《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 38: I Should Have Known Better


I'm worried.

I didn't know what to expect from my mate, no one ever does. But I sure hoped she wouldn't be tangled with another boy. I've seen this film already and didn't particularly like it the first time.

But then again, people make plans and the Goddess laughs. She's laughing hard at the irony right now.

The first period ended.

"Congratulations, Liv!" - Elliott cheered her in a happy tone.

"Thanks, Elliott. I'm still a little shaken up by it. I just can't believe I was mated to the Beta. Why me?" - She replied in an humble tone.

"Because you're beautiful, smart, compassionate, a true born leader and the best friend someone could ever need." - Elliott stated in an annoyed tone.

Liv blushed at his statement.

"It's true. Don't ever second guess yourself. You are a gem, a true good person. You deserve to be mated to the most eligible bachelor of the entire school. You deserve to be happy and to be treated well, as I'm sure you will be." - Elliott continued in a very confident tone.

"I don't know if he's the most eligible bachelor of the entire school..." - Marcus interjected, grimacing.

Elliott turned to look at him.

"Do you have a job secured next Fall? Does your family come from money? If there is any other person with those qualities who isn't already mated, please tell me now and I'll stand corrected." - Elliott boasted in a smug tone.

Marcus looked down. Elliott turned to look at his friend.

"As I was saying, you do deserve it. I'm sorry for not seeing sooner what the Goddess so clearly do. You are a superstar, Liv. And you deserve the best. No offense to Ben, who I'm sure will make for a great mate to a lucky girl one day." - He continued, causing a wrecked looking Ben to sob at the mention of his name.

Liv rushes to his side to comfort him with a hug. She cried too. And I left the classroom.

"Where do you get your confidence, mate? Damn, you speak with such self assurance that is staggering to me every time." - Felix melted at his mate. We're walking side by side in the hall towards our next class.

"Thanks, mate. For starters, I don't speak about matters I don't know of. I can offer my opinion if I'm asked or make a statement about something I know for sure. But I don't speculate, so that helps." - He replied in a matter of fact tone.

"Well, thank you for the kind words, Elliott. I appreciate it." - I chimed in, bashfully.

"You're welcome, Si. And you do deserve the best possible person for your mate. So, it's a match made in heaven." - He argued in a good mood.

I smiled at his enthusiasm. I don't share it not because I don't find her to be amazing. But I know the uphill battle I'm in for.

"Poor Ben..." - Felix said with a saddened tone.

"He'll bounce back eventually. It's gonna be hard, sometimes it'll feel impossible. But he will. Trust me, I know." - I argued, causing them both to look at each other guiltily.

As the news spread across the school like wildfire, I got congratulations and happy birthday from everyone in school. Every single student came up to me and wished me a happy birthday and congratulations on finding my mate.

Some probably are looking to score an invitation to my party, I'm not stupid. But I got the accolades as they came. I do deserve to have a day for myself. It is my birthday after all.


The boys from the wrestling team also congratulated me on finding my mate. Minus Ben, but I never expected him to.

"I'm so happy for you, Beta." - Huntington said to me in a cheerful tone after practice inside the locker room.

"Thanks, Patrick. I do appreciate it." - I replied in a low tone. Ben is quietly undressing and I try to respect his moment.

"I'm just glad it wasn't Brandon." - Andersen commented with a relieved sigh.

"Is that something you should say right now? Considering your best friend just lost his girl?" - Felix reprimanded him, who looked guilty at Ben.

"I'm sorry, Ben. I didn't think." - He apologized in a remorseful tone.

"It's fine, Marcus. Stupid of me for thinking she could be my mate. She's too good for me. I always knew it." - Ben said with a gut wrenching pain that made us all gasp inside the locker room.

"I hope you know that none of the things I said earlier were meant to discredit you in any way, shape or form, Blackburn. I'm sure you'll make some lucky girl very happy when your birthday comes." - Elliott assured him in a firm tone.

"Thanks, Luna. I know what you meant. I don't hold it against you. You're right, it just hurts." - He replied almost in tears.

After that, we finished our routine quietly.

Human beings are funny creatures. We know we shouldn't form relationships. We know what we're in for. We know what will happen. But we do it anyway. We can't help it. We are social people after all.

We are werewolves but the human component in us demand not to be alone, demand us to make connections. Even if it's just to get a release. Or whatever my mate got from hers, I'm not entirely sure.

My mate.

It's so weird associating Liv to the word mate. Not because she wouldn't have one, I just never thought she'd be mine. But then again, if it weren't for Elliott coming into town, I'd never have thought any omega would be my mate whatsoever.

Serves me well for my arrogance in thinking any werewolf is lesser than the other. My dad wasn't even supposed to be the Beta. But the former Beta had his eldest daughter mated to the Alpha. So, Mr. Hollingsworth called upon my dad to serve by his side.

After the final bell rang, I came up to Olivia in class.

"Hi. I don't know when you'll be available, but I'd like to talk to you whenever you can." - I proposed in a low tone. She blushed instantly.

"I can talk now if you want." - She replied, causing me to gasp in surprise.

"Really? Great! Can I give you a ride?" - I suggested in a better mood than I anticipated.

"Sure." - She said promptly, smiling at me.

Elliott got emotional at our interaction but I ignored him or I'd lose my nerve.

I've taken Liv to her house, but not before I talked at length with her inside my car. We spoke for hours about different subjects, expectations from each other for this pairing, it was remarkable how the conversation flowed.

We just avoided one topic in particular, but that was on purpose. I didn't want to bring up completing the bond just now when she still had Ben in her mind. It's unnecessary, for my taste.

I only asked for a hug from her to calm my wolf, she happily complied even kissing me on the cheek before she left my car to enter her house.


My wolf howled inside my chest at my mate's touch. It really is an indescribable feeling of warmth and fireworks like I've never felt before. Damn, I like being mated.

Though I'd prefer if we were kissing for real, I'll take what I can get. I've told her I'd pick her up for school the next day and she said okay.

When I got home, my parents had already arrived from work and they were eager for me to tell them who my mate is.

I was a little self conscious about my mate being an omega all of the sudden, not that I care. But mainly because of my dad.

"It's Olivia." - I informed them, nervously.

"Pullman?" - Dad gasped in shock.

"Yes, dad." - I rolled my eyes.

"Congratulations, son!" - Mom cheered me with a hug.

"Congratulations, Simon. She is an excellent girl. You got lucky." - Dad said in a less cheerful tone.

"I know you didn't think my mate would be an omega, dad. But I don't care about that. In fact, it's the least of my worries." - I said in an irritated tone. I knew he'd react this way. Fuck!

"Calm down, son. I don't think less of her because she's an omega. I'm just surprised it's her, that's all." - Dad defended himself, frowning at me.

"Tell me about it. She found out literally coming late for class because she was busy making out with her boyfriend." - I said, making them gasp in shock.

"She's not the first person mated out of a relationship and she definitely won't be the last. It's fine as long as she didn't let herself get carried away." - Mom said in a somber tone, though I detected some troubling euphemism in her argument.

"Mom, no one gets mated a virgin anymore. Sorry to burst your bubble." - I spoke with a snarky tone.

"That's not what your mother meant, Simon. And watch your tone when you speak to us!" - Dad reprimanded me in an angry voice.

I gasped at the implication. Now, I can see it clearly.

"Well, I'm sure she took care of herself. We live in the era of information and she was well raised by her mother." - I argued, not knowing what else to say.

I may be a lot of things, but I'm not a hypocrite. I never expected to be mated to a virgin nor did I aspire to. It's completely fine as long as she took care of herself. And no, I don't mean (just) for STIs.

Anyway, that's not my concern right now. Nor it should be. If I go down this rabbit role, I'll spiral out of control thinking about worst case scenarios.

Though that's easier said than done. I wasn't even thinking about that until my mom planted the idea on my mind and now I can't think of anything else. Fuck!

After barely get any sleep imagining the worst outcome, I knew I had to talk to her. Great, she's gonna love this conversation...

"Good morning, mate." - I greeted her in front of her house as she comes inside my car.

"Good morning, Simon. How are you doing?" - She replied in a good mood, taking a seat on the passenger side and closing the door.

"Fine. How did your parents react to the news?" - I asked her once I start the car.

"They're thrilled. You know they love your family. And they're not particularly fond of Ben, anyway. So two birds, one stone." - She replied, honestly.

I smiled at that. At least it's one battle I don't have to fight. But that was easy and expected.

"Good. I mean about the fact that they approve of me. But speaking of Ben, I have a delicate question to ask you." - I spoke as respectfully as I could.

She gasped at this, her look was dreading and fearful.

"Oh my Goddess! What do you wanna ask me?" - She raised her voice in despair, looking shocked at me.

"It's nothing much, really. I just..." - I trailed off, stuttering in nervousness.

"What? Do you want to know if we had sex, is that it?" - She said in an accusatory tone.

"No! I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. I apologize. It's stupid. Forget this whole conversation happened!" - I pleaded with a remorseful expression as I drove.

"Wow. I never thought you of all people would judge me." - She said in a deeply hurt tone.

"I'm not. I swear!" - I yelled defensively.

She raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Right." - She spoke in a snarky tone.

I parked the car at the school parking lot and turned to look at her.

"I swear I'm not judging you whatsoever. I don't care who you slept with. I was just curious if you were careful. That's the Goddess honest truth." - I blurted to a very distraught Olivia.

She didn't want to look in my eyes, but since there's only the two of us here inside the car...

"Of course we were careful! I'm not stupid, Cortez! I know the implications of what would happen if we weren't. I'm not a moron!" - She spat at me, livid.

"I'm sorry for saying anything! It was stupid of me!" - I apologized as she opened the door and bolted out of the car.

Thanks, mom. Thank you very much. I just destroyed any chance of a good rapport with my mate. Fuck my life.

Felix caught me distressed and asked what happened. I told him and he sympathized with me. On the other hand...

"He did what?!" - Elliott shouted from the other side of the school yard, next to Olivia and the other omegas.

He hugged her for comfort.

"I'm gonna kill him! Just wait until I get my hands on that stupid Beta!" - He threatened, seriously pissed off. I winced in pain, not because I'm afraid of him but for the hurt I caused my mate by probing into her past. I'm the last person to judge anyone. And though I have always been careful with everyone - except for Elliott - I should have known better.

Olivia didn't look at me in class. Neither did any omega for that matter, including Elliott except for the death glares he gave me.

By the time we reached wrestling practice, I was feeling so defeated I excused myself from it. I told the coach I wasn't feeling well so I only did exercises on my own. Though there's more than one way of taking a beating.

"Are you okay, Beta?" - Patrick asked me once we got inside the locker room.

"I'm fine, Huntington. It's just not a good day for me." - I replied in a saddened tone.

"He's lucky I didn't face him on the mat today otherwise he'd be limping right now." - Elliott barked at me as he stood in front of his locker getting undressed.

"Whatever happened to no judgement? Why is it that I don't get the same treatment than everyone else? Why were you so quick to forgive Ben but not me?" - I asked him in a defiant angry tone, staring at Elliot. Ben winces at the mention of his name.

"First of all, I didn't forgive Blackburn. But it's not my choice to make, it was hers. Second, because you knew better. We've talked about this extensively. You knew how omegas carry the stigma of an unmated pregnancy because we're the ones so easily discarded over it. You fucking knew because I've told you this. That's why I'm pissed!" - He replied in an feral tone. Elliott is beyond furious. It's affecting even his mate, who's looking at me angrily as well.

I lowered my head in guilt, remorse and shame. He's right. He did tell me that. I should have known better than to ask her that.

"You're right, Elliott. Okay? You won, I'm sorry." - I said deeply hurt.

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to. I'm not your mate. And for the first time ever since I've met you, I thank Goddess you aren't!" - He spat. This really broke me.

Even after mated, Elliott has been my champion in high praise and respect. He never wavered in his affection for me, not once. Even when he embarrassed me by saying I am a "well endowed sex god" right in front of the entire class, which includes his mate.

Let's be honest, there are worst things to be embarrassed about for a guy.

But my point is: he never once stopped singing my praises to anyone who hears it. He doesn't get intimidated by anyone, not even his mate. And he doesn't shy away from the truth. Never. Even when it hurts. Which is why this is hurting me like a motherfucker!

I brake down in tears in the middle of the locker room in front of all the boys. Felix embraces me in a comforting hug that sustains me from falling down. It takes me a while to recollect myself. This wrecked me like nothing else has ever done.

I never wanted to be a source of pain to anyone, most specially to my own mate. So, this is bad. And it's gonna take me a long time to recover from.

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