief or if you moved your fence into your neighbor's territory. There are real judges, courts and the sheriff's department for any of that.

Wolf law is not the same as human law. It is much harsher. The penalties vary from expulsion of the pack to death, depending on the gravity of the offense. And yes, only the Alpha does the killing.

He who passes judgement must swing the sword. It's medieval, sure. But we're not known for being progressive. Unless you count sexuality and gender - which I do.

After lunch, I returned to the classroom ready to put this past training behind me. And the class go smoothly, however I can sense Olivia's nervousness over what Elliot told her earlier today. I wish I could argue that he didn't make any sense, but alas...

"Liv, what Elliott said was worst case scenario. You don't have to worry about it. Take your time deciding when it's good for you." - I told her with a weak smile before the final period.

It's not what I want, but it's the right thing to say. She smiled at me and I melted.

I gave her a ride to her house after school and she thanked me for my patience. I told her she has nothing to worry about with me and I'll wait for as long as she needs.

However, as soon as I got to wrestling practice on Tuesday the coach benched me from the team. He said I was in danger of rut, which prompts rage and physical violence.

I didn't know what to do with my free period so I went over to where my mate was to admire her from a distance.

On Friday, I was gearing up for another weekend when Liv surprised me by saying:

"Hi. I think I'm ready for that special date tonight, if you want." - She offered with a smile.

"Really? Yes, I do want. Can I pick you up at 7?" - I stuttered from anxiousness, though my smile was radiant.

"Sure. See you later." - She replied, grinning.

I gasped so hard I was almost late for class.

"Liv, if you feel any different today just message me, okay? Don't wait, call me and I will find you." - Elliott said in between classes with a worried tone.

"I'm fine, Elliott. Relax!" - She said, frowning.

"I am relaxed! Do you need a naked picture of him to make up your mind or something?" - He joked, causing everyone to gasp in shock.

"Why do you have a naked picture of my mate?" - She looked at him gobsmacked.

"I'm joking, Liv! Oh my Goddess!" - Elliott was baffled. Felix glances over at me and him, embarrassed.

No one does awkward like Elliott. It's impressive. Since I had a free period, I booked the hotel for tonight and texted my parents to let them know I was spending the night away (with whom and where).

I'm seeing them later, but just in case.

"Are you okay?" - Felix asked me after the final bell.

"I'm great, why?" - I replied, confused as to why he looked worried.

"You seem on edge lately." - He tread carefully.

"I am a little. But it's fine." - I replied in a low tone. I didn't want to give away my plans in front of the entire class and risk spooking Liv. So I just blushed quietly. I could mind link him, but I'd rather wait and see.

I took her home, then drove to mine. I'm so nervous about this, more so than when I actually lost my virginity.

I made all the preparations, picked out my clothes, got a spare on a duffel bag, put it in my car, took a shower, made a little snack though I'm too anxious to eat.

Some time later, as scheduled, I show up at her house. She looks gorgeous with her hair down, a fitted skirt, showing off her legs, and a cute sheer blouse.

"Wow. You look beautiful!" - I'm mesmerized.

She blushed at this.

"Thanks. You're not so bad yourself." - She snickered.

We got inside my car and I drove to the restaurant. We had a nice gourmet meal where we talked about our week at school, Elliott - because why not - and our future. It's so adorable.

Afterwards, I drove to the hotel where we would stay the night. Fortunately, she had cleared that with her parents who only wished her the best.

We got inside, I offered her something to drink. We're both nervous so let's play it by ear, I suggested. She giggled.

"I'm not gonna lie. I've been dreaming about this for a very long time." - I confessed, bashfully.

"Me too. I just needed to work up the courage." - Sh replied in a sincere tone. I find her shyness so adorable.

I move to kiss her, but come close just an inch away, waiting for her to go the distance. When she did, sparks fly through our bodies.

We kissed for a good time, getting comfortable with the situation and naturally progressing our intimacy.

I kissed her neck, down her cleavage just enough to tease the possibilities. She loved it.

"Do I have your consent to undress you?" - I couldn't resist the question.

She smiled at me and assented. I undressed her gently, slowly peeling away the layers of clothing that covered her skin.

When she was down to bra and panties, I undressed myself quickly, ready to fulfill our desires.

Our naked bodies met with a warm embrace, while I kissed her body to her pleasure.

Then it happened.

Heat stroke her with such power that got her to mount me with eagerness. She rode me relentlessly, taking pleasure at my length penetrating her how she preferred.

I fondled her breasts kindly as her moans are louder and lustful. Our eyes glowed, drunk in deep desire for one another.

I couldn't possibly resist it. I came profusely as if I had never come before in my life. But her need for love wasn't quenched, so she continues on, having multiple orgasms taking absolute control of the situation and my body.

All I could do is give in to the intense pleasure she caused me, until my wolf compelled me to sink my elongated canines into her neck, fulfilling my need to mark her for eternity.

Afterwards, she did the same as her wolf claimed me with a vengeful need that made my soul complete. We are whole. We are one.

But our night is far from over.

We took a quick shower to clean the bodily fluids off of us and returned to our love nest, where we would spend the night making love in several different positions.

Honestly, I couldn't have asked for a better mate even if I had chosen myself. She's perfect for me and I'm so lucky to have her.

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