《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 37: Bizarre Love Triangle


The story of Liv and Ben together (again) took such a turn that even her parents got called to school. Yes, once the rumor broke out throughout the entire school, the principal called her parents to check in if they were aware of the situation.

Do you wanna guess if she had told her parents she was dating her abuser? Yeah, if she didn't have the courage to come clean to her best friend, who by all accounts is the least judgmental person I know, let alone her own parents.

Needless to say, it didn't go over well with the Pullmans. Though she's not my friend, her dad and mine are. Her dad is the under Delta, which is the second highest ranking warrior of our force. He acts as Delta when Mr. Huntington isn't available, so he and my dad work closely. As does the actual Delta Huntington.

Which is why I know her family very well and they weren't cool with that at all. Even my dad talked about their situation at home with our family.

Apparently, she "chose to take her power back by taking another chance on the relationship on her terms."

That's the official story my dad told me. I don't have a relationship with her, so I didn't ask her about it. I'd ask Ben, but he has enough on his plate as it is. His parents also got called by the principal.

They didn't know about it either. No one would, if they hadn't been caught by Elliott inside the male restroom. If only they used the female one.

And to think Ashley figured it out because Marcus knew. Even I haven't thought of that! But of course Ben would tell his best friend. You can't keep a secret like this for much long inside. You need to confide in someone eventually.

Anyway, aside from the stares they've endured for the last few weeks and the obvious obstacle they faced with the parent units, they refused to give in and continue strong. Good for them.

In other news, I'm pretty much over Elliott at this point. It's been difficult, sure. Sometimes impossible to be honest. But there's only so much I can take. Eventually you have to move on. Especially because it's not coming back.

But I'm fine now. It's February and another month means my mate is closer than ever. I can feel them already.

No, not really. If only... but they are close, hopefully.

My friendship with Felix also has been restored to its full capacity. I don't even get weird anymore when I see them suck face. By now, it's as normal for me as Patrick and Ashley.

Another happy mated couple. Though I hear she has applied to colleges. But they won't be the first mates who endure long distance relationship and certainly not the last.

Ironically, it's not something I worry about. I don't care that my mate goes to college. I'd prefer if they stayed with me, sure. But whether or not they attend, it's their choice. Not mine. And I'm perfectly fine with that.

I'll miss them, obviously. But hopefully I can visit them. It's worse for warriors who don't get weekends off, they have schedules that go on any day of the week, holiday, business day or weekend.

I'm so glad I'll be Beta, to be honest. Also, I don't have to face warrior camp. All the boys from the team are deserving of a spot and I'm glad it's not my place to judge it.

But that's not for another 4 months.

"Are you excited, honey?" - Mom asked me during Tuesday morning breakfast.


"I can't hardly breathe mom. You don't know how much I need this." - I replied enthusiastically. Then, I took a bite of my pancakes with berries and syrup.

"Son, even the baby knows how much you need a mate. You've been moping around the house for months now." - Dad snickered, taking a sip of his coffee. Johnny laughed at this. So did mom.

"It hasn't been that long, dad! But it's fine, I'm good now. Long Live the Alpha and Luna." - I said, bashfully.

"Who do you want to be your mate?" - Johnny asked me with a radiant innocent smile.

"I have no idea, brother. Too many options for me to choose. Que será, será." - I replied, genuinely puzzled.

When I arrived at school, earlier than most people, I roamed around like usually, taking in all the scents and visualizing being welcomed by my mate.

I know I've been single for less than 2 months now and it's not about the sex - I mean, lack there of - but it's really about companionship. More than anything, I miss hanging out with people in a romantic setting.

I was so inspired by dating Elliott that now I really missed taking people on proper dates. Ironically, I was never one for dating much. But now there's nothing more I want. Go figure!

Growth, people. I'm nearly an adult.

"Happy Tuesday, Simon!" - Felix greeted me with a smile.

"You know, this doesn't mean as much to me as it did once." - I smirked, not sure he'd get the joke.

He laughed.

"I'm sure you'll be Tuesday'ing your mate in no time." - He said with an amused tone.

We talked for a bit before Elliott arrived and kissed him. He greets me as well.

"Are you excited?" - He asked me.

"I can barely breathe. And there's still a day to go." - I replied, anxiously.

Tomorrow is my 18th birthday. The day I'll discover my mate. And I can't hardly wait. It's been a long time coming. Goddess, I need a mate!

Soon enough, we're all inside the classroom. Unfortunately, the world doesn't stop because it's my birthday tomorrow. I'll still have class.

"Are you okay?" - I heard Elliott asking Olivia, who sits by his side in class.

"I'm fine. Though my dad isn't very pleased with me at the moment." - She replied with a saddened tone.

"Hang in there, Liv. Everything will be okay once you get mated to him." - He said, getting a smile from both she and Ben, who's at the front of the classroom.

"Thanks for understanding, Elliott." - She smiled at him.

"I don't. But like I said, it's not my place to judge. I'm here for you regardless, the same way I'd be there for Brandon or Rachel, even though she's gonna hit the jackpot tomorrow." - Elliott said, making me and her gasp.

"Yeah, no offense Simon. But I'm taken." - She said, looking at me apologetically. I blushed.

"Wait. You got mated already? To whom?" - Elliott asked her with a shocked expression. And he's not alone.

"I didn't say I got mated. I meant I'm in a relationship." - She clarified, causing Elliott to laugh out loud. And I do mean loud.

"I'm sorry, are you new? Do you think the Moon Goddess cares about your little relationship? If she did, I wouldn't be mated to the future Alpha of the pack." - Elliott argued, in between laughter.


"If that's the case, then Brandon can be his mate, not me." - She rebuked, causing Brandon and Marcus to gasp in shock.

"ANYONE can be his mate. You, Brandon, Charlie, even Nick. Plus, everyone else who isn't already mated. Maybe his mate won't even be an omega. Whoever it is, I just hope they like me back because I'll want double dates." - He said in a chipper tone.

I smiled at the thought. I want that too, of course. After that commotion, the class started.

The wrestling team boys are [not] surprisingly behind Ben and Olivia's relationship. Not so much because they understood it, but they supported him. We're a close knit group, despite the impending rivalry for the warrior positions.

"Are you okay, Ben? Has her dad threatened you already?" - Huntington asked him inside the locker room after the end of practice. He gasped at his question, though he's kidding. I think.

"I'm fine, Huntington. No, he did not. Though I don't like my chances of becoming a warrior in the Fall." - He replied in a honest tone.

We all feel for him in this moment. It sucks to have your entire life project derailed for something other than your warrior skills.

"I'm sorry, Ben. If it were up to me, I'd give you a fair shot. But it's up to the Delta. Even if I could overrule him, I don't ascend till months later." - I explained to him in a remorseful tone, though I don't have anything to feel remorse over. This isn't on me.

"It's fine, Beta. I've applied to colleges as well. I'll give it my best shot at warrior camp but hopefully I'll have something else to fall back on." - He said with a hopeful look on his face.

"Good for you." - I encouraged him.

"Hey Marcus, are you gonna hide your omega from Beta tomorrow?" - One of the boys joked, causing both of us to gasp at the mention of our names.

"Very funny, Anders. Last time I check, even you can be his mate. Are you gonna hide yourself too?" - Marcus rebuked, causing us to grimace.

"Goddess protects me!" - He scowled.

"Yeah, I don't want your ugly face to be my mate either, dimwit. I need a mate I can have a child with. I need to make another Beta." - I shot back, irritated.

All the boys got uncomfortable at my outburst, though I'm not saying anything new. Everyone knows this. It's expected of me as it is of Felix.

"Speaking of making another Beta. How is the baby making process, Alpha?" - The same boy asked him, leaving Felix and Elliott gobsmacked.

"This isn't the 1950's or 1960's. I don't want to get pregnant in high school, idiot! He's not even Alpha yet!" - Elliott barked, seriously angry.

"What he said." - Felix corroborated in a snarky tone.

After all this uncomfortable talk, we're all naked together having a needed shower. Who'd have thought that being naked among 20 other boys would be the least of our worries here in the locker room?

Seriously, talk about awkwardness.

Fortunately, lunch break was much more light topics of conversation, mostly around my impending mating.

"Do you have any preference at all?" - Felix asked me, curiously.

"Yeah, not anyone from the team." - I replied, grimacing at the thought. Felix laughs at the awkwardness.

Not that they are hideous or anything. But those are my boys, my friends, my teammates. And none of them can give me a child, except for the mated one. I know it's archaic but werewolf society is exceptionally traditional.

So, fingers crossed.

A few hours later, we're all in class for the last period.

"Hey mate, do you wanna go by my house today. It's Tuesday." - Felix suggested to Elliott, who giggled like an idiot at the play on words.

"Actually, do you wanna stop by my house today? It is Tuesday." - He said with a sexual connotation.

"Man, would you stop with the innuendo already? Everyone knows what Tuesday means!" - Olivia interjected in an irritated voice.

"OK, stop raining on my parade and go Tuesday your boyfriend. Don't play coy with me! I know what you did." - Elliott shot back, causing her and Ben to blush.

Damn... awkward.

After the final bell rings, I move along to go back to my house. My parents are throwing me a big birthday bash on this Saturday, they're hiring a cater company and everything. It's gonna be awesome.

But my mom got it handled. In fact, she even talked to Luna Hollingsworth to have the party at the pack house, which is much larger than my own. She agreed, of course, I'm practically her fourth child.

I can't wait for it, but more importantly, I can't wait for tomorrow because unlike Felix, I don't get the luxury of finding my mate at my birthday party. I'm gonna discover them at school just like everyone else.

But I already knew that. So, I went home, got busy with whatever I could get my hands on. I even studied for my exams. Then, dinner and bed.

When I woke up, both my parents were in my room. They sandwiched me in a hug with arms around me from both sides. They kissed my cheek and wished me the happiest of birthdays.

I took a quick shower, got dressed then got downstairs for breakfast. Johnny also wished me a happy birthday. He's so adorable.

"Remember son, be happy with whoever the Goddess pairs you. Even if they're an omega." - Dad advise me over breakfast.

"Dad, you're the one who has a problem with them, not me. I don't care who they are. I just hope they are available." - I shot back at him, who grimaced.

"I know they'll make you very happy, son. I know it in my heart." - Mom said with an empathetic tone.

"Thanks mom. You're the best. And thanks for the birthday party. You didn't have to go to too much trouble." - I told her, humbly.

"It's my pleasure. Anything for my treasured son." - She said, making my heart warm full of love.

I took my car and drove to school. To my surprise, Felix was already there.

"Happy birthday, Beta! I love you very much." - He welcomed me with a tight hug.

"Thanks, Alpha. What are you doing here so early?" - I was baffled.

"I came to surprise you." - He replied enthusiastically.

"Wow. I'm officially surprised." - I mumbled, still shocked.

Elliott arrived and greeted me with a hug, wishing me a happy birthday. With time, so did a lot of other students. Since everyone knows what today is, everybody is excited for the new pairing to emerge.

Felix, Elliott and I walk inside the school, getting a whiff of all the students for a possible mate.

Well, it's not anyone from the wrestling team - thank Goddess - it's not Brandon or Rachel - much to their relief - I'm walking and walking all the way to the junior class and nothing.

"It's still soon, there are still students to arrive." - Felix comforted me with an encouraging tone.

"It's fine, Felix." - It's all I could muster.

I could barely hide the disappointment. Where the fuck is my mate?

The bell rings and we go to the classroom. As I enter, the entire student body perked up at me for a possible mate pairing or to know who they are.

"Who is it?" - Patrick asked me, curiously.

"I don't know yet." - I replied in a short temper tone.

"I'm sorry, Si. I really thought it was Rachel or Brandon." - Elliott apologized, looking sorry for me. Both of them gasped at the mention.

"It's fine, Elliott. I didn't want them either. No offense." - I get some glares from them but I don't care. I didn't.

I would prefer someone who wants me. Though I maybe wishful thinking. Anyway, the class is about to start.

"Wait. Where is--"

Elliott's voice is interrupted by 2 students arriving late, one of which has glowing eyes to match my own.

"No, no, no..." - I could hear the despair in Ben's tone. I know it very well.

"MATE!" - I declared in a deep, husky tone.

"MATE!" - Olivia replied with eyes shining the brightest I've ever seen.

"Oh my Goddess!" - Elliott shouted in shock. But the entire class was gobsmacked at the revelation. I guess no one saw that coming. Me neither, to be honest.

She just stared at me at the entrance of the classroom, looking shocked next to Ben. The teacher didn't know what to do. I'm almost unresponsive.

But I'm not new to this. I know how it works.

"I, Simon Cortez, accept you Olivia Pullman, as my mate." - I stated in a serene tone.

She kept staring at me in awkward silence.

All our classmates kept staring at her, waiting for a response in anticipation. The nervousness and anxiety are corroding me inside. I'm sweating cold now.

"Ms. Pullman. Mr. Blackburn, please take your seats for the class to start." - The teacher snapped us out of our daze and directed them to sit down.

Tears come to my eyes. They come flowing and unstoppable.

"I'm sorry!" - Olivia said, looking remorseful at Ben.

"I, Olivia Pullman, accept you Simon Cortez, as my mate." - She declared, much to my relief.

"Who the Moon Goddess united in bond let no one torn asunder." - The teacher stated in a cheerful tone, then he lead a round of applause for us by the entire class.

Oh my f-- Goddess! That was awkward, wasn't it? Man, the humiliation I just avoided. That was close. And so my watch begins...

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