《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 39: Get The Party Started


I'm mad.

At Simon, for saying what he did. And at myself, for going off on him like that. I take no pleasure in humiliating anyone. Like I said before, it's not my thing.

But I feel very protective of my fellow omegas and specially of Liv, who's my best friend. She can be annoying, sure. Maybe says a bit too much sometimes, of course. But anyone who comes for any friend of mine won't know what hit them.

I'm fiercely loyal and an unapologetic defender of my people. It's how I was wired.

That being said, I know Simon is hurting right now. I realize he meant no harm and was probably speaking out of his own insecurity.

I get that. But it doesn't make me any less mad as I would be if I was asked the same question by my own mate. Though it's practically public knowledge that Simon never topped me.

But that was precisely out of fear, not desire. And this very fear is the reason why I get even angrier at the question, the implication.

What he basically said was: is your womb clean? Because I don't want you if it's not.

Which is why this is such a sore spot for us omegas. We're the most fertile individuals of werewolf society and we all grow up under the notion that if we don't 'take care' of ourselves, no one will want us.

This constant fear of rejection messes with even the best of us. Any of us. So kudos for those who manage to relax and enjoy pre-mated sex. Because I didn't until Simon, which is why it's so ironic he's the reason I'm so mad at the very moment.

After we left the locker room, I went over to the omega table at the cafeteria for lunch break. I never considered switching tables after getting mated like Ashley did - she now has daily lunch with her mate and his friends - but I don't judge her either. A lot of people do this. But it never even crossed my mind leaving my friends behind.

"Are you feeling better? I hope you know that it was not okay for him to ask that. And it goes the same to any of your potential mates." - I told her, looking around the table to everyone, who nodded along.

"I'm fine. I just got sidetracked a bit. I didn't expect this from him. He always seemed so open minded, but I guess when push comes to shove, he's just like anybody else in our pack." - She replied in a saddened tone.

"Yeah, but I'm sure he regrets it now. Not that I'm defending him in any way. But he was crying in the locker room." - I told her with some remorse.

"He was? Why?" - She asked with a frightful tone.

"I may have said some things." - I muttered under my breath, though enough for their understanding.

"Elliott, oh my Goddess!" - She gasped at this.

"I'm sorry, okay? He really pissed me off!" - I defended myself, though my tone was regretful.

"I know. But you didn't need to take him down over it." - She said with a painful expression, concerned for her mate.

"I realize that now. But I was angry. And no one messes with my friends. Not even their mates." - I said, kissing her on the cheek.

She smiled weakly at me and we spend the rest of the lunch catching up with everyone. Some time later, we're back inside the classroom.


"I'm sorry for what I've said before. I had no right to ask you that. Please forgive me as I promise to be a better mate for you." - Simon apologized to Liv as soon as he saw her in class.

She smiled at him with a soft admiring gaze.

"It's fine, I forgive you. It's just a sore spot for us, that's all." - She explained in a playful tone.

"Yeah, I know. I just forgot about it for a second. I'm very sorry." - He admitted with a remorseful expression.

She hugged him and he melted under her warm embrace, taking her scent deeply. After that, they took their respective seats.

Hours later, I'm with my mate as he's driving me to my house.

"I never saw Simon like that today. I was really scared. I think your opinion of him carries more weight than we thought." - Felix told me as he drove.

"I wasn't particularly enthusiastic about it either. But he should've known better than to ask an omega that question." - I replied in a vengeful tone. Felix gulped at my words.

"He should. But I'm guessing that didn't come from him. His parents are aware of Olivia's situation with Blackburn." - Felix opined in a serene tone.

That got me thinking for a moment.

"You're probably right. But it doesn't take anything away from Olivia's pain." - I argued.

"You said I was right? My goodness, it made my day." - He snickered.

"I said probably." - I shot back in a playful tone.

"I'll take it. And you're also right. It doesn't, I'm just offering you some context." - He argued. I kissed his cheek as he parked the car in front of my house.

We spent a nice afternoon inside. I guess the upside of spending so much time alone in my house is that we can enjoy ourselves free of interruptions.

And let me tell you, it has been wonderful so far. We've gotten so comfortable with our intimacy and exploring our bodies, I have no complaints. And he likes so much when I fuck him. Who would've thought? And I'm happy to oblige. I do love topping the (future) Alpha.

In the next morning, I woke up much better and not as angry as I was the day before. Though it has probably more to do with the intense make out session with my mate than the good night sleep.

At school, I greeted Felix and Simon without any resentment. Plus, he's not my mate so it's not my place.

"Are you alright? I know you took it hard yesterday." - I asked Simon after we exchanged pleasantries.

"I am getting there. But what you said yesterday really got to me. I guess I got so used to you singing my praises for all this time that the fall from grace hit me the hardest." - He replied, honestly.

I gasp at his sincerity.

"You're right. It's just that ever since I've met you, you haven't faltered once. So to me you kinda walked on water. But you're allowed to make mistakes. We all are. As long as we learn from them." - I lectured.

"Thanks, Luna. I have." - He stated in a confident but humble tone.

Shortly after, I went to greet my friends and he searched for his mate.

"Hi, Olivia. Are you okay? Can you forgive me for yesterday? I was being stupid and ignorant." - He said to her, who's next to all our friends as usual at the school yard.


"I'm fine, Simon. It's already forgotten." - She replied in a good mood.

"Good. Saturday it's my birthday party, you and your friends are all invited. But is it okay if I take you out on a date tonight?" - He proposed in a bashful tone.

"Yes, it is. Where are you taking me?" - She replied promptly with a smile.

"Oh it's a surprise. I'll pick you up at 7?" - He said, slightly blushing.

"Blow me away then." - She smirked. Then, he left our group.

"Oh my Goddess, his dates are legendary! You're in for a treat." - I told her enthusiastically and she giggled in contentment.

It seems that she's over Ben faster than anyone would've anticipated. But it's not true. They still exchange glances from time to time during classes. But she doesn't get closer to him anymore. It's not okay to be seen with your ex while mated. Not alone anyway, werewolves are possessive.

We gossiped a little before we rush to class. Me and my friends, I love them all.

At the end of the first period, Simon came up to her.

"Are your afraid of heights? Do you have any food allergy?" - He inquired.

"No and not that I'm aware of." - She replied, suspiciously looking at him.

"Great. Just checking. Have a good day." - He said with a chipper tone and walked away.

Liv and I stared at each other in shock.

"Oh my Goodness, this date is gonna be so epic it's gonna make my drive in date feel like a picnic at the garage." - I joked, which made her grimace all of the sudden.

"Is it weird for you that he's my mate? I know you two had a strong connection." - She questioned me, fearfully. Felix and Simon glanced our way with their eyebrows shot up.

I scoffed.

"What? No, not at all! Trust me, all I want is for you and Simon to be happy together. There's no weird vibe at all. I love getting my Alpha dick on." - I told her in an amusing tone.

She gasped at my bluntness. So did the entire class. Felix blushed.

I looked around at the embarrassed students and addressed them all at once.

"I'm sorry, does me saying I love my mate's penis make you uncomfortable? Suck it up, people! We're werewolves, we're sexual people. Snap out of it!" - I chastised them in a defiant, but playful tone.

Some time later, we're all in the next classroom. When I come to think on it, it makes perfect sense for the Beta's mate to be my best friend. Beta is Alpha's best friend too, so it's fitting.

Classes go by without a hitch. There's an awkward vibe between Ben and Simon during wrestling practice, but that's to be expected. Simon respects his space and doesn't comment on anything related to her near him. However, there are 20 boys overly excited about the pairing.

"Where are you taking your mate? The Moon?" - Patrick asked him with an amusing tone, once we got inside the locker room after practice ended.

Simon laughs at this.

"No, but it's gonna be special." - He replied, grinning.

"I'm sure it'll be. Look at you glowing. Congratulations, Beta!" - Patrick said with a smile.

"Thanks, Huntington. I hope you come to my party tomorrow." - He said cordially.

"I wouldn't miss it! Ash and I are super excited about it." - He replied enthusiastically.

"Ben, you're invited too. All the boys are, but if you feel you can't come, I won't hold it against you. I know this is hard." - Simon told him with a somber tone and a guilty expression.

Ben looks at him with a pained look on his face.

"Thanks, Beta. I appreciate it. Let's wait and see how I'm gonna be feeling tomorrow." - He said in an ambiguous tone.

"Whatever it's best for you." - Simon understood.

After that, we're all taking a shower.

Later on, I spent my Friday evening with my mate at home, while the pack house was being decorated for Simon's party tomorrow.

I'm sure Liv is going on a magic date right now, but I'm so happy just hanging out with my mate. I guess I'm a cheap date. But I do want more, just not all the time.

By now, it's not a problem for Felix to sleep with me in my room - thankfully - and when we wake up, we take a quick shower, have breakfast with my parents, then go to the pack house for the remainder of the weekend.

Things are looking good for Simon's big day. It's all beautifully ornamented and the house staff is running around making preparations.

It's night. Felix and I are dressed to impress as the new power couple of the pack. Dozens of students are flocking to the most famous house of the entire town.

Even though Simon didn't have to invite all the school population within mating age to him like Felix did, half the school is here. And the other half is probably dying of envy they didn't get an invitation. And yes, there're multiple warriors on guard duty.

All the boys from the team are here - including Ben - talking and mingling with the rest of the guests. Simon is looking good in a fit tailored Italian suit that honestly made several jaws drop. And he is a handsome boy to begin with that long curly hair and bright green eyes.

However, none of us were prepared for the impact when Liv arrives.

She let her blond hair down, wore contact lenses, a beautiful red lipstick that matched her vivid red dress that was fit for an awards show red carpet. She is a vision in beauty and confidence that made everyone's mouths agape.

Simon is legitimately drooling when he sees his mate. After she greeted the Alpha and Beta couples, she came to where Felix and I were standing inside the ballroom.

"Oh my fucking Goddess, who are you and what have you done to my best friend? You look drop dead gorgeous!" - I'm mesmerized by her. Though not nearly as Simon, who's starstruck next to us.

"Thanks. I can't show up at my mate's birthday party looking ragged." - She snickered, blushing at all the attention she's getting.

"Wow! Congratulations, Olivia! You have officially turned Simon into the most envied man of the school." - Felix complimented her, visibly in awe. She blushed at this.

"You really are a vision, mate. Thank you for accepting the bond." - Simon melted at her side, still unable to close his mouth.

"There was never any choice. I can't reject my mate, even if he's ridiculously hot and handsome." - She snickered, causing all of us to gasp in shock.

Simon blushed hard.

"Oh my Goodness, I love you!" - I exclaimed, in total awe of her.

"I love you two, bitch!" - She smirked, gagging me with her sassy attitude.

"Good evening, folks. I wanna thank you all for being here celebrating my beloved son's 18th birthday." - Beta Cortez said in the microphone, grabbing everyone's attention.

He is standing next to his mate, the Alpha couple by his other side. Simon's brother is close to his mom.

"This is a special day to any wolf as you know, so my mate and I are happy to share it with his friends and family." - He continued, gathering a round of applause.

"I also wanna congratulate him on finding his mate, the lovely Olivia Pullman. The Goddess couldn't have picked a better girl for my Simon. Congratulations!" - He celebrated, causing Liv to tear up a bit.

"Last but not least, I want you kids on your best behavior tonight because the Lockwoods are on security detail. And if you think their son is fierce, it's because you haven't seen the parents in action. Trust me!" - He snickered, causing a mixture of laughter and nervousness.

My parents are definitely looking fearsome in their uniforms assessing the crowd. I laughed at this. He is absolutely right. You don't wanna see my parents in action. Not that anyone is gonna harm any student, but some fear is good to keep teens behaving.

The music played, the food and drinks are being served across the crowded space and the guests are enjoying themselves.

I enjoyed the evening as well with my hot mate by my side. We ate, drank and danced the night away.

But the true stars of the night are Simon and Liv flexing their power couple status. It certainly doesn't hurt that they both look exquisitely gorgeous hand in hand circling the room, getting accolades from everyone.

This is the happiest I've seen Simon in a really long while and I'm so glad. Liv looks happy too, being the star that she's born to be.

On the other side, Ben doesn't look so bad. He isn't happy, but he's not crying or moping around, which is honestly better than I would've thought at this point. Though I'm sure he's hurting very much inside.

As the night went on, some students forgot themselves and tried to sneak into an empty room or bathroom to make out or whatever, but my parents were there to bust their bubble. This isn't a motel, people. Especially to the unmated.

Apart from that, everything went great. I had a blast and so did Felix. I can't wait for all the good things coming our way. Now if you excuse me, I have earned the right to spend the night with my hot mate. Let's get this party started!😏

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